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EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS MY 600 LB LIFE Lee and Rena split up after he allegedly cheats with a married woman

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My 600 Lb Life stars Lee Sutton and Rena Kiser’s relationship has been controversial since Lee’s angry, sometimes violent outbursts toward Rena marred the couple’s debut episode. Now, it looks like the viewers who’ve long told Rena to leave Lee were right: Starcasm can exclusively report the details of the My 600 Lb Life Lee and Rena split, which came just a few days in advance of the couple’s Where Are They Now? follow-up.

Lee and Rena actually met at weight loss clinic years before My 600 Lb Life‘s cameras began rolling, and left that clinic together rather than break up (the clinic’s rules didn’t allow patients to date each other). And Lee agreeing to control his temper was the catalyst for he and Rena’s weight loss success on their debut last year: Lee went from 714 pounds to 411, and Rena dropped from 542 pounds to 278.

Lee and Rena even revealed they had been thinking about planning their wedding. Marriage was in he and Rena’s “near future,” Lee said not long after their My 600 Lb Life debut. He even added, “We will be together until death do us part!”

But two weeks ago, Rena shared a since-deleted Facebook update in which she referred to a “cheater,” also calling the person “excess baggage.” We say “the person” because Rena never mentioned Lee by name — but she did tag him in the post, leaving no doubt about whom she was talking.

Here’s Rena’s late May status update calling Lee out for cheating on her:

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A few days after that, Lee made his new relationship official by changing his Facebook status and posting a pic of himself with a new woman. Lee also deleted this update, although he didn’t take down the photo (on which more in a moment). The screengrab we got already had the woman’s name removed:

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Finally, it’s rumored that the woman at the heart of the My 600 Lb Life Lee and Rena split is in fact married. We haven’t been able to confirm or disconfirm that — but here’s the photo of her together with Lee:

My 600 Lb Life Lee and Rena split 3

Since the updates screencapped above, neither Lee nor Rena has said anything public about their split. If the breakup was as sudden as the updates two weeks ago suggest, it’s not likely we’ll see things unfold during the now former couple’s new My 600 Lb Life episode. Having said that, here’s Lee and Rena’s portion of the log line for that update: “Lee’s anger issues continue to jeopardize his relationship with Rena and threatens to derail both of their weight loss journeys.”

Lee and Rena’s Where Are They Now? episode debuts at 8 PM on Wednesday, June 5th. They’re paired with fellow Season 6 cast member Sarah Neeley, who recently suffered her own tragedy.

You can revisit Lee and Rena’s first My 600 Lb Life episode here, via TLC.

(Photo credits: My 600 Lb Life Lee and Rena split via Facebook)

John Sharp is Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail john@starcasm.net or Twitter @john_starcasm.


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