Category: Jana Duggar

THE DUGGARS sex offender Caleb Williams going to court in brutal custody battle

You can tell a lot about a person by their friends. Josh Duggar’s former employee and associate Caleb Williams is headed back to court.

The convicted sex offender wants custody of his daughter, conceived while the mother was underage. Once rumored to be dating Counting On star Jana Duggar, the disgraced child abuser is prepared for a fight.

Jana Duggar still lives at home in same room as 4 sisters, but has her own ‘nook’

The steady stream of Duggar weddings continue, but the family's oldest daughter, 29-year-old Jana Duggar, has yet to find her Prince Charming. As a result, she still lives at home where she shares a single bedroom with her four too-young-to-get-married sisters. But, Jana has managed to carve out a little personal space for herself in the form of a "quiet little nook" that features a small desk and, well, not much else.

Why Jana Duggar isn’t married

People can get obsessed with comparisons. When it comes to Jana Duggar, the eldest daughter in a strict religious family who focuses on getting married and having children, it's hard not to wonder why she hasn't settled down like her younger sisters. In the rest of U.S. society being an unmarried woman of 28 isn't that odd, but in her family it's shocking. She's often called the "Cinderella Duggar," and there are rumors about her sexuality. At the opening of last week's season 8 premiere of Counting On, Jana's update is that she's been tending to the family's garden.