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Win a date with Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley!

Surely we must be joking?!? No we’re not, and for those Airplane! fans out there, please do call him Shirley!

That’s right, you could be snuggling up with the Belden Lineman Camp t-shirt wearing teddy bear Gary Shirley from MTV’s Teen Mom! Burly Shirley will be appearing live in the studio on The Matty P Radio Hour Show this Thursday, March 29, where three young ladies (actually, the contest doesn’t specify age or sex – we’re just assuming) will compete for a cyber date with “America’s #1 Baby Daddy!” KEep reading to find out how you can get your entry in and possibly be basking in some of that “Gary Time” you’ve heard so much about!

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VIDEO Gary Shirley sings a song for best bud Evan Parker

If you’re an It’s Gary Timer then you know the portly bearded Teen Mom star has quite the bromance going with best bud Evan Parker. Earlier today Gary decided to take the HElationship to a whole new level by recording a song for Evan and sharing it on Facebook! Keep reading to watch the heartfelt performance and read the lyrics to this masterful bro ode.

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PHOTOS Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 casts in New York City for reunion shows

New York City turned into Teenmomtropolis this weekend as the casts of both Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 were in town to film their reunion specials with Dr. Drew. Keep reading for 50 photos of the gals, guys, and kids having fun in the Big Apple!

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Amber Portwood’s house arrest rules: No Alcohol, including mouthwash!

The conditions of Teen Mom Amber Portwood’s house arrest have been released to TMZ.

She is being monitored with an ankle bracelet (a la Lindsay Lohan) and is not permitted to leave her grandparents’ house at all except for pre-approved meetings like AA and attorney appointments. She’s also prohibited illegal drugs (isn’t everybody?) and alcohol of ANY KIND.

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Amber Portwood hit with laundry list of probation violations

Teen Mom Amber Portwood has been hit with a laundry list of probation violations and could very well see jail time and lose renewed rights to see Leah. Read the list obtained from court records that paint a very gloomy future for Amber and her upcoming January date before the judge.

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PHOTOS Teen Mom trading cards are here! Buy yours now!

Do you have a Teen Mom fan on your Christmas shopping list and you have no idea what to get him or her? No need to worry because just in time for Black Friday artist Adam Ellis has released a set of custom Teen Mom trading cards! Keep reading to see all seven, including original Teen Mom cast members Maci, Farrah, Amber, Catelynn, Tyler, Gary, and Ryan! (WARNING – a few of them are a bit harsh)

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VIDEO Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley and Tyler Baltierra name dropped on 2 Broke Girls

The guys and gals of Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 have become a pop culture sensation! Get up to date on all the shows referencing the young reality stars including the latest clip of Kat Dennings’ affectionate (and downright lusty!) remarks about Tyler on the CBS sitcom Two Broke Girls.

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood can totally relate to Kim Kardashian

While seemingly the whole interwebs is hating on Kim Kardashian in light of her recent divorce filing from baller Kris Humphries at least one celeb can relate. Teen Mom Amber Portwood sees similarities between what herself and baby-daddy Gary “It’s Gary Time” Shirley have struggled with and the probably failed relationship between Kim and Kris. Read Amber’s comments and then make the all important decision of who you’d roll with, Shirley or Humphries!

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ANIMATED GIF Teen Dads react to Gary Shirley once using Saran Wrap as a condom

The entire Teen Mom universe has been in a state of continuous laughter since someone shared a screen capped image from the Teen Dads Special with Dr. Drew that showed the reactions of the guys to the rumor that Gary Shirley once used Saran Wrap in lieu of a condom. We decided just one still image wasn’t enough to honor this momentous shock-and-awe occasion, so we created an animated gif!

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood suffers panic attack, taken to hospital

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood was rushed to the hospital Wednesday after reportedly suffering a sever panic attack and being unable to breathe. There are rumors of a drug overdose, but a source tells the Daily Mail that it’s more likely Amber just forgot to take her prescription anxiety medication Klonopin. The attack comes one day after the new issue of Life and Style magazine hit newsstands with a cover story about Amber being seen out clubbing and drinking a lot lately.

