LOVE DURING LOCKUP LaTisha Collier arrests and criminal history

Love During Lockup Season 3 introduces viewers to convicted felon Keith “Lil Mike” Collier and his wife, LaTisha Collier. LaTisha owns her own accounting and tax preparation business, and many viewers may wonder why an accountant would be using the Federal Bureau of Prisons as a match-making service.

As it turns out, LaTisha is no stranger to being behind bars herself! The 36-year-old momtrepreneur has been arrested numerous times over the years, including multiple convictions.

Unfortunately for LaTisha’s Boss Tax and Accounting Services, many of her charges and convictions are for things you wouldn’t want your accountant or tax preparer to be guilty of, including felony fraudulent practice and felony theft.

Bethenny Frankel defends Kardashians after years of hate; “it’s very basic business”

While most of Hollywood is on strike, Real Housewives of New York star Bethenny Frankel has been outspoken about how talent should get residuals and make money off their products.

Now she’s coming to the Kardashians defense for the first time in years after being one of their most vocal critics.

Watch her video rant to find out more…