
VIDEO Jury NOT GUILTY verdicts for Casey Anthony

Casey Anthony found not guilty of murder

In one of the most sensational and riveting trials of the last two decades Casey Anthony has been found not guilty of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in a tragic death that occurred in 2008.

The jury took ten hours over two days in deliberation following a total of 33 days worth of testimony. Anthony has been found guilty of providing four counts of false information to a law enforcement officer. Following the verdict Anthony hugged her attorney while the prosecution was seen shaking their heads in disbelief. She will be convicted on Thursday of the aforementioned four counts.

Here is the official footage via CNN of the verdict:

Casey could have spent up to four years in jail for her guilty verdicts of lying to the police but she’s been in prison for the last three years which would count as time served for any time the judge hands down which means she will more than likely spend no more of her days in prison following the Thursday sentencing.

UPDATE: The jury had the opportunity to discuss their decision shortly after in a set up press room but have all refused to talk following their verdict.

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