VIDEO Casey Anthony reportedly on St. George Island, Florida?
Casey Anthony has disappeared since getting out of jail Sunday. She was last seen getting into an SUV with her lawyer Jose Baez in Orlando, and after that she seemed to vanish in thin air. Ascertaining her whereabouts has become a challenge among all the major media outlets as rumored destinations for her include Prescott, Arizona; San Carlos, California; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; and St. George Island off the Florida coast.
It’s the latter of these destinations that many now think may be the correct answer. News station WCTV confirms that the plane Casey Anthony left Orlando on did land on a private air strip on St. George Island Tuesday at 1:11 pm. The plane is owned by one of Casey Anthony’s attorneys, Todd Macaluso of California.
From WCTV:
Sources tell Eyewitness News that Anthony’s attorneys have rented a house for her on the island.
No one has spotted her,and it’s uncertain at which home she may be staying, but we have been told she is staying in a gated community: “The Plantation.”
And here’s an updated news report video clip from the station, who has reporters on the island (You may have to give it a minute to load):
For those of you unfamiliar with Florida geography and the location of St. George Island, here’s a map – just click to enlarge:
Casey Anthony Photo: Orlando Sentinel / Splash News