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PHOTOS Liger lives as Lindsey Vonn and Tiger Woods confirm relationship

Tiger Woods and Lindsey Vonn have officially confirmed their relationship today in a systematic PR move via the couple’s Facebook pages. Read their statements and see their series of photos, including the first offical image of Liger, that they published as part of the big announcement.

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Nike dumps Lance Armstrong after keeping Tiger Woods and Michael Vick

After a devastating and comprehensive report from the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency accusing Lance Armstrong of spearheading, “the most sophisticated, professionalized and successful doping program that sport has ever seen,” sponsor Nike has dropped the cyclist from their contract. Read the company’s statement and let us know what you think of the decision considering they still endorse Michael Vick and Tiger Woods.

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MUG SHOT Tiger Woods mistress Jamie Jungers arrested for DUI

For the longest time I believed that Tiger Woods quivered whenever one of his brothel of other women surfaced for some reason or another. But this week I think Woods might be all right with mistress #4 Jamie Jungers hitting the blogosphere with a DUI arrest. Why you ask? Because Tiger got caddie whacked this weekend! Keep reading to find out what “caddie whacking” means and see “Trashy Girl” and Hottie Host Jungers’ unflattering mug shot.


Tiger Woods’ girlfriend Alyse Lahti Johnston topless photo and booty shakin’

Check out 22-year-old Alyse Lahti Johnston almost exactly how Tiger Woods gets to see her! The attractive blond can be seen sans top while catching some sun in Florida – but don’t get too excited because the pic is very much SFW. To make up for that fact, I’ve included some Alyse badonkadokegery!


Tiger Woods’ girlfriend Alyse Lahti Johnston full arrest report from 2010 DUI

Here’s the startling arrest report from Tiger Woods’ new girlfriend Alyse Lahti Johnston’s 2010 DUI, including her blood alcohol level and her statement, “I need to be held responsible for what I did.” Keep reading for the detailed description of Alyse’s condition at the time of her arrest, how she did during the field sobriety tests, and some mind-blowingly fascinating revelations about her diet!

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Alyse Lahti Johnston mug shot – Tiger Woods alleged new girlfriend arrested in 2010

Tiger Woods has reportedly moved on from ex-wife Elin Nordegren and is currently dating Alyse Lahti Johnston, the 22-year-old daughter of an exec at IMG, the PR firm that represents Tiger. See a brutal mug shot of Alyse from October, 2010 and find out what being able to afford a good lawyer can do to a DUI charge!

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Rachel Uchitel’s upskirt provides a Tiger’s eye view

Tiger Woods mistress number one provided the world a Tiger’s eye view of her goodies after enjoying a little grub in L.A. Friday night.

I would have thought the infamous night club manager would know the sacred rule of not letting the paparazzi catch a shot of your ladiness while getting into and out of a car. Alass, Rachel seemed oblivious to that formidable combination of a lack of panties, a tight leather skirt, and a seasoned celebrity photographer! Check out the SFW photos right here.


Elin Nordegren suffered insomnia, weight loss, disillusionment; was blindsided by affairs

Elin Nordegren has remained completely silent since news of her husband Tiger Woods’ multiple infidelities hit the world November 2009. Tiger has given a few interviews, made a disturbing Nike commercial, and got back into the game, but we could only speculate about what Elin was feeling and thinking. Did she already know her husband…

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Tiger Woods withdrew from the players for a bulging what!?!

File this “Freudian Slip” under it was bound to happen. Tiger Woods withdrew from The Players golf tournament early in his round on Sunday for medical reasons. Later it was stated that it could possibly be a bulging disc in his neck. Disc, D-I-S-C, Dee-Eye-Ess-See but this poor reporter lady said the wrong word in her report. Oh you know what she said don’t ya!

VIDEO Tiger Woods’ eagle on 7 at The Masters Final Round AMAZING SHOT!

If there’s one thing Tiger Woods is good at it’s putting his balls in holes, and he proved that once again at the 7th hole during the final round of play at The Masters today! Watch the video of his amazing eagle shot from the fairway and the reappearance of his trademark smile after!


Raychel Coudriet photos: Tiger Woods’ latest mistress… and neighbor!

The latest entrant in the Tiger Woods mistress parade is 22-year-old (at the time) University of Alabama student Raychel Coudriet of Windermere, Florida. If that town sounds familiar it’s because Raychel was Tiger’s neighbor! That’s right! Not only was Tiger sleeping with his waitress at the Perkins restaurant down the road, he was also having sex with his neighbor’s daughter, who Tiger had known since she was 14! Read all the details and see pictures of Raychel!


