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MUG SHOT President Obama’s uncle arrested for alleged drunk driving

President Barack Obama’s uncle Onyango Obama was arrested last week in Framingham outside of Boston after police said he made a rolling stop through a stop sign and nearly caused a cruiser to strike his sport utility vehicle. He was stopped on suspicion of drunk driving and is currently being held without bail on an immigration detainer according to authorities. See his full mug and hear what he said when he was asked whom he would like to contact with his allotted phone call.

VIDEO Inevitable streaking of a weather reporter during Hurricane Irene

Dedicated weather reporter Eric Fisher for The Weather Channel was working Virginia Beach while the force of Hurricane Irene bared down on him. He bravely fought off the elements and more than that as a rambunctious young man did an inevitable live weather report streaking and the clip is now taking on a pantsless life of its own. Many lives were lost in the storm and Eric was pointing out just how dangerous the situation was when the nude man went running by.


VIDEO Baltimore news station interviews drunk woman about hurricane Irene

Poor Kermit the weatherman. This Baltimore news man finally gets to be like his fearless Weather Channel heroes by risking life and limb to broadcast live from the streets during a hurricane only to have his dream turn into a Merle Haggard song thanks to booze and a very attractive woman…


PHOTOS 11-year-old real life ‘Rapunzel’ Aimee Chase to get her first hair cut

Rapunzel, Rapunzel, cut off your hair,
so that folks won’t stop and stare.

Such is the mantra for 11-year-old Aimee Chase of Portchester, England whose impressive locks measure 3ft 6in long – long enough to reach the knees on her 4ft 11in frame. But, soon her impressive tresses will be at least two foot shorter after being introduced to a pair of scissors for the first time on Sunday.

PHOTO Loyal Labrador lays beside coffin of fallen Navy SEAL

At the recent funeral service for fallen Navy SEAL Jon Tumilson his loyal Labrador Hawkeye was photographed laying at his coffin side devout to the end. Read what his cousin Lisa Pembleton had to say about the heart-wrenching image that she posted to Facebook in memory of Jon and how Hawkeye acted on his own to display his devotion.

VIDEO PHOTOS Babysitter Keyona Davis arrested for riding in the back of pickup with a baby in a stroller

23-year-old babysitter Keyona Davis from Volusia County, Florida was arrested Wednesday after she was spotted by police riding in the back of a pick-up truck along with a baby strapped in a baby stroller! Keep reading to see Keyona’s mug shot photo and watch the shocking police dashboard camera video!

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PHOTOS VIDEO Nabisco introduces the Triple Double Oreo

Begging the question of “how much is too much?” Nabisco has unveiled it’s latest incarnation of America’s favorite milk accessory in the form of the Triple Double Oreo, which combines two layers of creme (one chocolate and one original) with three layers of crunchy, chocolaty Oreo cookies. Keep reading for all the sweet deets including lots of photos, a calorie and fat count, where the idea came from, and which surprising celebrities will be part of the marketing campaign!


PHOTO Is this Nivea “Re-civilize yourself” ad racist?

Usually it’s a good thing when your company becomes a trending topic on Twitter, but such was not the case for haircare product line Nivea, who are all the buzz thanks to a controversial new ad that many people find offensive and racist, with one site offering that it might be the most racist ad ever! Keep reading to see the ad and decide for yourself.


Alabama’s Panhellenic Rush Week video

What you will not see in the following Rush Week University of Alabama viral recruitment video is drinking, lingerie, Revenge of the Nerds style hidden cameras, wardrobe malfunctions or even a good old-fashioned keg stand. What you will see is a recruitment rap video put together by the steel magnolias that features a Rebecca Black ‘Friday” breakdown. In addition it looks like they’re trying to separate themselves from having ever made it by deleting their own version. Ah those college regrets!

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VIDEO Stage crashes at Sugarland concert, five lives lost

In very sad news from the world of music, the stage for the duo country group Sugarland collapsed during a sudden storm at the Indiana State Fair Saturday night. Five lives were tragically lost, dozens more were injured and a memorial service is being held today as the fair reopens to the public. We have video footage from a fan who was filming the threatening skies and caught the terrible and sudden moment in which the stage collapsed.

