
Was Jon Gosselin’s NYC apartment torn apartment by a vengeful Hailey Glassman?

Jon Gosselin and his lawyers are reporting that his famed NYC bachelor pad has been torn to abosolute shreds, and the “troubled and sick” perpetrator may actually be scorned ex-girlfriend Hailey Glassman! What leads investigators to think that besides her growing public ire for the now out-of-work professional uberdouche? There was a note stuck to…


Jon and Kate Gosselin divorce is officially final! Kate is relieved, Jon is unemployed with a hefty child support bill

TMZ has learned that Judge Arthur Tilson signed the final papers to official dissolve the dysfunctional reality couple’s marriage. Kate had this to say: , “I am very relieved that our divorce has been finalized, and I look forward to the New Year, focusing on our children.” Kate Gosselin is now legally unwed to a…


Hailey Glassman dedication tweet to Jon Gosselin: “F.U.R.B.” (F U Right Back) by Frankee with lyrics

Hailey Glassman has been keeping the twitter world entertained over the last week and a half with all sorts of blog-worthy tweets including recommending using handicapped people for good parking on Black Friday, revealing Jon Gosselin wasn’t home alone for Thanksgiving but was actually in Colorado Skiing and that she just finished reading the book How To Deal With A Compulsive Liar. (No, that’s not an Al Franken book about Rush Limbaugh.)

Her latest contribution to the Twitter Nation is a heartfelt, loving tribute to her dear lover Jon Gosselin. The actual tweet was:

Aren’t I sweet, I dedicate this song to you.Listen to the words carefully. mwas-lol

Here is the audio, though I should warn you that the lyrics are a bit on the nasty side:


VIDEOS Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman interviews on ET Entertainment Tonight

Here are both of the sit down interviews with love/hatebirds Jon Gosselin and Hailey Glassman that aired on Entertainment Tonight November 3rd and 4th. It includes Hailey’s opinions about Kate and a slew of other issues reminiscent of a couples’ counseling sessions, with the highlight being Jon Gosselin storming off camera after Hailey asked, “Don’t…

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WATCH – Jon Gosselin’s probably gonna write a book about his spiritual journey

Whether or not Jon Gosselin is gettin’ drunk, gettin’ laid, or gettin’ spiritual, he wants to do it in the public eye, and I would be very surprised if he didn’t drop a book on us in the next few months about his “spiritual journey.” All he needs is a ghostwriter, and an Oprah interview…

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VIDEO Both Hailey Glassman interviews on The Insider

In case you missed it! Here’s the Hailey Glassman “interview” from The Insider, during which she revelas that Jon Gosselin emotionally abuses her and often lashes out at her when throwing “mantrums.” My favorite Hailey quote? Her revealing innuendo that reveals a little TMI about her and Jon: “I get it from every end.” Hi-ooooooo!…

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Jon Gosselin gets dumped by Hailey Glassman AND Michael Lohan – Ouch

After months of basking some sort of glorious high school wet dream where he got to get his ears pierced, wear stupid shirts, and cheat on women he was cheating on his wife with, Jon Gosselin is finally losing everyone who enabled his asshatery. Both Hailey Glassman, Jon’s naive (until now) party-girl main squeeze, and…

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Hailey Glassman tells The Insider Jon Gosselin emotionally abuses her

UPDATE – October 30, 2009: Hailey Glassman has dumped Jon Gosselin Hailey Glassman once again attempts to elicit sympathy from the public by dolling herself up for a television interview, this time with The Insider. Hailey has been in the headlines since her relationship with Jon and Kate Plus 8‘s Jon Gosselin became public back…

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Jon Gosselin and Nadya Suleman to date on a reality series?

InTouch has been celebrating Halloween early, because they’ve been dreaming up a fright show to end all horrors with, of all people, a former Cheaters and Jerry Springer producer to come up with a reality show featuring Nadya Suleman and Jon Gosselin dating. As everyone know, Nadya Suleman (because she’s completely bonkers) has the hots…

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PHOTOS Jon Gosselin watches as the children play in the yard with the nanny

I’ve realized that the Jon “Gosselin versus Kate Gosselin” debate is about like voting for president most years. People mostly belong to either of two camps that won’t waiver too much, and those that are undecided have to determine which candidate is the least horrible. But, we forget about the eight little independent candidates! Click…


Octomom Nadya Suleman has a crush on Jon Gosselin, thinks he’s hot

Nadya Suleman must have gotten the shakes from going so long without paparazzi and interviews, so she ventured out into the wild world with her brood Sunday (October 18) to pose for pictures and give interviews. Just when I was starting to like her because she wasn’t a Gosselin, she had to bring them into…