Tiger’s most glamorous mistress Mindy Lawton speaks out about the National Enquirer – tampon – Men’s Fitness cover-up

Mindy Lawton, a Perkin’s restaurant manager, is featured in Vanity Fair‘s new Tiger’s Mistress article spilling the beans about the 2007 Enquirer Coverup Scandal that the Wall Street Journal uncovered December, 2009. These days it’s hard to tell who’s the tabloid and who’s the laudable newspaper, and with The Enquirer up for a Pulitzer, things…


Call girl Loredana Jolie Ferriolo was the only mistress Tiger spent money on

For their May Issue Vanity Fair sat down with some of Tiger Wood’s side women, and shot some very fun, playful glamour shots. Tiger was notoriously known among his trove of ladies to be cheap, but there was one certain model / alleged call-girl who got to spend a little of Tiger’s vast sums of…


PHOTOS New Tiger Woods mistress! Adult film star Devon James!

It appears as though Tiger Woods’ return to golf at The Masters next month has been like one last shake of the ol’ mistress tree, and another straggler fell out today in the form of 29-year-old pro ho Devon James. The lusty, busty and never rusty James gave a radio interview in which she claims Tiger paid her and a friend $2,000 each for three-way “dirty” sex in 2006.

Read all the details and see photos of Devon, including her profile from the infamous Bunny Ranch cathouse!

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VIDEO Separate Tiger Woods interview on The Golf Channel plus transcription

In addition to the five-minute interview with Tom Rinaldi on ESPN, Tiger Woods also did and interview with The Golf Channel’s Kelly Tilghman. Once again, the interview was short, clocking in at just over six minutes. A lot of the same topics were addressed as the ESPN interview, but Tiger seemed a little more verbose this time around. Keep reading to watch highlights from the interview and read the complete transcripts!

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3/21 Tiger Woods interview on ESPN tonight at 7:30 PM

ESPN will be airing an interview with Tiger Woods tonight at 7:30 PM eastern time. The interview is with Tom Rinaldi and will be only the second time Tiger has spoken publicly since his SUV crash early Thanksgiving morning as news of his numerous affairs became public. ESPN has said that the only restriction on the interview is a big one: it can be no longer than five minutes. Rinaldi did say that Tiger refused to answer questions about the night of the crash and that there were some startling things revealed in the interview.

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VIDEO South Park’s EA Sports ‘Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2011’ Mortal Kombat mash up!

So much for “politically correct!” The season Premiere of South Park last night featured the boys playing EA Sports’ “Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’11” for Xbox. WARNING: Contains a lot of crudely animated domestic violence, minor cursing and a whole lot of hilarity!


Tiger Woods’ porn star mistress Joslyn James to release sexting messages via sextingjoslynjames dot com

Joslyn James, one of Tiger’s mistresses who’s still out for blood, will be posting text messages from Tiger and other items that will “tell the truth about Tiger at 11:00 A.M. today, according to TMZ, on her website sextingjoslynjames.com. In early February, James and lawyer Gloria Allred went after a company selling Tail of the…


VIDEO Full Tiger Woods press conference with transcription

Tiger Woods came out of hiding earlier today and held a press conference to apologize for his infidelities and accept responsibility for them publicly. Click to see the full video and/or read the transcription!

Here are the basic bullet points:

He realizes he was selfish and felt an immoral sense of entitlement because of his successes

He wants the attention from the scandal to be focused on him and not his family, pointing out that Elin and his children have done nothing wrong

Elin did not attack him Thanksgiving night, or any other night

He does plan on returning to golf and it may happen as early as later this year

Tiger Woods announces press conference for Friday

The tabloid equivalent of Bigfoot is coming out of hiding Friday for a press conference in which he is expected to apologize for his infidelities and talk about his future (or lack of future) as a professional golfer. Tiger Woods will speak at the PGA Tour Headquarters at 11:00 AM ET on Friday. Read the full statement from his website.


Did Joslyn James really have a miscarriage and an abortion for Tiger?

Joslyn James, porn star and Tiger Woods mistress number 11, told Inside Edition that she’s been pregnant with Tiger’s baby twice! She says that the two of them never discussed protection, and she never told him about the pregnancies. She apparently miscarried her first child with Tiger around the time Tiger’s wife Elin delivered their…

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Tiger Mistress Joslyn James and lawyer Gloria Allred to fight Tail of the Tiger golf ball maker Creative Classics

“He likes to play a round with them . . . now you can too!” is the tag line for the cheesiely painted golf balls called Tail of the Tiger: The Mistress Collection. Each golf ball has the likeness of one of Tiger’s alleged mistresses painted on the front in a bid by the Canadian…


PHOTO Tiger Woods sighting!