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VIDEOS Teen Mom post-reunion interviews with Amber, Gary, Farrah and Debra

MTV has posted a couple of post-reunion Teen Mom interview clips featuring Farrah Abraham and her mother Debra as well as Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley. I thought I’d share them with you a-la the After Show break downs and provide a summary of what was discussed, including the fact that Gary and Amber can still see a future together and how Farrah and Debra have concocted an intimate apparel, dating themed cooking show that Farrah may want to star in some day!

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Gary Shirley says he’s “completely through” with Amber Portwood

At the end of August Teen Mom Amber Portwood returned to her home in Anderson, Indiana after a two-month stint in a California rehab facility getting treatment for depression and anger management issues. When Amber got home she found Gary Shirley and their daughter Leah waiting patiently to welcome her back. Everything seemed to be going great for the couple. But, less than three weeks later, Gary says he is calling it quits for good, and it appears to be Amber’s infidelity that motivated the split! Keep reading for Gary’s announcement and find out how he dealt with the sad news.

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Amber Portwood update: Home from rehab, hanging with Leah and Gary

Following her well publicized two month stint in a Malibu rehabilitation facility Teen Mom Amber Portwood has returned home to Anderson, Indiana. As it stands now baby-daddy Gary Shirley has sole custody of their daughter Leah but Amber spent time with her adorable daughter and Gary as she took care of errands over the weekend. Catch up with the latest in Amber’s world including a blog her brother Shawn has started that has some very harsh words for MTV.

Teen Mom Gary Shirley's Aeropostale shirt blurred out, censored by MTV
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PHOTOS Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley censored, Aeropostalegate continues

See the first pictures of MTV’s censorship of Gary Shirley’s Aeropostale wardrobe after the company insisted he stop wearing their clothes. Plus! Meet my new favorite character from Teen Mom! (HINT: We haven’t been formally introduced to this character yet but he/she loves hanging out at Gary’s mom’s house!)

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Abercrombie & Fitch offers The Situation “substantial” cash to stop wearing their clothes

It looks like we have an Abercrombie & Fitchuation! Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino is getting paid to… not wear clothes?

Fellow MTV star Gary Shirley of Teen Mom was recently asked by Aeropostale to stop wearing their shirts, and now The Situation has been offered cash by Abercrombie & Fitch to stop wearing their clothes while filming Jersey Shore. Gary got the short end of the stick on this deal, nobody offered a “substantial payment” to ItsGaryTime to control his sartorial choices!

Gary Shirley has been asked by Aeropostale to stop wearing their clothes. Leah is not pleased
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Aeropostale asks Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley to stop wearing their clothes

In one of the most un-American moves in the history of the fashion industry, Aeropostal has reportedly “reached out” to Teen Mom star Gary Shirley and demanded that he no longer wear their clothes! Keep reading for all the fascist fashion details, read fans’ horrified reactions, and sign up for the “Let Gary Shirley wear Aeropostale” Facebook page!

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Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley shares videos of daughter Leah driving a car and dancing to Bonnie Tyler

Watch two videos of Gary Shirley and Amber Portwood’s daughter Leah having a blast driving a little hot pink car and then dancing along to Bonnie Tyler’s “Total Eclipse of the Heart!” It will warm your heart to see her so happy amidst all of the stressful things happening with her mom! (Thanks to Gary for sharing these)

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VIDEOS Teen Mom S3 E2 After Show and bonus footage

It’s time for our weekly roundup of the Teen Mom After Show and bonus footage as the girls of the show (minus Amber who was in rehab for the taping) discuss the latest episode including Farrah’s modeling career, Maci blasting Ryan for being awful to her and his mother and Catelynn’s explanation of how Tyler makes her a better person.