Jon Gosselin ordered to return money to Kate

Jon Gosselin has been ordered by a Pennsylvania judge to return $180,000 he took from the bank account he shares with Kate Gosselin by October 26. Kate Gosselin is also required to present accounting for $55,000 she took from the account to pay family expenses. Kate issued this statement, “As difficult as this has been…


Jon Gosselin addresses Kate, TLC, Hailey and children in PopEater interview

Jon Gosselin sat down for an exclusive interview with popeater.com, during which he addresses his ongoing divorce battle with Kate and TLC as well as the effects all of this is having on their eight children. Most of what Jon has to say is the same stuff he’s been mumbling about on the TV shows…


VIDEO Jon Gosselin vs. Nancy Grace on The Insider Round 2! 10-6-09

Ding ding! The no-holds-barred cage match continues! Part 1 of the Jon Gosselin/Nancy Grace fight to the death revealed Nancy to be the REAL pitbull in lipstick and Jon transformed from a douchey pile of goo into a bloody piece of chewed up raw meat right before our eyes! Well, are you ready to rummmmmble…

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VIDEO Jon Gosselin reads email from Kate about birthday custody dispute 10-7-09

The latest chapter in the Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin love story gone wrong is over tomorrow’s (October 8th) birthday party for twins Mady and Cara. According to Jon, all birthdays and holidays are “joint-share custody” days during which both parents have access to the children. Jon is upset in the video because he has…


[VIDEO] Nancy Grace yells at Jon Gosselin on ‘the Insider’

Usually Nancy Grace is a little much for me. At the end of the day I just want to drink a mug of hot tea and look at pictures of bunnies, not listen to Nancy Grace’s assertive, smug yelling. She probably usually right, but I never tune in long enough to listen to her. However,…

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VIDEO Complete Jon Gosselin on Larry King interview 10-1-09

Here are a videos of Jon Gosselin’s appearance on Larry King Live tonight, October 1, 2009: I literally laughed out loud when I heard Jon’s lawyer speak! This guy is a caricature of a stereotypical sleazy lawyer. I was watching with a female friend of mine and she had the same astonished and humored look…

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TLC blasts Jon Gosselin in statement; suspends shooting on “Kate Plus 8” after Jon’s Cease and Desist order

Finally! TLC finally has reason to tear Jon Gosselin a new one, and they stepped up to the plate with gusto. Here’s the storyline: TLC dropped Jon Gosselin’s name from the TV show, changing “Jon and Kate Plus 8” to “Kate Plus 8” – TLC everyone took this to mean that Jon was basically fired…

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Jon Gosselin demands TLC ‘cease and desist’ production of Kate Plus 8

Shortly after he was removed from his family’s reality show, Jon Gosselin has put Jon and Kate Plus 8’s network TLC on notice to “cease and desist” all production on the show and asked them to stay off their property. Mark Jay Heller is the attorney for Jon Gosselin and he tells ETonline: “Jon realized…

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TLC films a gleeful ‘Kate Plus 8’ – minus Jon

Kate had a good day Wednesday. She got some coffee, ran errands, picked her children up, took everyone to gymnastics and filmed an episode of her new show, “Kate Plus 8.” The reality star was unable to hide her joy as TLC followed her throughout her busy day. While Kate was out and about, TV…

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Jon Gosselin seeks to halt divorce as he faces TLC firing

Jon Gosselin wants to stall the divorce for 90 days, presumably because getting fired from TLC led to Jon looking in the mirror sober (for the first time in over a year) and seeing a giant Massengail brand toolbox staring back. There was a long enough time in between that incident and his next bong…

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Jon Gosselin has been fired by TLC – show to be ‘Kate Plus Eight’

The TLC show about the wacky family with eight children, a douchebag, and a spiky hedgehog is going to be officially called “Kate Plus Eight” starting Nov. 2. TLC was tired of the toolboxery, so they mostly fired Jon. They still have an exclusive contract with him, and he will still appear on the show…

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VIDEO Whoopi Goldberg slams Kate Gosselin over custody debacle because of Stephanie Santoro

Image credits: Whoopi Goldberg (Juan Rico/Fame Pictures), Kate Gosselin (AAR/Fame Pictures) Whoopi Goldberg confronted Kate Gosselin Friday about her breach of custody during her last visit to the View as a cohost. Kate wanted to address the latest story about Jon Gosselin boinking babysitter Stephanie Santoro and making sure that everyone knew that this was…

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The Downward Spiral—Jon and Kate Plus 8 Season 5, Episode 12 Recap: “Movie and a Catch”

Ladies and gentlemen, the downward spiral has begun. If you haven’t been able to tell from my previous recaps of Jon and Kate Plus 8, then I find it my duty to inform you that this show is taking a long walk off a short cliff. The once-refreshing look into the everyday battles of a…

