
BEFORE THE 90 DAYS Geoffrey Paschel criminal history timeline

90 Day Fiance Before the 90 Days Geoffrey Paschel arrests

As we draw closer to the 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Season 4 premiere on February 23, it appears as though TLC is standing behind their decision to include controversial cast member Geoffrey Paschel. The network included Geoffrey in their newest preview trailer, despite the fact that he is currently facing charges of aggravated kidnapping, domestic assault, and more stemming from an altercation with his live-in girlfriend in June. He’s also been accused of abuse by two ex-wives as well as his current estranged wife. (Yes, Geoffrey is still legally married, as he was when he filmed for the show.)

In addition to Geoffrey’s alleged domestic abuse issues, he also has a rather extensive criminal history as well. In this installment of The Geoffrey Paschel Files, we will share what we were able to find out about his numerous arrests over the years — including his June, 2019 kidnapping and domestic assault arrest.

I have included details such as disposition and sentencing when available. Otherwise, please note that these are the charges at the time of Geoffrey’s arrests and should not be interpreted as guilt. I am trying to confirm the dispositions, but Tennessee records are turning out to be a bit of a pain depending on the organization.

* * * UPDATE – There has been a lot of media coverage and social media posts about the controversies surrounding Geoffrey, and there also appears to be a lot of misinformation being spread. Here is a full recap of our coverage that includes some clarifications on information being reported elsewhere that appears to be unverified. * * *

Geoffrey’s legal issues began at a very young age. It’s unclear just how young, because we would not be able to uncover any arrests before he turned 18.

In September of 1997, at the age of 19, Geoffrey was arrested and charged with simple possession of a schedule VI controlled substance, possession of a schedule II controlled substance with intent to resell, and possession of a schedule I controlled substance with intent to resell.

On April 4, 2000, Geoffrey was arrested in Tennessee and charged with larceny / theft under $500.

There is a mug shot for Geoffrey in his home county in Tennessee from May of 2000. According to court records, Geoffrey was charged with violating statutes 841(a)(1) and 841(b)(1)(C), which are described as “possession with the intent to distribute cocaine hydrchloride, a schedule II narcotic controlled substance” at the time. In December of 2000, jurisdiction of Geoffrey’s case was transferred from Tennessee to the Eastern District of Texas.

Geoffrey was booked on a federal warrant in Texas in July of 2001.

Geoffrey admits on Before the 90 Days that he was caught selling drugs and says he served 13 months. Here is an excerpt from divorce documents filed by one of Geoffrey’s exes in December of 2004:

In July of 2003, [Geoffrey] was released from federal prison in which he was incarcerated for numerous drug and firearm charges. At the time of his arrest he had in his possession, five pounds of marijuana, two ounces of cocaine, $15,000, and a firearm. Having spent almost three years in the federal prison [Geoffrey] is at this time still on probation.

In March of 2006, Geoffrey was charged with “battery touch or strike” in Florida. The case was disposed in June of 2006 with a deferred prosecution agreement. As part of the disposition, Geoffrey was ordered to pay $1,600 in restitution plus court costs and fines. There were additional conditions of the DPA that I could not access due to how old the case is. Geoffrey abided by the conditions for six months, and the an official judgment of nolle prosequi (no prosecution) was later entered. Get more details on his 2006 arrest here.

In September of 2013, Geoffrey was arrested and charged with felony larceny / theft of services near Knoxville, Tennessee. According to the criminal complaint, Geoffrey and an accomplice tried to steal more than $500 worth of lights from Home Depot and got caught on the security camera. The incident occurred exactly one year before he was eventually charged.

From the complaint:

On Sunday, February 19, 2012 at about 14:00, the Defendant [Geoffrey] and Codefendant went to the Home Depot located at 9361 Kingston Pike. While there, the Defendant got five lights valued at approximately $595.00 and pushed them on a flatbed dolly to the exit door. The Defendant then leaves the store to get the vehicle and the Codefendant enters the store and pushes the dolly with the lights out the door and they place the lights in their vehicle and drive off without paying…

…The incident was captured on surveillance and both defendants were [identified] from a photo lineup.

Geoffrey would eventually plead guilty to a lesser charge of misdemeanor theft by shoplifting in April of 2014. In addition to having to pay restitution to Home Depot, Geoffrey was also sentenced to 11 months and 29 days in jail. His alternative sentence was 11 months and 20 days of supervised probation. (I would assume that means he spent nine days in jail at some point, but cannot confirm that with jail records.)