The bonus footage is of Amber, Gary and Leah moving into their new diggs. There’s a laundry hamper for a TV stand and Gary’s mom Carol gets upset because she thinks Leah’s learned to drop F-bombs from Amber!

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Amber Portwood’s daughter Leah has a Twitter account

Gary Shirley is a man with a million plans and his latest is catching quite a bit of grief from the Teem Mom universe. It’s Gary Time, the boyfriend and baby-daddy of Amber Portwood, who is currently in rehab, has set his daughter up with a Twitter account. Find out all about this and read Gary’s defense of the hard to fathom decision.

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Original Teen Mom Season 3, Episode 1 recap: Boob job loans, and “Is Kyle slow???”

It looks like they started shooting Teen Mom Season 3 pretty soon after after Season 2 ended, which is good because the drama in these girls’ lives doesn’t stop for anyone, or anything. In the first episode alone we get to explore the Western ideal of female beauty, the psychology of passive aggressive face-to-face text messages, when birds should fly away from the nest, and learned how to break up with your boyfriend.

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Email address set up to send messages of support to Amber Portwood after suicide attempt

Teen Mom’s Amber Portwood is currently recovering from a suicide attempt, but she’s reportedly “safe” now and receiving treatment. Now her baby’s father Gary Shirley has set up a way to send her your positive wishes.

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AUDIO listen to Gary Shirley’s 911 call about Amber Portwood’s suicide threat

The 911 call placed by Gary Shirley after Teen Mom star Amber Portwood suggested to him over the phone that she was going to kill herself has been released. In the brief phone conversation Gary explains to the operator that he had just gotten off the phone with Amber five minutes before and she had told him to call the police and that they “can find my body in the garage.” KEep reading to hear the entire conversation, which seems to back up the initial reports by Star magazine.

Gary Shirley threatens to take Leah away from Amber Portwood
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Amber Portwood’s family blames Gary Shirley for hospitilization

Amber Portwood’s family is blaming baby-daddy Gary Shirley for the Teen Mom’s current hospitilization from a reported suicide attempt yesterday. Read the allegations made by Amber’s brother Shawn, Gary’s denial and a direct quote from the Season 3 trailer that seems to contradict Shirley’s defense.

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood tweeted about Gary Shirley’s infidelity before alleged suicide attempt

Read Amber Portwood’s tweets just prior to being taken to the hospital for depression and suicidal tendencies. (According to some reports she did attempt to take her life) The tweets address alleged infidelities by Gary Shirley and her frustration at people’s perception of her because of how she reacted to being “broken” by his cheating ways.

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Amber Portwood: Season 3 of Teen Mom will explain Gary Shirley beat down

Amber Portwood is now serving a 2-year-probation sentence for the infamous televised smack down of baby-daddy Gary Shirley. In a recent discussion with HollyBaby the Teen Mom talked about the violence of the popular show Mob Wives and dropped a little Season 3 spoiler info by revealing that viewers will be provided important background information that will help explain why she was compelled to lay it on “It’s Gary Time.” Read on for the quote and why, despite her not condoning the violence of Mob Wives, Amber’s a big fan of that show.

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood pleads guilty, two-year prison sentence is suspended in deal

Teen Mom star Amber Portwood had her day in court today for her attack on ex Gary Shirley last year, a beatdown that was famously aired by MTV during the second season of the show. Because the couple’s daughter Leah was a minor and was present during two of the attacks, Amber faced multiple felony counts and was looking at the possibility of serving three years behind bars and a $10,000 fine. Keep reading to find out what the judge decided and what that decision will mean for Amber in the days to come!

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VIDEO Teen Mom Season 3 commercial with Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley

MTV used it’s Movie Awards show last night to not only launch their new series Teen Wolf, but also to premiere a batch of Teen Mom Season 3 previews! Instead of one spot that covered all four girls in one sweep the network did individual 30-second commercials for each. Keep reading to watch the commercial for Amber Portwood, whose storyline looks to feature a lot of baby daddy Gary Shirley and therapy.