Radar Online has the first picture of golfer Tiger Woods to surface since the day after Thanksgiving when he smashed his SUV into a tree and a whole bunch of mistresses fell out! It’s a blurry photo taken of Tiger at a sexual addiction clinic in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. The golfer is seen in shorts and a tee shirt with a hat and a hoodie sweatshirt over his head. He appears to be drinking a large cup of Cheaterade.

The prize goes to The National Enquirer, who were the ones who broke the first Tiger Woods mistress story with their expose on Rachel Uchitel. The latest issue of the magazine has multiple Tiger photos and an article detailing his day-to-day life after enrolling in the Gentle Path program, part of Pine Grove Behavioral Health and Addiction Services.

But don’t think for a second we’re going to allow The National Enquirer to show us up! We have a crack team of investigative reporters as well and we have our own Tiger Woods photograph! Click to see history in the making!


Is Tiger Woods bisexual? – Loredana Jolie Ferriolo shops $1 million book deal hinting at gay escapades

Tiger Woods’ mistress number 13ish, Loredana Jolie Ferriolo, is looking to write a book detailing Tiger’s sexual proclivities including a hint at bisexual leanings. Ferriolo is a Playboy model from the Bronx, Sicily, and Long Island whose name became common knowledge after madam Michelle Braun outed her to the New York Daily News as a…


PHOTOS Elin Nordegren spotted in Windermere, Florida Wednesday January 6

Tiger Woods’ wife Elin Nordegren was spotted picking up her children from playschool in Windermere, Florida on January 6, 2010. Elin was sans wedding ring but surprisingly seemed to be in great spirits!

The former Swedish model is looking great, as usual! In those Chanel sunglasses and that over-sized turtleneck sweater she looks as though she’s fresh off the set of a Charlie’s Angels remake! This Tiger Woods debacle has got to be horrific for her, but she sure is doing a great job of looking strong for the public, which is a lot more than can be said for her disappeared husband!

PHOTO – Tiger Woods’ bare-chested Annie Leibovitz pic covers Vanity Fair

Vanity Fair just happened to have some shirtless Tiger Woods photos taken by Annie Leibovitz in their back pocket, and now’s a prime time to unleash them. Starting next Tuesday you can check out a whole slew of them at the newstand or your mailbox when their Feb. 2010 issue comes out, but for now…


PHOTOS Elin Nordegren Woods in Chamonix, France January 2, 2010

Elin Nordegren, the wife of golfer Tiger Woods, was photographed in Chamonix, France today where she is reportedly staying at a secret location. A ski resort in the Alps seems a fitting background for the former Swedish model as she braces herself against the blizzard of media attention after details of her husband’s many infidelities surfaced at the end of 2009.

Plus, general views of the French villa where Elin spent the holiday!


EXCLUSIVE PHOTO! Tag Heuer launches new Tiger Woods watch!

Tiger Woods is losing sponsors and endorsements left and right as his squeaky clean image continues to tarnish thanks to a deluge of mistresses and details about his adulterous transgressions continue to surface. But, one company has decided to stand by their man! In addition to the above statement of “Tag Heuer stands with Tiger Woods,” Tag Heuer watches has also said, “the partnership with Tiger Woods will continue … but we will downscale the use of his image in certain markets for a period of time, depending on his decision about returning to professional golf. We will continue to actively support the Tiger Woods Foundation.”

Not exactly a ringing endorsement, but an endorsement nonetheless! In a show of good faith to their celebrity spokesman, the company plans to launch a brand new, limited edition Tiger Woods watch and an entirely new campaign to be featured exclusively in mens’ magazines and commercials during Ultimate Fighting Championship events. We here at starcasm are proud to have an exclusive preview of the watch and the new ad campaign!

