Do Real Housewives pay to be on the show? Secrets revealed

Stephanie Hollman, who was the only Real Housewives of Dallas cast member to be on the show for the entirety of its five season run, is now sharing secrets about the franchise on TikTok (@stephhollman.) One topic is about how expensive it can be to keep up appearances on the show. Usually, their paycheck doesn’t even start to cover wardrobe or party-planning expenses.

LIFE AFTER LOCKUP Lindsey Downs vlogs as a teen on YouTube

We found Love After Lockup and Life After Lockup star Lindsey Downs’ YouTube channel from when she was a teen! Check out some of her videos in which young Lindsey offers up her take on being a grocery store cashier and the awesomeness of the Hunger Games books!

Plus, an excerpt from Lindsey’s 2016 plea hearing in which she shares her rather extensive work and education history prior to her felony drug and firearm convictions.

BELOW DECK Leigh-Ann and Ben dated after the show! Then he ghosted her?!

After Below Deck deckhand Ben Willoughby and stew Camille Lamb broke up, Ben traveled to florida to rekindle his romance with stew Leigh-Ann Smith. The two even went as far as to rent an apartment together! However, things did not end well. At all.

Keep reading for Leigh-Ann’s lengthy recap of her relationship with Ben — before, during, and after filming for Below Deck season 10. Plus, Ben responds to Leigh-Anns recap, which paints him in a terrible light.