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MUG SHOTS Gary Shirley arrested following confrontation with Amber Portwood

Just yesterday as in YESTERDAY I rambled on about how Gary Shirley and Amber Portwood would somehow be the couple to stand the test of time in the Teen Mom universe. Now we have Gary’s first known serious run in with the law that happened following an alleged confrontation with Amber. Incredible!

See the two mug shots and find out how an argument with Amber caught the police officer’s attention and what offense Shirley got double handcuffed and taken to jail for.

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Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley’s bond is unbreakable

Call me crazy but when the dust settles in the Teen Mom universe and MTV is doing a 30th Anniversary Special my money is on troubled lovers Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley to be the couple together holding hands laughing at it all. Read Gary’s latest sweet-tweets to his tweetheart Ambs that includes the following poster child for social media information overload:

“Next to me half naked. Wearing my shirt.”

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TEEN MOM Gary Shirley awarded primary custody of daughter Leah from Amber Portwood

An Indiana judge awarded Gary Shirley full custody of his and Teen Mom Amber Portwood’s daughter Leah earlier today, but not because the judge or Child Protective Services deemed Amber an unfit mother. Keep reading to find out the real reason for his decision!

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Amber Portwood headed to trial for Gary Shirley beating

Amber Portwood is not a happy Belden Lineman Camper following yesterday’s court appearance stemming from her televised beat down of baby-daddy Gary Shirley. Catch up on the details, find out how Amber reacted and read the multiple charges she will now have to defend against in a full on trial.

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PHOTOS Tyler Baltierra and Gary Shirley in LA for Teen Mom Reunion

I posted photos earlier today of Teen Mom‘s Gary Shirley and Amber Portwood hanging out in Los Angeles and while mentioning various rumors about the TM cast members that “There’s no word on Catelynn and Tyler.”

Well, now there’s word on Tyler Baltierra! Actually, a couple thousand words in the form of two pictures of Tyler and Gary Bear hanging out together in Los Angeles where the cast of the first Teen Mom series are filming their reunion special to cap off production on the third season.

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PHOTOS Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley invade Los Angeles

The state of Indiana can breathe easy because their two biggest rabble-rousers have flown the coop! Teen Mom stars, and frequent feuders, Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley are in Los Angeles to wrap up filming on the third season of their reality series. Keep reading to see the pics and find out why The Golden State may have to get used to having Gamber around!

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PHOTO Gary Shirley and Maci Bookout partying in Nashville

In what could very well be the most stunning confluence of Teen Momegery outside of a Reunion Special, Gary Shirley tweeted the above photo of himself and Teen Mom Maci Bookout partying hearty in Nashville over the weekend! Keep reading to see the full picture and find out all the reasons why this image is so amazing!

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PHOTOS Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley’s movie date night

Teen Mom Amber Portwood and baby daddy Gary Shirley’s on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again, on-again, off-again, on-again…. relationship is back ON – and it appears to be rather serious. (If being together for more than two days consecutively without any know feloniously violent outbursts counts as “serious,” which in Amber and Gary’s case it does.) Keep reading for photos of the couple’s date night to a local movie theater and find out which surprising flick they wound up seeing!

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PHOTOS Teen Mom Gary Shirley and Amber Portwood shopping for promise rings

In Chapter 337 of “Who Is Amber Dating Now?” the Teen Mom star and her former fiance Gary Shirley were photographed at Kay Jewelers in Indianapolis shopping for a promise rings! And right after that they headed off to Burlington Coat Factory to buy outfits for an Oscars party. (Yeah, there’s a photo of that too!)

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VIDEO Amber Portwood groped by Gary Shirley as they sing along to ’80s songs

I literally have no idea what to make of this one folks. This video was posted on a relatively new Facebook account claiming to be Teen Mom‘s Gary Shirley and it features Gary along with his former fiancee Amber Portwood singing along to Youtube videos for the ’80s songs “Time After Time” by Cyndi Lauper and “Love Is A Battlefield” by Pat Benatar! In the video Amber appears to be drunk or high and Gary is grotesquely over-affectionate. Not good. Not good at all. You gotta see it!