Where in the world is Tiger Woods? Reportedly he’s taking Yacht ‘Privacy’ to the Bahamas

No one’s seen Tiger Woods since he ran into a fire hydrant, a tree, and information of his possible 14 affairs came out. So where is he? Obviously he’s hiding in a dark hole somewhere with his tail between his legs. There have been reports that he comes out at night to play golf, but…

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PHOTOS Tiger Woods mistress sighting! Cori Rist out in NYC

Tiger Woods mistress number six braved the cold and the paparazzi to take a stroll outside of her New York City apartment December 17. Cori’s got a nice fur coat (Is that Tiger fur?), gloves, Madam glasses and a pair of unnaturally bright blue jeans. I’m grabbing at straws here because this is a really lame excuse for a post. These Tiger Woods mistresses really put the “ho” in ho-hum. Actually, they probably put the “hum” in there too. Hi-OOOOOO!!

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PHOTOS Tiger Woods Mistress sighting! Jaimee Grubbs steps out in West Hollywood

Tool Academy vet and world-renowned text message and voice mail collector Jaimee Grubbs decided to get a flash bulb tan last night in West Hollywood. Unpleasantly known in the world of Tiger Woods mistresses as “Number Two,” Jaimee seems to be embracing the spotlight that goes along with opening your heart and other things to really famous married people.

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Is Tiger Woods still in a relationship with Rachel Uchitel?

Rachel Uchitel’s “friends” are still spilling beans to gossip magazines, and one of them told US Weekly that Rachel is still receiving text messages from Tiger Woods trying to woo her: “Rachel said he told her he was going to leave his wife for her, that he needed to be with her.” This sounds preposterous,…


Take that Nike, Tiger’s wife Elin Nordegren to be face of Puma?

Puma knows an opportunity when they see one. Nike has been the first, and only so far, sponsor to promise fidelity to Tiger Woods despite his infidelity, and Puma is taking advantage of that PR misstep by reportedly offering a sponsorship to Tiger’s spurned wife, Elin Nordegren, according to TMZ. The company says Elin is…


PHOTO Theresa Rogers Tiger Woods mistress 15!

Details are slowly emerging about Tiger Woods mistress number 15 thanks to her association with lawyer Gloria Allred. Radar Online reported that Allred had another Tiger mistress as a client last week, but her name wasn’t known until today.

That was quick! Julie Postle’s 15 minutes of fame lasted all of 15 minutes! 40-year-old Theresa is the oldest of Tiger’s transgressions and resides in Wellington, Florida. She reportedly had relations with Tiger before and after his marriage to Elin Nordegren.


Julie Postle PHOTOS Tiger Woods Mistress 14!

The latest name on the Tiger Woods mistress list is 26-year-old model and former waitress at the Roxy Night Club in Orlando. 28-year-old Brian Kimbrough was a bartender at the Roxy when Julie was a waitress and tells The New York Post that he was dating her when she started her affair with Tiger Woods.

Click for more on the story and photos of Julie.

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VIDEO Cori Rist on the Today Show: Tiger Woods mistress reveals details and apologizes to Elin Nordegren

Cori Rist is the latest woman to give a major television interview about her relationship with Tiger Woods, and her story sounds very familiar. Like several others, her affair with Tiger lasted over two years, Cori thought she was the only woman in his life besides wife Elin and she claims to have received no money from Tiger during their relationship.

Watch the interview!

Tiger Woods finally admits to infidelities, will quit golf indefinitely

Tiger Woods’ statement last week about “transgressions” seemed a little too vague, but tonight he issued a statement that actually uses the term “infidelity.” In addition to asking for forgiveness he also announced that he would be taking a break from golf as his never-ending list of mistresses grows, and bleeds promotional partnerships. Read the complete statement!

PHOTOS Loredana Jolie Ferriolo Tiger Woods mistress 13 resume, bio and more!
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PHOTOS Loredana Jolie Ferriolo Tiger Woods mistress 13 resume, bio and more!

Since my initial post on Tiger Woods mistress number 13 Loredana Jolie I’ve discovered a lot more info, so here’s a new post with a detailed bio and all sorts of new pics! (It helped figuring out her actual last name is Ferriolo. D’oh!)

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PHOTOS Loredana Jolie Tiger Woods mistress number 13

As the long list of Tiger Woods mistresses continues to grow, the types of women showing up on the list seem to get a little less respectful. The list started out with former reality stars and Las Vegas hostesses, went on to a Perkins waitress and then a couple of adult film stars. Now, according to Hollywood madam Michelle Braun, it’s digressed to straight-up prostitutes.