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PHOTOS Kameryn Gibson’s profile on gay/bisexual site BGCLive

In an interview yesterday, 18-year-old Kameryn Gibson said his seductive Craigslist ad that allegedly led to a hotel rendezvous with a naked Indiana state Rep. Phillip Hinkle (after an offer of $80 plus tip “for a really good time”) was all just a joke. But, Kameryn is no stranger to pitching virtual woo! Check out his racy profile on a gay and bisexual networking site in which Kameryn lists “hookups” among his many “interests.”

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PHOTOS VIDEO Teenager Kameryn Gibson addresses Rep. Phillip Hinkle Craigslist hook up scandal

Indiana state Representative Phillip Hinkle, a famously anti-gay marriage lawmaker, found himself in a bit of hot water earlier this week when The Indianapolis Star published a story detailing his alleged Craigslist hook up with an 18-year-old man named Kameryn Gibson. See photos of Kameryn and watch his interview with an Indianapolis news station in which he claims the Craigslist ad was initially just a joke with his sister.


Warren Jeffs mug shot photos with newly shaved head, plus hi-res photo of his 50 wives

Polygamist cult leader Warren Jeffs showed off a newly shaven head as he posed for his booking photos just prior to starting his jail sentence for aggravated sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl and sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl. Plus, see an amazing group photo of Warren Jeffs’ 50 wives all together.

VIDEO Deryl Dedmon, Jr’s alleged hit-and-run ‘hate crime’ murder

According to Hinds County District Attorney Robert Shuler Smith 18-year-old Deryl Dedmon, Jr. and a group of teens left a party, drove to Jackson, Mississippi to go f**k with some ni**ers and following a brutal assault, murdered 49-year-old James Craig Anderson by driving over him with a Ford F250. What the teens were not aware of is that this crime was caught on surveillance camera which CNN has now released to the public. See the heinous footage and find out the details behind what law enforcement is labeling a senseless murder motivated by hate.


You may suffer nervous breakdown and die on Real World

If you sign the Real World contract the following could happen and MTV would be in the clear legally:

They begin by claiming you’re a terrorist that has murdered children. They go to your house and take your LCD T.V. just as an upgrade for the crew while filming, meanwhile the producer scrolls through your email to check out nude photos which causes you to have a nervous breakdown and sleep with another cast member who has syphilis and your system reacts freakishly causing you to lose a limb for which the producer has to approve your new change in appearance. Another fellow cast member actually is a terrorist and the show didn’t know because there was no background check and he murders you with a gun while the show films your exit.


Casey Anthony surfaces in Ohio, lawyers trying to keep her out of Orlando

Photos of Casey Anthony have surfaced from the state of Ohio that show the young woman who was acquitted of murder looking incognito in a Ohio State University ball cap and shades. In addition her lawyers have filed an emergency motion ripping judge Stan Strickland for attempting to force Anthony to serve probation time back in Orlando. Read on for the latest.


Billionaire Alki David used live assisted suicide prank as a publicity stunt for his website

The billionaire brains behind that guy who streaked Obama is now going to air the first live assisted suicide via his website. Find out all the details including which rich man is looking to get richer from this event, the terminally ill man and family who’s agreed to it and the site on which it will be streamed.

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16 and Pregnant bad boy Josh Drummonds sentenced for forgery and larceny

MTV’s reality docu-series 16 and Pregnant has had its fair share of bad baby daddies over the course of three seasons, but none were any “badder” than Nikkole Paulun’s borderline psychopathic insignificant other, Joshua Drummonds. The 19-year-old was arrested (again) on May 16 for forging checks he stole from his mother (that sounds about right) and was sentenced yesterday. Keep reading for more info, including my initial impression of Josh just after having seen Nikkole’s episode.

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AUDIO Casey Anthony’s lawyer’s wife calls 911 over death threats

Cheney Mason was one of the high-profile attorneys that helped in the successful defense of Casey Anthony. Mason’s wife, Shirley called 911 this week after receiving several threatening phone calls. Listen to her call and find out what police are doing to help protect the Mason family.

VIDEO Casey Anthony reportedly on St. George Island, Florida?

Casey Anthony’s disappearance since she was released from an Orlando, Florida jail on Sunday has left news and media outlets baffled as to her current whereabouts. According to new reports her plane touched down in St. George Island, Florida Tuesday afternoon and she may be staying in a gated community there. Keep reading for the sketchy details and to watch a video report from a local news station!