In February of 2014, Geoffrey was arrested in Florida and charged with misdemeanor petit theft and felony “BATT/PUB TRNST.” The battery charge seems to be battery of a public transit employee, but researching that abbreviated charge description includes other cases in Florida in which the battery was against a police officer. So, I am uncertain exactly what kind of public official Geoffrey was initially charged with attacking. (I’m still looking into it, as I am with pretty much every case against Geoffrey.)

The mystery surrounding the battery charge may be moot because Geoffrey would eventually have that charge dropped after pleading nolo contendere to the misdemeanor petit theft charge. He was sentenced to one day in jail in April of 2014 and credited with one day already served.

The next arrest that I could find for Geoffrey was the June, 2019 arrest for his alleged brutal attack of his live-in girlfriend. Here are details from her order of protection filing immediately after the incident:

When I got back to my house, I was attacked by Geoffrey Paschel. He repeatedly bashed/slammed my head into the hardwood floors of my home. He dragged me through the house by my hair and continued throwing my body into walls and furniture. (I know this because of blood on my walls, furniture, etc. Also, the couch was overturned and the kitchen table was moved several feet.) I screamed for him to stop multiple times. This went on for approximately 30 minutes.

My nose was dripping blood into my mouth, so he made me wash my face with the lights off and blow my nose. He flushed the toilet paper down the toilet when I was finished. He then ordered me to get into my bed, which I did to stop any further abuse.

He got on my phone and began deleting all contact (texts, e-mails, voicemails, pictures) between us. He spent about 2 hours on my phone while I laid in bed beside him pretending to sleep. He pulled the screen off the front of the phone and disabled it so I could not call/text anyone, then put it on the bedside table. He also synced my iCloud to his MacBook.

When he was finished going through my phone, he tried to embrace me and apologize. I told him not to touch me and quickly jumped out of bed and ran out the front door to my neighbor’s house. I rang her doorbell and asked her to call 9-1-1, which she immediately did.

Geoffrey was arrested after police spoke with him and his girlfriend, but that wasn’t the end of Geoffrey’s alleged aggression. From the police report:

The arrestee was initially taken into custody without incident. While in custody, the arrestee attempted to kick out the windows of the patrol vehicle. Officers removed the arrestee from the vehicle and applied leg restraints. The arrestee made further attempts to damage the patrol vehicle while his legs were restrained. The arrestee was removed from the vehicle again and further restrained.

Geoffrey was initially charged with misdemeanor domestic assault. Prosecutors would later add charges of aggravated kidnapping, interference with emergency call, and vandalism.

Geoffrey waived his arraignment at a court hearing last month, which essentially means he acknowledged the charges against him and pleaded not guilty. A new court date was set for late March.

Local news agency Knox News must have been made aware of our reporting on Geoffrey’s arrest because they were waiting for him outside the courthouse at his arraignment.

[Ed: A representative from Knox News reached out to express concern over the previous sentence. Of course Knox News has a dedicated and professional staff with resources and connections in the Knoxville area WAY beyond that of Starcasm, and they would not need to rely on our reporting for information from court documents or police records. I was merely suggesting (in perhaps an unprofessionally humorous way) that they might have been made aware of Geoffrey’s current case in the context of him being a cast member on 90 Day Fiance due to our reporting. My sincere apologies to the Knox News team for any perceived slight.]

From the site:

Outside Friday’s hearing, Paschel insisted he is not guilty, and said he thinks his ex-girlfriend’s claims intentionally coincided with his pending child custody case involving his estranged wife.

“It’s all about child custody,” he told Knox News.

As a result of his arrest, Geoffrey lost custody of his son Cayvan to his mother Brittany, who now lives in Canada and is unable to enter the United States legally. The two also shared another younger son named Kazhem who passed away in February of 2018 at just 13 months of age. You can click here to see a video of Geoffrey at Kazhem’s grave site offering advice to people trying to cope with the loss of a loved one.

As far as Geoffrey’s current legal issues, it appears as though he has at least four different court dates coming up in the next couple months. He has two different custody cases with hearings scheduled, including one ex-wife and his current wife. The order of protection filed by Geoffrey’s ex-girlfriend is also scheduled for review.

