BREAKING AMISH Sabrina overdosed on heroin, brought back to life by EMTs – now back in rehab for ‘a long time’
Troubled Breaking Amish and Return To Amish star Sabrina Burkholder is lucky to be alive as she recently overdosed on heroin after being sober from the drug for almost a year.
In a lengthy Facebook post, the reality star reveals that she overdosed in late June and was technically dead before paramedics administered two doses of Narcan and brought her back to life. She says that after her heart stopped beating she saw her biological mother and grandmother and that her mother helped convince her to continue living.
The relapse happened while Sabrina was with her boyfriend Jethro, who is also a recovering heroin addict, and another mutual friend named Sean. The incident occurred just prior to Sabrina’s birthday on June 24.
Here is Sabrina’s full post with all of the details:
A few days before my 32nd birthday, almost 2 months ago, Jethro and I were with our friend Sean in York County, PA. I was almost a year clean from heroin. For whatever reason that day, I was in a mood. We all were. Sean got some molly and some heroin. We did the molly and then Sean did some heroin and handed me a capful of it. I asked him if it was all for me because it looked like a lot. He was like “yeah happy birthday”. So I mixed it up and shot it. I remember feeling very weird and that was my last conscious thought.
Half an hour later I woke up surrounded by paramedics. I remember seeing Jethro staring at me with tears running down his face. And I was suddenly hit with memories of what happened when I was dead. Yes, dead. Sean did CPR on me and kept on going even after my heart had stopped beating. Jethro was kneeling on the ground crying out to God to save me. Sean and Jethro both told me later that Sean tried to stop after he realized I was gone, but Jethro kept screaming at him to keep on going and wouldn’t let him stop giving me CPR.
Heaven is for real. If you had ever told me before that I would die of a heroin overdose and go to heaven I would have laughed in your face. But I did. I saw my biological grandmother and my biological mom. My mom put her arm around me and said “Why are you here you still have work to do.” And I wanted to stay. And she turned around and pointed and said “But his mother died and he has experienced such pain from that. Do you want him to have to feel the pain of losing you like this yet too?” I turned around and looked and saw Jethro kneeling on the ground beside me praying. As soon as I looked at him I woke up back inside of my body.
They had to Narcan me twice to bring me back. They only had 2 Narcans on them; had I needed another, I wouldn’t be here. That experience shook me to my core and forced me to look at the sh*tty person I’ve allowed myself to become. I finally am standing up and making decisions for my future that a lot of people will not like. I don’t care. God saved me that day for a reason and I am not looking back.
After this, you will not hear from me for a long time. I am getting right with God. God is changing my life and I am putting Him first from now on. Thanks to those of you who have never stopped believing in me
This is my reason why.
On Saturday Sabrina updated her followers by revealing that she was on her way to rehab. Sabrina mentioned in her post above that we will not be hearing from her for a long time, and she confirmed that it will be because she will remain in rehab. “I am going to rehab. And I’m not coming out for a long time,” she stated in the comments section.
The recent heroin overdose is just the latest in a very long string of drug-related incidents for Sabrina. Here is a timeline of some of our past stories documenting her difficult journey since the birth of her daughter Oakley in March of 2014:
May 2015 – Sabrina is not included on the new season of Return To Amish, and she revealed that it was because she had been raped and “tried to heal the pain with substance abuse.”
August 2015 – Sabrina has been sober for months and living with her parents. Due to her drug issues, she lost custody of her daughter.
May 2016 – Sabrina regains custody of her daughter Oakley.
June 2016 – It is announced that Sabrina is pregnant with her second child with her abusive ex, Harry Kreiser III.
August 2016 – Sabrina reportedly loses custody of Oakley again after a friend of Sabrina’s had a heart attack in her car and later died.
November 2016 – Sabrina gives birth to her second daughter, Arianna Grace.
May 2017 – Sabrina arrested and charged with drug possession. She would plead guilty just a couple weeks after, and was released ten days later.
August 2017 – Sabrina is back behind bars after being arrested for a reported parole violation.
November 2017 – Sabrina is released from jail, and it is revealed that her two daughters have legally been adopted by their dad’s sister and husband.
April 2018 – Sabrina reveals that there will be a new season of Return To Amish and she will be included.
May 2018 – Sabrina updates on her sobriety and shares her gratitude to show producers for helping her get her life back on track.
June 2018 – Sabrina overdoses on heroin and her heart stops beating before paramedics are able to revive her with multiple doses of Narcan.
August 2018 – Sabrina checks herself into rehab “for a long time.”
Unfortunately, I have stated this many, many times before on this site: I am a fan of Sabrina’s and I continue to wish her the best and am hopeful she will eventually be able to find inner peace enough to remain sober and get her life back on track. Clearly, an extended rehab stay is a positive step in that direction, and we are excited to hear back from a changed Sabrina “a long time” from now.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)