PHOTOS Top Five ‘Seventeen’ magazine covers featuring stars before they were stars

To help Seventeen magazine celebrate it 65th birthday I’ve compiled a list of my top five Seventeen magazine covers that feature stars before they were stars! I won’t do any name dropping here so as not to spoil anything, but I feel confident that your eyes will widen at least once!


First official The Hunger Games movie poster released, and it’s animated!

Excitement and anticipation continue to mount as Lionsgate continues production of The Hunger Games film based on the hugely popular series of books by Suzanne Collins. Today the production company released the first official Hunger Games movie poster and although it doesn’t feature any of the cast it does have the added surprise of being animated!

Rupert Murdoch pie attacker Jonathan May-Bowles political rant

See a crazy video involving toys and toilets from the British bloke Jonathan May-Bowles (also known as Jonnie Marbles) who attempted and failed to custard pie Rupert Murdoch in the face during a session of Parliament. Murdoch is at the center of a hacking scandal involving his defunct paper News of the World while May-Bowles is now in the running for epic fail of the year for his pie miss.

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South Carolina couple see Jesus in Walmart receipt

Every so often one of these “images of Jesus on a random object” come across the news wire but I found this one to be particularly interesting and uniquely American. South Carolina couple Jacob Simmons and fiancee Gentry Lee Sutherland say they see the likeness of Jesus Christ in a Walmart receipt. See the eerie receipt, the couple and a video report on the simulacrum.

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MUG SHOT Woman arrested for trying to murder a Casey Anthony look-alike

Look, I understand there’s a lot of outrage out there because of the Casey Anthony verdict but one Shireen Nalley from Oklahoma took it a little too far! This maniac followed a clerk by the name of Sammay Blackwell out of work, chased her down and rammed her causing Sammay’s truck to flip twice. She then yelled “You’re trying to kill babies” at her while she pretended to be dead. Why? Because Sammay looks like Casey Anthony (with side-by-side comparison for proof).

VIDEO Man who survived 100mph car crash to be featured on The Indestructibles

Back on Aug 23, 2010 then 19-year-old Brennan Eden launched his Firebird at over 100 mph off of a median dirt ramp into an overpass and has managed to live to tell the tale. His incredible story will be featured this weekend on an episode of Nat Geo’s The Indestructibles as crash investigator Tim Leggett breaks down the circumstances that allowed Eden to survive. See the incredible footage of the crash, a brief summary of how Leggett explains the miraculous survival and an update on how Brennan is doing now.

Accused child rapist allowed to view child pornography in prison

Marc Gilbert is an accused child rapist that, because of a loophole in the laws of the state of Washington, is being allowed to view the 100 plus dvds of child pornography seized during his arrest while he’s in prison. To make matters worse, some of this footage is alleged by the prosecutors to feature Gilbert and young boys whom he had lured to his home. Read on for a video report from a Tacoma news agency and get the details as to why on Earth Gilbert is allowed to do this.

MUG SHOT Rodney King detained for suspicion of another DUI

It has been over 20 years since Rodney King was videotaped by George Holliday receiving a violent beating from members of The Los Angeles Police Department. When a jury was unable to find the officers guilty of crimes for the altercation it ignited the 1992 Los Angeles riots. Back then what started the whole thing was King in a high-speed chase attempting to avoid a DUI. Yesterday King was involved in a routine traffic stop and has been detained on suspicion of another DUI. Read on for the details.

VIDEOS PHOTOS 16 pound baby JaMichael Brown delivered in Texas, nicknamed “The Moose”

I suppose I am obligated to start off this post by stating, “They say everything is bigger in Texas!” The cliche certainly seems to hold true for Janet Johnson and Michael Brown of Longview, Texas who are the proud parents of son JaMichael Brown, who tipped the scales at just over 16 pounds at birth! Keep reading for photos of JaMichael and his proud parents as well as a couple videos and an explanation of why JaMichael was such a large bundle of joy.

VIDEO Take a virtual ride on world’s new steepest roller coaster

I am not a risk your life for thrill type of dude and I am especially a wuss when it comes to roller coasters. So when I watched just the video of the newly unleashed world’s steepest roller coaster I had to step outside and pop a couple of anxiety pills. Take a virtual ride on Takabisha, the beast of the Far East!


