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Duggar Digest: Duggars react to kissing picture criticism, kids start Duggar Studios and who will be the next to court?


Coming off of Jill Dillard’s wedding special and Jessa Seewald’s engagement special, this week’s episode of 19 Kids and Counting shifts gears and focuses on oldest son Josh Duggar and his family as they “take a road trip to Chicago in an RV with their three kids to visit Anna’s sister and her husband for a special occasion.” Here is what’s happening with the Duggars in real-time…

Jim Bob Duggar and Michelle Duggar defend kissing pictures

Jessa Kissing vs Duggars Kissing

After Jessa and Ben Seewald shared a smooching shot on Instagram and her parents replicated it, the family was called “disturbing,” “creepy,” “tacky” and a few less kind words. Still, they are standing by it…

“God designed marriage to be a loving, dynamic relationship between a husband and wife for a lifetime. God loves marriage and it is supposed to be full of love, joy, fun and romance. Marriage is where romance belongs,” Jim Bob and Michelle said on Facebook. “Recently, Ben & Jessa received some criticism for posting a kissing picture. We are so grateful they waited to share their first kiss until after marriage. We’ve been married 30 years and are still in love! We had fun trying to duplicate Ben and Jessa’s happily married kissing picture.”

They then challenged married couples to take “a happily married picture” and post it on their Facebook page. They’ve already received dozens.

The Duggar boys start Duggar Studio

The Duggars and their good friends the Bates — who are getting a new show! — teamed up earlier this month to make a music video for “Happiness,” a Christian song by Ira Stanphill. They then premiered the song on their new YouTube channel, Duggar Studios. Jason and Josiah Duggar also made a neat stop-motion video, although it looks like it was filmed a year or two ago.

Which Duggar will be the next to court?

Joy Anna Duggar - Jinger Duggar - Jana Duggar
Joy Anna Duggar, Jinger Duggar and Jana Duggar with friend Mandie.

Now that all of the courting Duggars have married, the big question is who will be next. People posed that question to the older kids last week…

John David Duggar confirmed he isn’t courting anyone, but has received a few legitimate applications since joking about that at Jill’s wedding in June.

“Everybody is giving me advice about getting married,” the 24-year-old said. “It isn’t a bad thing. I’m open to advice.”

Jim Bob said John David’s twin sister Jana Duggar also has a lot of suitors, but the oldest Duggar daughter hasn’t felt like any of the men have been right for her.

“Jana is one of the prettiest girls in the world and one of the sweetest girls,” Jim Bob said. “I have gone to hear about each one, and so far she hasn’t felt that is the way the Lord is leading.”

Jana added that she’s “enjoying watching her siblings fall in love and get married” and is content to help keep the Duggar house running smoothly.

“I just think for me I am just waiting and we’ll see,” Jana said. “When God brings that one along it will be his timing.”

Jinger Duggar, 20, feels the same way, according to Jim Bob: “Jinger is just a dynamic girl that a lot of guys have been interested in. But so far, she has not been interested in the guys.”

Joseph Duggar, 19, agrees that finding the right partner requires patience.

“I definitely want to do the same route in courting and getting to know someone in the way my siblings have,” he said. “Doing it that way, I believe that is the way that God intended it. I don’t think God wants us to play around and go out with everyone, but to know for sure that is the one He has for you. Sometimes, that takes time.”

19 Kids and Counting airs on TLC tonight at 9/8c.

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