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VIDEO Muppets perform Kanye West’s “Monster” (explicit)

Kanye West has often complained that people don’t get his music. Thanks to this Youtube video I’m beginning to think that it’s not Kanye or his music’s fault but people’s, because it seems obvious that muppets completely get it! Probably because they were raised on the street…

Sesame Street that is!

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VIDEO Josh Groban sings Kanye West tweets on Jimmy Kimmel Live

Another miner has struck gold in the hills of Kanye West’s tweets! Following in the footsteps of the memetastic New Yorker cartoons with Kanye tweets as captions and the addictive process of Kanye tweet Tracy Jordanization achieved by adding “Liz Lemon” before each of Kanye’s literary gems is “Oscar and Grammy nominee” Josh Groban, who has recorded 752 songs of Kanyeisms on 48 CDs – all of which with lyrics containing 140 characters or less!

Keep reading for the emotionally moving commercial and order your Josh Grobanye today!

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Is Kim Kardashian pregnant with Kanye West’s baby?!?

In what could turn out to be the biggest celebrity headline of 2010 the usually reliable website Media Takeout is reporting that Kim Kardashian is pregnant and the father is none other than Kanye West! Keep reading for all the details and photos of K&K filming together for Keeping Up With The Kardashians!

VIDEO: Kanye West’s Beautiful Dark Twisted live rant

Kanye West surprised the N.Y.C. with a live performance last night at the Bowery Ballroom. Following a complete live performance of his critically acclaimed new album My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy he launched in to a sermon-on-the-mount Kanye rant for the ages.

Subjects covered in the 10 minute preachifyin’ include; the people’s need for him to make more music, the critics trying to keep him from making said music, Taylor Swift, his great reviews, bullying, domestic abuse, his defense that George W. Bush is a racist yet is still someone who deserves redemption for surviving being villainized, blogger hang ups projected upon him… Oh forget it! Just watch Mr. Dichotomy at his very best!


VIDEO Kanye West performs “Hurricane” and “Power” with 30 Seconds to Mars at 2010 EMAs

Not one to ever miss out on an MTV Awards show, Kanye West crashed the EMAs (invited this time!) and joined 30 Seconds to Mars for an auto-tuned verse from the band’s song “Hurricane” followed by a little bit of Kanye’s “Power!’ Keep reading to watch the entire performance.

VIDEO Watch Kanye West’s ‘Runaway’ online (full version)

Kanye West premiered his 34+ minute music video for “Runaway” on MTV earlier tonight and the ground-breaking mini-movie that many critics think might revive the music video art form is now available to watch in its entirety online! Keep reading to watch the complete video in all of its surreal glory!

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Kanye West tells audience he contemplated suicide

Kanye West seems to be unequalled in his ability to say things that blow minds. At a screening of his experimental short film Runaway he in one breath spoke of his battles with suicidal thoughts and the fact that he hung around because he’s a pop icon and a “soldier for culture.”

Find out about Runaway and why all of this Kanye news is setting up for a monster debut for his upcoming album in November.

Listen to Kanye West’s leaked “Lost in the World” collaboration with Bon Iver and Gil Scott-Heron

Further evidence that Kanye’s fallen moment has helped him create his best music yet is this additive collaboration with indie-folk singer Bon Iver, “Lost in the World.” It starts with Iver’s auto-tuned (yes auto-tuned) 2009 song “Woods” and swells into a rich chorus went Kanye joins in around the 0:57 mark. Later we get samples…


Banned? Nude artwork for Kanye West’s “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”

Looks like Kanye is stirring up some Twitterversy hype to sell his new album, My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Out Nov 22). His label questioned putting out the above album cover, which features a nude armless, winged girl with a tail straddling a black dude holding a green bottle, but ultimately agreed to stand behind…

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Kanye is still bluntly honest

Kanye West, of “Bush hates black people,” and “Imma gonna let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time” fame has publicly apologized for being an ass, but that doesn’t mean he’s backing down from bluntly calling things like he sees them. He recently took a swing at everyone’s favorite…

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VIDEO – Kanye West performs “Power” on SNL, changes lyrics

Somehow he did it. Kanye turned his “asshole moment heard around the world” into inspiration for some effing good music. With just the right mix of self-mocking and simultaneous ego-boosting self-help talks Kanye West is on fire these days, with his white-hot SNL performance stoking the flames. “Power” was already a solid anthem, but his…


Taylor Swift performs new song “Innocent” at 2010 VMAs, is she forgiving Kanye?

A year ago Kanye West stomped on the hearts of innocent puppies everywhere when he downed a bottle of Jack Daniels and ruined Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech for Best Female Artist at the VMAs. Taylor Swift enjoyed major success after the incident and Kanye had to hide out and lick his wounds while the world…

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VIDEO – Kanye’s secret concert at New York’s The Box: “Rosewood”

Thursday night Kanye West invited a select group of 200 people to a secret show at New York’s The Box. They were notified via email only a few hours before the event and were required to show up in formal wear. The rapper, who’s recovering from last year’s Taylor-gate, was joined by John Legend on…


Steven Holmes is tired of being the only guy Kanye West follows on Twitter

Steven Holmes is a teenager from Coventry, England who has been thrust headfirst into the media spotlight by becoming the only dude rapper Kanye West follows via Twitter. See how it came to be, a photo of the teen, the back and forth tweets between the two and Holmes’ exasperation towards all the unexpected attention.


