Duggar Digest: What’s going on with Jana Duggar, Jim Bob Duggar says the pill is like abortion and the family celebrates birthdays


On the new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting tonight, there’s less than one week to go until Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard’s wedding. The soon-to-be newlyweds keep busy by buying furniture for their new house from an auction and making some last-minute arrangements. Then, during her bridal shower, Jill gets advice from mothers she worked with as a midwife.

Jim Bob Duggar says the pill is like abortion

In real-time, the Duggars’ views on abortion have been in the spotlight for the past few weeks as the family rallies behind pro-life candidates hoping to win November elections. Following his daughter’s lead, Jim Bob is the latest to cause some controversy by saying the common birth control pill is “abortive.”

“Something we didn’t know is that the pill can allow women to get pregnant, but then it can be aborted,” Jim Bob told The Friddle Show’s Krystal Heath in a newly published interview from September. “That’s what happened with Michelle. She went on the pill after Josh and then got pregnant, and then the pill actually caused a miscarriage. We started looking at the fine print of the contraception, and it said this could happen, and then we talked to a Christian doctor, and he explained this to us.”

Jim Bob added that’s a reason Christians should be wary of the “liberal left,” which, he said, runs “legislation that’s just really in the face of Christians.”

However, the vast majority of medical experts disagree with Jim Bob’s belief about the pill’s connection to miscarriages or “abortions.” From the Mayo Clinic

In the past, doctors had concerns that if you conceived immediately after stopping the pill, you had a higher risk of miscarriage. However, these concerns have proved to be largely unfounded. The hormones in birth control pills don’t linger in your system… If you continued taking your birth control pill because you didn’t realize you were pregnant, don’t be alarmed. Despite years of this accident happening, there’s very little evidence that exposure to the hormones in birth control pills causes birth defects.

What’s going on with Jana Duggar?

Jana Duggar 2014

One of the other most-popular Duggar topics in recent weeks is what’s going on with the oldest Duggar daughter, 24-year-old Jana — especially as younger sisters Jill and Jessa get married. Much of that curiosity was piqued by a recent episode of 19 Kids and Counting when someone at a hair salon asked Jana whether she was dating.

“I’m good with just waiting for now,” Jana said with a pinched smile. (There are still murmurings about Jana being in a secret courtship, but there’s no real evidence of that.)

Then, during last week’s episode, she was left at home with her younger siblings while Jill, Jessa and their beaus went on a triple date with Jim Bob and Michelle. Some sources say that’s what Jana’s dealt with for much of her life.

Jana Duggar Josie Duggar

“It’s absolutely ridiculous how much the family makes Jana and the older siblings do. Jim Bob and Michelle have totally transitioned a lot of their parental responsibilities onto her,” a source told Radar Online last week. “Ever since she was young, she’s had to watch over the house while Jim Bob and Michelle would go out for date night alone.”

The Duggars celebrate birthdays

Within the past week, Johannah Duggar turned 9 and “grand-Duggar” Mackynzie turned 5. Down in Arkansas, the Duggars marked Johannah’s birthday with a day at the arcade.

Johannah Duggar Birthday

Josh and Anna Duggar celebrated their oldest daughter’s birthday at their home near Washington D.C. by making her princess for the day.


It's a Birthday tea party for our Princess!

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Watch two new episodes of 19 Kids and Counting on TLC tonight at 9/8c.

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