The assault and kidnapping case has a hearing scheduled in late March. I would assume that this is the case that would be the biggest factor in TLC’s decision to keep or remove Geoffrey. Unfortunately for the network, his hearing is towards the end of March, which is more than a month (i.e. 4 or more episodes) after the 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days Season 4 premiere on February 23.

UPDATE – Geoffrey Paschel’s trial was in October and the jury found him guilty of aggravated kidnapping, domestic assault, and interference with an emergency call. He is facing a minimum prison sentence of 12 years with no chance of parole.

In case you missed it, TLC seemingly made any potential decision to cut Geoffrey from the show a little easier last week when they revealed an eighth couple to be featured on the new season. I’ve stated since the very beginning of our coverage on Geoffrey that I didn’t think TLC would choose to keep him on the show. I still feel that is true, but my confidence levels are dwindling the closer we get to the Premiere later this month.

Here are links to all of our installments of The Geoffrey Paschel Files, which we continue to update and include at the end of each post that we do about him:

Geoffrey Paschel facing kidnapping, assault charges; ex gf gets order of protection
Terrifying details on the allegations made by Geoffrey’s live-in girlfriend after he allegedly assaulted her in June of 2019. He was later arrested and is currently facing charges of aggravated kidnapping, domestic assault, interference with emergency call, and vandalism.

Geoffrey Paschel is still married, wife says he abused her, she took their kids to Canada
Information on the bitter split between Geoffrey and his estranged current wife Brittany Paschel, including her taking their two children illegally and running off to Canada. Brittany also accused Geoffrey of abuse, and court documents indicate that Geoffrey’s third wife provided an affidavit to support Brittany with allegations of her own.

Geoffrey Paschel lost custody of son, more details from 2019 domestic assault arrest
After Geoffrey’s arrest in June, Brittany filed for (and got) custody of their son. Post includes additional details about Geoffrey’s arrest from the police report, including the fact that additional restraints had to be applied to Geoffrey multiple times after he attempted to kick out the windows of a police vehicle after being placed in custody.

Geoffrey Paschel’s 2nd ex-wife says he ‘repeatedly raped’ her in divorce filing, plus more abuse allegations
Details on the allegations made by Geoffrey’s second wife during their divorce, including her claim that he “repeatedly raped” her. There is also information from her order of protection filed against him in which she alleges that Geoffrey attacked her multiple times during their marriage, including one instance involving a shotgun and another with a knife held to her throat.

Geoffrey Paschel shares video at son’s grave, offers grief coping advice
Geoffrey shares a video on YouTube recorded at the grave of his son Kazhem, who tragically passed away in March of 2018 at just 13 months old. The video is titled “How to Manage The Loss Of A Child” and it includes Geoffrey’s thoughts on his son’s passing and coping with the grief.

Ex-wife accuses Geoffrey Paschel of reselling prescription opiates, using his children as a ‘cover’ or ‘mule’
We take a peek at Geoffrey’s third marriage/third divorce and the contentious custody battle for the couple’s son. Geoffrey’s ex references numerous allegations against him in court documents, including “his practice of selling opiate medication and historic involvement of his children as a ‘cover’ or ‘mule’ in his illegal activities.”

Geoffrey Paschel played The BTK Serial Killer for Snapped on Oxygen
Geoffrey Paschel is no stranger to the small screen. Before making his reality show debut with TLC, Geoffrey compiled a pretty extensive acting resume, including a role as one of America’s most infamous serial killers.

Why do fans want Geoffrey Paschel removed from Before the 90 Days? Full controversy recap
We recap all the controversies surrounding 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days star Geoffrey Paschel, including his criminal history and the numerous allegations of abuse made by his former wives and girlfriends. We also include Geoffrey’s social media posts about his past and the negative things being said about him — including the Change.org petition demanding his removal from TLC.

Geoffrey Paschel assault & kidnapping case delayed, plus 2011 protection order revealed
Update on Geoffrey’s assault and kidnapping case. Plus, a 2011 police report reveals that another of Geoffrey’s ex-girlfriends had an order of protection filed against him at the time.

Geoffrey & Varya update and Before the 90 Days Couples Tell All spoilers
Geoffrey and Varya reportedly did not participate in the Before the 90 Days Couples Tell All special after TLC did not invite him. A reliable source says that TLC did extend an invitation to Varya, but she told the network that if Geoffrey couldn’t participate, then she wouldn’t either. The special was filmed remotely during the first weekend in May.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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