VIDEO Kanye West vs. Cleveland Brown, Jr. on The Cleveland Show

The egonormous Kanye West once again got the prime time animation treatment, this time from Family Guy spin-off The Cleveland Show. The clip is much kinder and gentler than the brutally hilarious Southpark “Gay Fish” episode and features Kanye and Cleveland, Jr. in a rap slam contest! Keep reading to watch the clip and read the bombastic, sarcastic and even breakfastic lyrics!

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VIDEO – Taylor Lautner knocks off Kanye West’s head on SNL

Months after Kanye West single-handedly rocketed Taylor Swift’s career into the stratosphere by disrespecting her at the VMA’s, Taylor’s boyfriend, New Moon‘s Taylor Lautner, has finally released his frustrations with Yeezy by attacking a cardboard cut-out. Lautner actually was up on stage when the incident happened, but he slunk further in the background and looked…

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Amber Rose is NOT amused about “RIP Kanye” Twitter trending topic

Kanye’s main girl Amber Rose isn’t grooving on the Number 1 Twitter trending topic right now, “RIP Kanye West.” This little gem is also hoppin’ on Google Trends, including terms like “Kanye West died” and  “Kanye West car accident,” and was started by some industrious 4channers. Amber Rose has taken to her Twitter account to…


Is Kanye dead? 4chan prank! “Kanye West died in a car accident” rumor on Google Trends, “RIP Kanye West” on Twitter

4chan must’ve been talking about his career, which is on life support after Taylorgate. The mischievous site’s forums started a quick-spreading rumor that Kanye West died in a car accident! Totally untrue! Kanye is currently alive and busy not preparing for a tour with Lady Gaga. However, Kanye did die (maybe) onscreen in Spinze Jonze’s…

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Lady Gaga and Kanye West 2009 ‘Fame Kills’ tour canceled!

That was quick! It seems like I was just writing up my post with all the details of where and when to get your tickets and all of a sudden it ain’t happenin’ no more! Lady Gaga’s marketing agent Perez Hilton announced the bad news on his blog: The Kanye West and Lady GaGa “Fame…

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VIDEO Kanye West and Lady Gaga Fame Kills tour teaser trailer

Kanye West posted up this video on his blog with the headline “WHAT HAPPENED TO ALL THE ROCK STARS? THE FAME KILLED THEM!” I like the pulp fictiony photo still above, but it’s a pretty lame video. Actually, it’s worse than lame – it’s film school lame. (And I’m usually a fan of Gagantics.) I…

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Jack White takes the Kanye West meme to new heights at the Toronta Film Festival

All the Kanye memes floating around the internet this week (Including the Obama mash-up) have been tear-inducing nuggets of joy, but Jack White put them all to shame with his Kanye West impression at the Toronto Film Festival premiere of a documentary about one of his bands: The White Stripes Under Great White Northern Lights….

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2009 Lady Gaga and Kanye West ‘Fame Kills’ tour dates – tickets go on sale Sept. 25

UPDATE 10/01/09 – The ‘Fame Kills’ tour has been canceled. CLICK HERE to read more. Kanye’s recent public display of jackassitude at the MTV Video Music Awards had some thinking he might cancel on the planned tour with Lady Gaga, especially after saying he needed to “take a break” on The Jay Leno Show the…

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[VIDEO] Taylor Swift appears on The View in first appearance since awkward VMA experience with Kanye West

Taylor Swift, the first country artist to ever win a VMA, sat down with the girls on the View, and discussed her shocking diss from Kanye West. Here’s the breakdown of what went through her head during that moment: “Wow, I can’t believe I won, I’m gonna get to think the fans, this is son…

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VIDEO Kanye West apology on The Jay Leno Show for Taylor Swift VMA incident

Here is the video of Kanye West’s appearance and apology on The Jay Leno Show Monday night. The text of the full interview is transcribed below. Jay Leno thanked Kanye for honoring his commitment to be on the show and then tried to lighten the mood a little by saying to him, “Tell us about…

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Kanye West (sort of) apologizes to Taylor Swift on his blog

Kanye got out his caps keys to sort of, not really apologize for absolutely ruining the VMAs for Taylor Swift last night. It sounds like this apology was not driven by his remorse, but by the tongue lashing he got from Taylor Swift’s mom. He goes on to proclaim his love for Beyonce’s video and…

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2009 VMA VIDEO Beyonce gives Taylor Swift her moment with a second chance

After winning a VMA for Best Female Video earlier in the show and having her acceptance speech broken off by the egotistic Kanye West, Taylor Swift was given a second season by Beyonce, who might want to change her name to Sasha Classy. Beyonce took home the biggest award of the night, Video of the…

VMA VIDEO Kanye West Interrupts Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards

VMA VIDEO Kanye West Interrupts Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards

You won’t believe this video from the MTV Video Music Awards show! WOW! So much for Kanye West’s humbling remarks after he was skewered on an episode of South Park for being an ego-maniac! Taylor Swift won for Best Female Video and was in the middle of her acceptance speech when Kanye West took the…