Netflix changing its pricing plan, separating DVD and streaming subscriptions

Netflix announced on Tuesday that their popular unlimited DVD by mail and unlimited streaming combined package would no longer be available starting immediately for new customers and September 1 for existing customers. The new pricing options are now either $7.99 for unlimited DVDs by mail, $7.99 for unlimited online streaming, or $15.98 for both.

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Casey Anthony attorney Mason worked with Simpson attorney Scheck to free convicted rapist

As the outcry from the not guilty Casey Anthony verdict rages on many who disagree with the finding are likening the outcome to the famous murder trial of O.J. Simpson. What many may not realize is that high-profiled lawyers from Casey and O.J.’s teams worked together on another famous Florida case involving Wilton Dedge who spent 22 years in prison for a rape he did not commit. Find out the fascinating details that link these two defense attorneys and on which stand-out documentary they appear.


Casey Anthony sentenced to four years in prison for lying to police

Casey Anthony was found innocent of murdering her daughter Caylee Anthony on Tuesday, but lost in the uproar over that verdict is that she was found guilty of four misdemeanor counts of lying to police for which she faced sentencing today. The maximum sentence would have been a year for each count and that is what the judge decided to give her, which means she was sentenced to a total of four years behind bars plus a $1,000 fine for each offense totaling $4,000. Keep reading to find out what that means and how long it will be before Casey walks free.

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Miley Cyrus calls Casey Anthony a murderer in defense of gay marriage

The internet exploded yesterday with an overwhelming outrage at the not guilty verdict handed down in the sensational murder trial of Casey Anthony. Celebrities were no different including Miley Cyrus who went after the young woman who our justice system has found innocent as a means to speak out in favor of equal rights for gay marriage in California. Read her tweet and my surprise at Miley’s matter-of-fact judgment when she herself suffers at the fate of the same harsh media.

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10 PHOTOS CBS reveals Big Brother Season 13 house

When CBS rolls out sneak peeks of the latest Big Brother house you know a new summer of voyeuristic fun is right around the corner. Check out 10 HI-RES images that includes a reveal of how many contestants we can possibly expect for the 13th season of the long running hit. Late night showmances, slop and endless backdoorification are soon to be upon us folks!

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What does Whitey Bulger look like now? Did the FBI composites come close?

It is silly to think that we amateurs get accurate information from the FBI when they are on the trail of a fugitive. They tell us what they think will do the job, and then change their story if they find another angle. I get it. But, there is a pretty big gap between what Whitey Bulger looks like in his newest mugshots and what the FBI told us he would look like, and it feels more like a mistake than a strategy. There is also a huge difference between the way Bulger and his girlfriend, Catherine Grieg have lived for the past 16 years and what we were told they were probably doing.

VIDEO Great White Shark sighting off Sebastian Florida’s Atlantic Ocean coast

Earlier this week, a rare Great White shark sighting off the coast of Sebastian, Florida, was captured on some astounding video by a spearfisherman with nerves of steel. If you’ve ever wanted to know what it would be like to come face to face with a Great White while diving deep in the ocean waters, this video will take you there!

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MTV casting for show about high school dropouts

If you live in the Chicago area, are between the ages of 17-21 and are outgoing than MTV might cast you for a new reality show. There is only one important catch, you have to be a high school dropout. Find out when and where you can audition, the concept of this ‘possible’ new show and let us know what you think about MTV having a show based on young adults who have dropped out.


MUG SHOT PHOTO 21-yr-old Amish man Willard Yoder arrested for sexting 12-yr-old girl, arranging meeting for sex

21-year-old Willard Yoder was arrested last week after sending hundreds of elicit text messages, including nude photos and videos, to a 12-year-old girl he didn’t know. Police arrested Willard after setting up a meeting in which he expected to have sex with the girl…. in his buggy! That’s right, Willard Yoder is Amish!

Keep reading for Willard Yoder’s mug shot photo and the complete narrative of the incident from the police report including quotes like, “Yoder was cooperative and walked his horse and buggy around the building and tied it to a post outside the West side of the store.”

VIDEO Daisy the cow does Shawshank Redemption impersonation

In the following random video I present to you South Armagh, Ireland’s gate bustin’ bovine Daisy. Farmer Tom Grant had a problem with his cows escaping their lock up consistently and he got so worked up about he went and had surveillance cameras installed to find out who was messing with his (cow) boys. It turned out to farmer Tom’s surprise it was an inside job.