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Kate Gosselin Cohosts the View – Talks about Patrick Swayze, Jon, Dr. Phil, sports new hairstyle

On the eve of Patrick Swayze’s death Kate Gosselin co-hosted her second day on the View sporting a new, softer-looking, wavy style of her oddly-cut hair. The new style is actually really cute and make her features look softer, brings out her eyes. Whoopi was very close with Swayze, and Barbara Walters gave his last…

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Jon Gosselin Really Hates Kate – Good Morning America interview reveals deep anger

This morning another part of Jon Gosselin’s interview with Good Morning America’s Chris Cuomo aired – and Jon had a lot of anger to let out. It begins with Jon making a bold statement: he feels like he loves new girlfriend Hailey Glassman more than he loved Kate. Jon then says he was jealous of…

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PHOTOS Old Kate Gosselin had a farm…and took the kids!

While Jon was in Vegas drinking with hot blondies and buying bling for one of his many flinglings, Kate was back in Pennsylvania taking the kids to the farm where they enjoyed a good old fashioned hay ride. And in true Kate fashion, she had big ol’ straw hats for all the kids to keep…

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Halloween Comes Early – Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season 5, Episode 12 Recap: ‘Dude Ranch and Dress Up’

Little did I know when I turned on Jon and Kate last night that I was walking into a television nightmare. The episode lulled me in with the typical presentation of cutesy activities and family bonding, but just when I thought I had a grasp on the general plot…there was a turn. In between sweet…

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VIDEO Complete Interview Kate Gosselin on Larry King Live 8-25-09

Kate Gosselin went on Larry King Live tonight to address some of the controversial issues swirling around her and husband Jon Gosselin. The main issues are the fallout of the divorce on the children and Jon’s very public “wild” life of partying and his relationships with multiple women. Here is the interview in three parts…

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PHOTOS Stephanie Santoro and Jon Gosselin with the kids

UPDATE: Stephanie Santoro’s mom is speaking out about Stephanie’s relationship with Jon. Read about it here. Jon Gosselin and babysitter/rumored mistress Stephanie Santoro spend a nice day in the park with the children. The first two photos were taken on August 7th, 2009 and include Stephanie’s baby. The others were taken August 8. I have…

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Keeping Up with the Joneses…er…Kate; Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season 5, Episode 11 Recap: ‘Battleship and Barber’ Watch Online!

As was the case with last week’s episode, it seems that the real firefight between Jon & Kate is taking place off-screen—but maybe reality television simply hasn’t caught up with “reality” reality yet. Either way, the skirmish of the sextuplet parents is far more understated on the TLC program. Maybe the subtlety of the continued…


VIDEO Jon Gosselin’s Girlfriend Hailey Glassman Interview On E!

UPDATE – October 30, 2009: Hailey Glassman has dumped Jon Gosselin UPDATE 10/30/09 – Be sure to check out video of both Hailey Glassman appearances on The Insider HERE! Hailey Glassman took her turn in the “he said, she said, she said” media merry-go-round by giving an exclusive interview to E! that aired this evening….

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PHOTOS Jon And Kate Gosselin And Kids Reunite After Argument

Jon Gosselin and Kate Gosselin made headlines last night when Kate called police after Jon wouldn’t allow her inside the house. It was Jon’s night with the kids but Kate was upset that he had called in Stephanie Santoro (click for photos of Stephanie) to babysit the kids, probably because of rumors that Jon had…

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Where’s the Drama? Jon & Kate Plus 8 Season 5, Episode 10 Recap: ‘Beach & Kitchen Reveal’

Image credit: Brian Flannery/FlynetOnline.com Despite all the drama in the ex-Gosselin camp prior to the airing of this week’s new episode, all is quiet on the TLC front. “Beach & Kitchen Reveal” hearkens back to the simpler, early days of Jon & Kate Plus 8 – minus Kate yelling at her spouse from several yards…

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Kate Gosselin tells ‘The Today Show’ she still loves the Jon “she knew”; shocked and hurt over Hailey Glassman [VIDEO]

On the Today Show this morning Kate revealed that she still loves the “Jon she knew,” still wears her wedding ring “for the kids,” and was shocked and hurt about Jon’s relationship with Hailey Glassman, which started in May before their official separation and divorce filing. She even broke down in tears when discussing her…

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Kate Major resigned from ‘Star Magazine’ because of Jon Gosselin after the pair stayed at Michael Lohan’s house

Kate Major has resigned from Star Magazine because of her relationship with Jon Gosselin. Although a source close to Gosselin told RadarOnline that Major is making things up, Kate told Star Magazine Wednesday night that she was indeed the new Kate in Jon’s life, saying: “I went to do a story on Jon and ended…