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My Top 5 Favorite Inanimate Objects from Teen Mom

This blog (as well as thousands of others) spends a lot of time obsessing over the young ladies from the MTV reality series Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2. These eight girls, their friends and their families supply us with a seemingly endless supply of on-and-off-screen drama to write about as they try to deal with the responsibilities of motherhood being thrust on them at such a young age – all of which plays out each and every week on our television screens and in the tabloids.

I’m as big a fan as anyone of the Teen Moms and their entourages, but I thought I might take a moment to recognize some of the under-appreciated stars of the show – namely the inanimate objects that play such an important supportive role. I’ve compiled my Top Five Favorite Inanimate Objects From Teen Mom and Teen Mom 2 (actually six, but that’s because of a tie) and arranged them from Number Five up to Number One. Keep reading to see the list and take the poll to let me know if you agree!

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley’s no-contact order lifted

There ain’t no mountain high enough, ain’t no valley low enough… to keep Teen Mom Amber Portwood and her baby daddy/punching bag Gary Shirley apart!

After felony charges were filed against Amber for her on and off-screen attacks on Gary Bear a judge placed a no-contact order disallowing the two from being in contact with each other outside of that which was necessitated by their shared custody of daughter Leah. That order was lifted today by an Indiana court and the two were photographed leaving the courthouse holding hands! And they lived happily ever after…

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Gary Shirley’s new girlfriend Autumn Jones is a mother stand-in for baby Leah

Teen Mom‘s Gary Shirley is reportedly moving on from his explosive relationship with baby mama Amber Portwood. Radar Online says he’s dating another young mom named Autumn Jones, and Gary and Amber’s daughter Leah is reportedly calling Autumn “Mommy!” Radar’s anonymous source explains: “Amber’s never around and doesn’t spend quality time with Leah, so she’s…

Teen Mom's Gary Shirley
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AUDIO Gary Shirley tries to cover up another Amber attack in phone call with girlfriend Ashley

In yet another reminder that Hollywood’s best screenwriters can’t possibly compete with the entertaining twists and turns of “unscripted” reality television, an audio recording has surfaced of a phone conversation between Teen Mom‘s Gary Shirley and his new girlfriend Ashley in which he tries to talk her into covering up an incident that occurred between him and baby mama Amber Portwood the day before. Keep reading to listen to the phone call and read a transcript of the conversation!

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State of Indiana vs. Amber Portwood update: Leah returned to ‘Teen Mom’

Following her release from jail Teen Mom Amber Portwood will be reunited with daughter Leah under the close supervision of Indiana Child Protective Services. Find out the latest deets in regards to the altering of the “No-Contact Order” and whom Amber is now prevented from having any contact with.

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State of Indiana vs. Amber Portwood update: No-Contact order issued

Find out the latest legal deets for Amber Portwood including a “no-contact” order that prohibits the Teen Mom star from having any form of contact with her daughter Leah. Also find out who will be responsible for Leah’s well being while this order remains in effect.

Bonus: See a street view image of the foreboding Madison County Jail where Amber is currently being held!

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood is in prison: State of Indiana vs. Amber Portwood!

Prosecutors in Madison County, Indiana have moved ahead with a legal case and have decided to charge Teen Mom Amber Portwood with three felony counts and one misdemeanor charge stemming from episodes of violence that took place in front of her baby daughter Leah! During an airing of the hit MTV show Amber was shown slapping baby-daddy Gary Shirley while her daughter was in the room. The case was opened December 27th and is officially titled State of Indiana vs. Amber Portwood.

Please read on for further details.