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PHOTOS Tiger Woods mistress 2 Jaimee Grubbs at Christmas Charity event 12-10-09

Ain’t “fame” funny? You can take a group of normal, everyday hot-bodied women and sprinkle a little Tiger on them and PRESTO! Celebrity! Such is the case with Jamie Grubbs. Though she does have a bad reality show under her belt, it’s her dilly-dalliance with Tiger Woods that makes us care that she attended some…


VIDEO – Jamie Jungers tells the Today Show’s Meredith Vieira she dumped Tiger Woods after he wouldn’t give her money

This morning Jamie Jungers answered questions from Meredith Vieira about her relationship with Tiger Woods. She wore a fancy sparkly beauty spot near her eye for an extra dash of “class.” Jamie says she met Tiger in 2005 in at a Las Vegas nightclub when he asked a VIP host to send her over to…


PHOTO Is Tiger Woods recording a rap album?

I was doing some Tiger Woods research (imagine that) when I ran across this image. At first I thought it was a Photoshop joke, but after looking into it I discovered it’s completely legit! Tiger and Snoop Dogg swapped places back in 2005 and Tiger supposedly recorded a couple rap tracks. Check out more photos from the event and see a starcasm exclusive glimpse into the future of Tiger the rap star!


VIDEO PHOTOS Tiger Woods mistress Rachel Uchitel risks bikini line frostbite

We spend so much time on this site focusing in on people’s foibles that we sometimes forget the heroic deeds of the upper echelon of humanity known as celebrities.

Rachel Uchitel, thrust into the spotlight after being thrust into by Tiger Woods, needed to go to the gym to work out today. Standing in her way was not only an army of paparazzi waiting outside her New York apartment, but also frigid, below-freezing temperatures. Rachel knew there were millions of people expecting to see some sexy yumminess to help explain why their hero Tiger Woods forsook his family and fans, so she decided she would do the right thing, even if it meant putting herself in harm’s way.

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Watch the Holly Sampson Tiger Woods video – she announced their hook-up on webcast in May, 2009

This is just more proof that we need to take our adult film stars more seriously! The Tiger Woods mistress dam would have burst wide open back in May if we had listened to pro ho Holly Sampson, who announced her affair with Tigs during a webcast back in May. Watch the topless video with all the naughty bits blocked out!


Gatorade eliminates Tiger Woods Focus drink; TV advertisements featuring Tiger haven’t aired since the scandal broke

PepsiCo has confirmed that their subsidiary Gatorade is dropping the Tiger Focus drink, but claim the move has been decided for months and has nothing to do with the current scandal. Could be just a coincidence, but what probably isn’t a coincidence is that there have been little to no advertisements aired since the salacious…

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Joslyn James photos Tiger Woods mistress number 11

Another day, another Tiger Woods mistress. The latest woman caught swinging Tiger’s club is Joslyn James, the second mistress who makes her living in the adult film industry. Joslyn joins fellow pro ho Holly Sampson on the not-so-shortlist, effectively lowering Tiger to just five degrees of sexual separation from 85% of the earth’s adult population.


Elin Nordegren Woods Pictures Gallery 20 Hi-res Modeling Photos

Elin Woods, born Elin Maria Pernilla Nordegren, is the much-talked-about, but little heard from or seen 29-year-old former Swedish model that married the most famous sports star on the planet, Tiger Woods. Here are 20 revealing and high resolution images of a gorgeous Elin from her modeling days.

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VIDEO 911 call placed from Tiger Woods’ home, mother-in-law Barbro Holmberg taken to hospital

The Tiger Woods soap opera continued this morning when a 911 call was placed from Tiger’s Deacon Circle home in Windermere at 2:36 A.M. As is often the case when 911 is called sometime after 2 A.M. about an incident on Deacon Circle, details are sketchy.

Reports now confirm the woman taken to the hospital is Tiger Wood’s mother-in-law Barbro Holmberg. She was admitted with stomach pains and is currently in stable condition.

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Tiger Woods Mistresses Scorecard with photos and bios of all the women so far!

Have you been camping out for the last two weeks and have no idea who Kalika Moquin is? Are you the dork at the water cooler who thinks Jaimee Grubbs are a kind of fishing bait? Are you still on dial-up and can’t keep pace with the gushing flow of Tiger Woods mistresses? Well, starcasm.net is here to help!

I wasted most of my afternoon putting together this handy-dandy graphic that compiles info on all the known mistresses in a single, concise and easy-to-read chart! You get ages, background info and images for Rachel, Jaimee, the other Jamie, Kalika, Mindy, Cori and Holly (alias Nicolette)! Though there have been other nameless mistresses reported, this chart covers the seven we know with room for two more on the “front nine.” I’ll create a “back nine” scorecard as soon as number 10 shows up, which I estimate to be Thursday.