Category: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta

How much do Lil Scrappy and Bambi make per episode of Love & Hip Hop Atlanta?

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta stars Adiz Bambi and Lil Scrappy have been at the reality TV game long enough to start seeing serious payoff in the form of some serious paychecks. And now that the two of them have announced Bambi's pregnancy, it seems that their net worth is set to grow in direct proportion to their forthcoming increased screen time.

Tommie adds new mug shots to her collection: LHHATL star officially charged with battery in jewelry store beatdown

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta's Tommie Lee has officially been charged with battery and "substantial physical harm" in the jewelry store beatdown caught on camera earlier this year. Read on for the LHHATL Tommie new mug shots, plus details on Tommie's *other* current criminal case...