PHOTO Police report from Jackass star Ryan Dunn car crash

The West Goshen Township Police Department has released an official incident report regarding the automobile crash that resulted in the death of Jackass star Ryan Dunn. Keep reading to see the full report, which doesn’t mention whether alcohol is thought to have been involved but does say, “speed may have been a contributing factor.”

VIDEO Nincompoop rammed off porta potty during Vancouver riots

Read on and here is what you will see from the Vancouver riots; a young nincompoop runs full steam and slams into a porta potty for no apparent reason until the apparent reason (the fact that some other idiot was standing on top of said porta potty) comes crashing down head first in to the pavement. Then a policeman proceeds to treat the porta potty smashing doofus like the porta potty he originally rammed by punching the dude in his face. I am not kidding, this is real.

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VIDEO PHOTOS Porn star Ginger Lee press conference addressing Anthony Weiner sexts

Get all the details from today’s press conference by porn star Ginger Lee and her attorney Gloria Allred. In case you missed it, Ginger Lee is an adult film star who exchanged close to a hundred emails and texts with Congressman Anthony Weiner, many of which were allegedly sexual in nature on the part of Weiner. (That guy REALLY liked to use the word “package.”) Includes photos as well as a video report from Fox News.


Bill Simmons gets his wish: LeBron James in Wiggles video for “Hot Potato”

Sports writer Bill Simmons made a plea to his readers yesterday writing, “The last LeBron sequence just reminded me of something: If somebody on YouTube doesn’t put LeBron’s face on one of the Wiggles in this “Hot Potato” video soon, I’m going to be bitterly disappointed. I don’t ask for much. Come on.” Never doubt your fans or the power of the internet! Keep reading to see Bill’s wish granted in all it’s marvelous glory!

Freaky Eaters: Do people actually get addicted to corn starch?

One of the latest episodes of TLC’s Freaky Eaters featured a woman, Nikki Miles, who was addicted to corn starch! She loved the powdery substance more than food: more than some of the yummy, fried, sugary, fatty foods that people usually get addicted to. Nikki was packing away three boxes a day (about 3300 calories) and it was causing weight gain, belly pain, and constipation. She was also lying to her husband, telling him she only ate about 3 boxes a week.


Is the “Seriously McDonalds” photo fake? Is McDonald’s really racist, taxing black people?

There’s a phrase trending on Twitter right now “Seriously McDonalds” linked to the offensive photo above, which looks like it’s from the fast food chain’s corporate office. It looks like it’s informing workers of a new policy: charging African Americans an extra $1.50 per transaction. Is this Real?


Bishop Eddie Long reportedly settles for $24.8 million and a private apology over sex scandal

After being accused in September of bribing and sexually coercing three young men in his congregation, Bishop Eddie Long has reportedly settled out of court for a whopping sum of $24.8 million! Keep reading for the alleged reasons for the high-dollar amount as well as my take on some of the numerous things horribly wrong with this entire scandal. Oh, and of course there are sexy cell phone pics of Bishop Long!

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Anthony Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin is pregnant

The Weinergate story has taken a much more serious turn today as The New York Times reports Congressman Anthony Weiner’s wife, Huma Abedin, is pregnant with the couple’s first child. According to reports the couple shared the news with family and friends only just prior to the Weinergate scandal breaking. So far there has been no official statement from either Weiner or Abedin about the pregnancy.

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Anthony Weiner’s wife Huma Abedin photos and video

As Anthony Weiner’s numerous online indiscretions play out in the media the spotlight is bound to shift from his infamous bulge to his exotically beautiful, and very private, wife Huma Abedin. Find out about Huma, who is deputy chief of staff to Hillary Clinton, and see numerous photos of her and Anthony Weiner together from the last couple years.

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VIDEO Full Anthony Weiner press conference; admits sexting six different women

It seems the Weinergates have busted wide open! Democratic representative Anthony Weiner called a press conference tonight at which he confessed to sending the infamous bulging crotch shot as well as numerous other “terrible mistakes” that include exchanging “messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years.” Watch the tearful confession and the brutal Q&A after. (Includes a full transcript of Weiner’s statement.)