VIDEO – Kanye’s secret concert at New York’s The Box: “Rosewood”

Thursday night Kanye West invited a select group of 200 people to a secret show at New York’s The Box. They were notified via email only a few hours before the event and were required to show up in formal wear.

The rapper, who’s recovering from last year’s Taylor-gate, was joined by John Legend on the piano to perform his old hits, his new anthem “Power,” and debut a brand new song “Mams’s Boyfriend.” And, according to accounts of those at the event backed up by some video footage, he killed.

There’s only one way to play and win when your drunken ego pushed you to become, in his words “The abomination of Obama’s nation,” and that’s to shut up, withdraw, and get busy doing what you do best.

Sometimes you have to learn the hard way that there are limits to “all that power.”