Call girl Loredana Jolie Ferriolo was the only mistress Tiger spent money on

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For their May Issue Vanity Fair sat down with some of Tiger Wood’s side women, and shot some very fun, playful glamour shots.

Tiger was notoriously known among his trove of ladies to be cheap, but there was one certain model / alleged call-girl who got to spend a little of Tiger’s vast sums of cash. Loredana Jolie Ferriolo charged everything to Tiger’s room, but that’s not all, she went out on multiple $15,000 shopping sprees!

CLICK HERE to view more photos of Loredana Jolie Ferriolo

The other ladies must be a smidgen jealous. The only thing Mindy Lawton ever got from Tiger was a Subway sandwich.

CLICK HERE to keep up with the Tiger Woods Mistress Scorecard

Photo by: Mark Sellers, Vanity Fair. Pick up the latest issue to see more sizzling photos of Tiger’s mistresses!

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