Love After Lockup Season 2 updates, spoilers, bios, etc – aka ‘The Starcasm Rabbit Hole’
It’s Friday, and you know what that means right? Another wild night out partying with friends! Another new episode of Love After Lockup on WE tv! This really is one of the most entertaining reality shows on television right now, with the viewership continuing to grow week to week. And as entertaining as the stories are on screen, the off-screen stories are just as crazy — sometimes even more so!
We’ve covered this show extensively since well before the Season 1 premiere, and throughout Season 2 we have published quite the dossier of updates, spoilers, criminal records, and other exclusive background information on the cast. The dossier is so large, in fact, that I’ve seen the term “Starcasm rabbit hole” mentioned several times on social media when fans get curious about something that happened on the show and wind up spending lots of time just going from link to link in our Love After Lockup archives.
Unfortunately, with an “Evuhdense Binder” so large, to use a 90 Day Fiance (same producers) reference, some of the interesting facts can become buried. So, I thought I might put together a comprehensive Love After Lockup Starcasm Rabbit Hole Table Of Contents of sorts to help guide you through this fantastical world of felony convictions, previous marriages, unknown children, and Little Debbie snack cake trailer crashes!
UPDATE – We had a couple of general update posts since this one. WE tv has announced they will be extending Love After Lockup Season 2 from 14 episodes to 24 episodes! Plus, we did a post revealing just how much the cast members make to be on the show and another post with a HUGE collection of throwback photos of the Season 2 cast!
I think the easiest thing to do is just break it down couple by couple by trio, starting with the returning Season 1 veterans.
Lizzie offered cops sex & $10k to get out of her 5th DUI, arrested for 6th before hearing
Lizzie is the only Love After Lockup cast member who was an internet sensation prior to being on the show. After being arrested for her fifth DUI in 2008, Lizzie allegedly offered police sexual favors and $10,000 to avoid being charged. That ploy didn’t work, and Lizzie then posed for a “flirty” mug shot photo. The combination of the mug shot and the sex bribe made Lizzie’s story go viral, including appearances on blogs like Perez Hilton. Her notoriety also earned her a place on some of the online lists of the hottest female inmates, which is apparently a thing.
Oh, and while Lizzie was waiting for her court date in regards to her fifth DUI, she took a trip to California and was arrested for her sixth DUI. (Click the headline link above for more — that’s how this post will work.)
Lizzie spoilers: prison probs, fundraising efforts, Scott details, and more
This was our first Love After Lockup specific post about Lizzie and Scott, and it includes TONS of info about Lizzie’s less-than-model behavior while in prison. Actually, her behavior was literally “model” in that she spent a lot of time posing for sexy photos wearing very revealing custom prison couture outfits that she posted on social media, prison dating sites, and her multiple fundraising campaigns.
In addition to posting sexy photos, Lizzie also used social media to update folks on what was going on in her life — including being caught multiple times with drugs. The post includes excerpts from some of those, numerous pictures, one of Lizzie’s dating profile bios, and details about her fundraising campaigns that she said were to raise money for her daughter Jazmyne.
Also included is a dating timeline for Lizzie and Scott, who became Facebook official in July of 2015 before meeting in person for the first time in February of 2016.
Unfortunately, we haven’t gotten to doing a new update post for Season 2, including whether or not Scott and Lizzie are still together or perhaps even married. Stay tuned!
UPDATE – Lizzie and Scott are saying they are still together, despite the fact that Scott went back to California some time ago. The two recently had a HUGE SPAT on Instagram after a photo of a mystery woman popped up on Scott’s story. His explanation keeps shifting, and Lizzie and Jazmyne are having none of it.
We have yet to update on Angela and Tony since Love After Lockup Season 2 premiered, which is due in part to us waiting until the couple actually made an appearance — which has yet to happen for some reason. Angela and Tony post occasionally on social media, and it seems that neither of them are sure exactly when they will make their return. On a photo that Angela posted on Instagram on December 31 she was asked when they would be back, and she responded in the comments by writing: “Tony and I are coming up on the show real soon… keep watching ”
Tony shared a selfie the day before and was asked the same question. “Not sure but hoping it is this Friday coming up,” he wrote. Obviously his hope was dashed. Oh, and some of the photos that Tony posted clearly show that he is out of prison, but it’s not known how long he managed to stay a free man. If you recall, in the preview trailer he can be heard telling Angela (who was shopping for wedding dresses at the time) that the US Marshals were looking for him.
Angela photos, bio, and relationship details with convict fiance Tony
Background info on Angela, including information about her son (who appeared on Season 1) and her ex, who died in a motorcycle accident in 2013.
Angela’s fiance Tony arrest details, mug shots
We gathered up lots of details on Tony’s extensive criminal history, especially his 2009 arrest when he was charged with two counts of trafficking in a controlled substance, conspiracy to violate the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, possession of stolen property, and ex-felon in possession of firearms. Here’s an excerpt from the post:
Tony was later found guilty of trafficking in a controlled substance, burglary of a firearm, and ex-felon in possession of a firearm. In April of 2009 a judge sentenced him to two ten-year terms and one five-year term in Nevada State Prison with his first chance at parole being roughly five years later.
At his sentencing, Tony pleaded with the judge for leniency. “I really think there is a chance for my future,” he said. “A long prison term would really hold me back. I made a big mistake here. I don’t think I should be punished. I might be discouraged after a prolonged incarceration.”
