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PHOTOS My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today: Season 8 star ‘finally loving’ herself

My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today March 30

We’ve got a a positive and uplifting update on My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today. The Season 8 star is reaching out to her many fans with words of gratitude on the one-year anniversary of her reality TV debut.

Lindsey, whose debut My 600 Lb Life episode was one of last season’s first success stories, says she’s “finally loving the person” she sees in the mirror. But is Lindsey Witte still married? And how does she look today?

My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today looks and sounds better than ever

The anniversary marks an amazing transformation for Lindsey, who gave viewers one of My 600 Lb Life Season 8’s most shocking and difficult scenes. The woman responsible for the infamous “Eat death, Lindsey!” ultimatum from her husband Paul has come so far since then, she’s barely recognizable.

The photo at the top of the article is just the tip of the iceberg. Though it’s one of the most recent she’s shared, Lindsey actually made it public last March.

The Lindsey Witte before-and-after pic she herself shared on New Year’s Day is an even better example of Lindsey today:

My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today 3

As for the “sounds better” part of Lindsey’s transformation, look no farther than the words of gratitude she posted literally minutes ago. While we were putting this article together, Lindsey shared her thoughts on the aforementioned one-year anniversary of her My 600 Lb Life episode first airing.

Here’s Lindsey’s complete post, which you can read in context on her official Facebook page:

One year ago today my episode aired on TLC’s My 600 pound Life.❤
I still remember being over 600 pounds and praying for God to let me wake up and live another day. 💚
I still remember thinking I was out of options after being turned down for a revision surgery through my local hospital. 💙
I still remember taking a leap of faith and filling out the application for the show. 🧡
I still remember the whirlwind of the cameras and the crew exposing my deepest darkest secrets and my childhood that I tried so hard to bury with food. 💜
I am finally loving the person starring back me in the mirror and I’m constantly evolving. 💛Today on this year anniversary TLC is replaying my episode at 3pm.🎉
There isn’t a day that goes by where I am not thankful, grateful or believe I am extremely blessed for this second chance at life!🙏
Love you all and thank you for your support along this journey. 🥰

And the “second chance” Lindsey referred to isn’t just talk. As followers of the Lindsey Witte Facebook and Instagram pages are already aware, Lindsey has dubbed both of them “Second Chance Success.”

While they’re a way for fans of her weight loss journey to reach out, Lindsey also uses her pages to help motivate people with the same struggles.

Is Lindsey Witte still married?

We’re betting the upcoming Lindsey Witte Where Are They Now? episode will help answer this question 😉 Despite their many struggles in the debut, Lindsey and her husband Paul are still very much a couple.

In fact, as we wrote in our earlier update on Lindsey, it seems their bond has only strengthened since the cameras stopped filming.

Back in 2020, Lindsey clarified her relationship status for a worried fan. After posting a photo of the two of them with a caption stating they were far apart, Lindsey explained that she didn’t mean she and Paul were separated.

In fact, it was quite the opposite. “The time apart,” Lindsey said, “makes me love that shit head 1000x more.”

Nor is the above reference to a follow-up episode all talk. Several months ago, Lindsey confirmed that she’d been filming for a follow-up. Though the coronavirus pandemic put My 600 Lb Life filming on pause temporarily, it seems things are back to normal now.

Earlier this week, in a response to a fan, Lindsey again said she was “still filming.” As for details, though, we’re going to have to wait until production wraps.

“Sorry I cannot disclose any[thing] at this time,” Lindsey said. “But keep a lookout for my follow up episode! ❤😊”

Fans wanting to keep up with Lindsey on social media can do so mainly via the two pages above. Lindsey is also on TikTok, though she hasn’t shared anything on the platform in some time.

We’ll leave you with a couple more recent photos of Lindsey’s beaming face. The first is from this past summer, and comes complete with a built-in caption proving how far Lindsey’s come:

My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today June 30

And the second is from January 2nd of this year. It’s a larger take on the “after” half of the before-and-after photo above, which means Lindsey’s happiness comes through even more clearly:

My 600 Lb Life Lindsey today Jan 2

Lindsey Witte’s complete first My 600 Lb Life episode is available for streaming via TLC.

(Photo credits: Instagram, Facebook)

John Sharp is Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail john@starcasm.net or Twitter @john_starcasm.

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