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Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley dropping serious cash but not on daughter Leah

If you’re dropping $6,000 on a boys weekend in Miami while pinching pennies when it comes to your baby daughter you’re working on an exclusive membership to the bad-dad club. We’re talking to you Mr. Gary Shirley!

Read on for a detailed bachelorfied list of things Gary has bought while not showing little Leah any of that monetary affection.

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PHOTOS Amber Portwood, Leah and Clinton Yunker decorate for Christmas

Teen Mom Amber Portwood, daughter Leah and her new boyfriend Clinton Yunker got into the holiday spirit by putting up Christmas decorations in the snow at Amber’s new apartment near Anderson, Indiana earlier today. Keep reading for all the holiday fun including some absolutely adorable shots of little Leah!

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Teen Mom’s Amber loses baby Leah to the state

After several domestic violence episodes caught by MTV cameras and reported to the police (not to mention other incidents that happened privately) Teen Mom‘s Amber Portwood has officially lost custody of her baby Leah. Amber was recently charged with one misdemeanor and two felony domestic violence counts based on the violence recorded by MTV as…

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Cousin Krystal claims Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley physically abused Amber Portwood

Yesterday Amber Portwood was charged with two counts of felony domestic violence against her baby’s father Gary, but her cousin Krystal claims that the domestic violence was not one sided. Krystal, who has been featured on the show, tells Radaronline that Gary has “laid his hands” on Amber many times, and even shoved her against…

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Teen Mom Amber Portwood charged with two felonies, faces up to three years in prison

Teen Mom Amber Portwood has been charged with two felony counts of domestic violence and battery and one misdemeanor count of the same for her assaults on former fiance Gary Shirley. Two of the charges stem from what was aired on MTV, but one of the felony counts is from an unaired incident that sounds terribly brutal! Keep reading for a description of that unaired episode and read the full affidavit detailing all three counts against Amber.

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PHOTOS Teen Mom Amber Portwood, Gary Shirley and Leah celebrate Amber’s birthday

Anderson, Indiana resident and Teen Mom star Amber Portwood was out on the town earlier today along with ex-fiance Gary Shirley and their daughter Leah and the small town’s first paparazzo was there to capture it all on film memory card! Keep reading to see the photos that include Leah toting a “Happy Birthday Mom” balloon suggesting the trio was out celebrating Amber’s birthday!

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TEEN MOM tabloid cover stories for Nov. 8, 2010

The second season of Teen Mom is over but these memorable mommies still have media momentum as their personal lives continue to gobble up valuable real estate on the covers of the weekly tabloids! Keep reading to find out all sorts of dark secrets about Amber including losing Leah, her pending arrest, her abuse of prescription drugs, suicide threats and rumors of cutting! Also, is Maci taking Bentley away to Los Angeles to star in her own TV show?!?

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Cops called after another physical fight for Teen Mom’s Amber and Gary

Amber and Gary, the troubled couple from Teen Mom who are already involved in a domestic violence investigation in Anderson, Indiana, got into another physical altercation early Wednesday morning that resulted in police coming to their Gary’s house and escorting Amber back home. According to reports, Gary was texting a male friend who Amber suspected…

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Watch Online Teen Mom Season 2 finale “See You Later”

It was a sad night last night as we had to say good-bye to our favorite reality show on television. Or perhaps we should all take a cue from Tyler and Catelynn and just say “See you later” to the young women and men of Teen Mom.

Thankfully MTV knows how to handle “see you laters” and they gave us an hour and a half worth of mama drama for the season finale. Keep reading to watch the full final episode followed by a bulleted recap of what happened with each of the moms!

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VIDEO Teen Mom’s Gary Shirley applied to be on Biggest Loser in 2009

After filming was complete for Amber Portwood and Gary Shirley’s episode of 16 and Pregnant and before production began on the first season of Teen Mom, the hefty baby daddy created a video application to be a contestant on Biggest Loser! Keep reading to watch the video and hear why Gary thinks he could have been the next Biggest Loser! (With guest snarking and poo-pooing by Amber!)