The judge was having none of it, especially considering that Tony had six prior felony convictions. “I don’t believe hardly anything you said,” the judge told Tony. “You need to examine yourself and find out if there’s anything truthful about you.” The judge added: “I am disgusted by you making a living selling drugs and stealing from a person you worked for.”
The post also includes numerous mug shot photos of Tony through the years.
Where do I even begin? WE tv’s Bonnie and Clyde DEFINITELY deserve their own spin-off series! I’m realizing that this post could easily get WAY out of hand if I don’t start speeding up, so here are the headlines with a couple very brief descriptions with some of the pertinent info:
A broad sweep covering Clint and Tracie, including Clint’s previous marriages (his second bride passed away not long after they were married in June of 2010) as well as their children. (Clint and Tracie both have a son — Clint’s is a teenager while Tracie’s is almost 2.) Includes Clint’s tweets to Season 1 star Johnna DiGrigoli about Tracie leaving him for crack.
Clint Brady arrest details: crashed a Little Debbie trailer into a storage unit
I think the photo above sums up this post pretty well. The post also contains info on Clint’s previous arrest for DUI the year before.
Clint Brady’s ex-wife Haily has arrest history too
Clint crashing a Little Debbie snack cake trailer into a storage facility is probably crazier, but his ex wife’s arrest story involving a barn heist and high speed police chase comes pretty close! She also had some previous run-ins with the law over bad checks and fraud.
Tracie’s arrest history and mug shot photos
Tracie’s arrest history is its own separate rabbit hole that includes numerous arrests for theft, evading arrest, prostitution, having a prohibited substance in a correctional facility, and a payroll check scheme that netted Tracie and her accomplices over $25,000. Includes numerous mug shot photos.
Clint arrested in Texas after Tracie’s release from prison
Not long after Tracie was released from federal prison, she was arrested again. Clint was reportedly going to visit her in jail in Texas when he was busted for marijuana possession. Includes mug shot photos, info on whether or not Clint actually managed to get married, and info on Clint’s previous arrest for marijuana possession in Texas in 2009.
Tracie released from jail after being arrested again
Tracie was released from a Texas jail (See: previous post) on January 3. It is our understanding that she and Clint are still together, although there are still no records of a marriage having taken place.
UPDATE – Clint and Tracie are getting a little more active on social media. Clint recently took to Twitter to assure everyone that he is not “mentally challenged,” while Tracie revealed on Facebook that she lost 45 pounds while in County Jail.
Matt cited for driving with suspended license after rear ending another driver
Matt was driving Caitlin’s pickup truck near Olympia, Washington on December 13 when he rear ended another driver. According to the police report, he tried to convince the other driver not to report the accident because his license was suspended, but that ploy didn’t work.
Matt found himself back behind bars for a charge of possession of a stolen vehicle.
UPDATE – We now have details from Matt’s arrest, and it DOES NOT look good for him. His jury trial is set for April.
Matt out of jail again, crashed Caitlin’s truck again
Matt posts his bond and is released from jail. Also, we discovered that prior to his arrest, Matt was involved in a second — and much more serious — accident just ten days after the one mentioned above. According to the police report, Matt was driving Caitlin’s pickup truck once again, and largely because of the damage sustained in the prior accident,Matt crossed over the center line and collided head on with another vehicle. Both drivers sustained serious injuries, including broken bones. It does appear as though Matt and Caitlin remain together, but there is still no record of a marriage.
Caitlin was married twice before Matt and has a son
Background information on Caitlin, including her two previous marriages and her son. Includes additional information on Caitlin’s back tattoo and an enforcement lien taken out on Caitlin in April of 2018 for “past-due child support” in the amount of $1,295. Also, information on Caitlin’s mom and dad — both of whom reportedly passed away in the last two years. (Including Caitlin’s mom, who was featured on last week’s episode.)
Is Brittany pregnant? Did she and Marcelino get married?
Marcelino and Brittany’s wedding is featured in the Love After Lockup Season 2 previews, a ceremony that took place in mid-August. But, the couple didn’t officially get married until December 27?! Also, what is up with that online baby registry in their names that was posted well before they were announced as cast members on the show? Plus, details on Brittany’s four-year-old son Giovanni.
Brittany had 2 children taken away and placed for adoption when she was a teen
A very startling peek at Brittany’s life as a young adult, which includes running away from home at the age of 12 and losing two children to CPS by the age of 17.
Marcelino’s previous marriage annulled AFTER wedding with Brittany
In a major “WHAAAAT?!” moment for me, I stumbled onto court records indicating that Marcelino filed for an annulment from a previous marriage just a couple months before his wedding ceremony with Brittany. The annulment did not go through until late October, however. So yes, during Marcelino and Brittany’s wedding, he is actually still married to someone else — although that marriage technically never happened now.
Michael arrested again, back behind bars
It seems that the Queens’ battle for the King was moot as Michael was only a free man for a hot minute.
Who did Michael choose? Plus Megan & Sarah feud on Twitter
The post revealed the spoiler that Michael would choose to be with Sarah upon his release, which is no longer a spoiler. But, there’s lots more great stuff here, including Sarah and Megan continuing to fight over Michael on social media. Interestingly, in the course of their back and forth, it is revealed who it was that initially contacted Love after Lockup producers about being on the show!
OK, that is pretty much it — for now! But don’t worry, Starcasm’s Adventures In Love After Lockupland will certainly continue, so keep reading!
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)