LOVE AFTER LOCKUP Nicolle guilty of 2 new felonies; is she dating Daonte again?
Love After Lockup star Nicolle Bradley has added multiple felony convictions to her rap sheet.
As Starcasm previously reported, Nicolle was arrested in Newport News, Virginia on April 11 of this year. A representative from the Newport News Police Department provided Starcasm with this statement in regards to Nicolle’s arrest:
On April 11, 2023 at approximately 12:00 am, officers conducted a traffic stop at J. Clyde Morris Blvd. and Jefferson Avenue after observing a vehicle traveling without headlights. After further investigation, Nicolle Marie Bradley out of Newport News was arrested and charged with four counts of possession of schedule I or II drugs and two counts of possession of a schedule IV drugs.
The four counts of possession of schedule I or II controlled substances were all class 5 felonies. Given the fact that Nicolle was previously convicted of felony larceny, she was facing a lot of potential prison time.
Fortunately for Nicolle, she was able to get a favorable plea deal. According to court records, the 26-year-old pleaded guilty to two of the felony drug possession charges on October 5.
For one of the charges, Nicolle was sentenced to three years in prison with three years suspended. She also received one year of probation.
For the other charge, Nicolle was sentenced to three years in prison with two years and eleven months suspended. That leaves one month of prison time left to serve. (There is no probation listed for this conviction.)
According to VINE, Nicolle is currently a “weekender” in unsupervised custody.
The Virginia Beach Sheriff’s Office website offers an explanation for what “weekender” means:
The Weekender Program allows offenders to serve their sentences on non-consecutive days for the purpose of maintaining employment. Offenders must be ordered into the Weekender Program by the court and should submit requests through their attorney.
VINE indicates Nicolle is scheduled for release on November 12, 2023.
Nicolle shared an Instagram post on September 17 with a gallery of photos. One commenter mentioned Nicolle’s reported drug use and also commented on her weight loss. Nicolle replied at length, including revealing that she was on probation at the time:
Why don’t you mind your own business? I’m on probation. I take a drug test every week. And quite frankly I don’t owe you or any of these other dumb mfs an explanation on my life.
Y’all want to judge me for being small when I’ve got real health issues causing my extreme weight loss. I’m clean and doing better in my life. And I could give a single f**k who believes me and who doesn’t.
All I’m saying is get a f**king life and stop spying on mine. I’m allowed to have social media. I’m allowed to leave my comments on. I have family and friends and a real life that does not revolve around strangers stalking my profile.
In another comment on the same gallery post, Nicolle revealed a little more information about her weight loss. “I was diagnosed with celiac disease,” she wrote. “I’m allergic to gluten, and my body was not retaining any nutrients from the food I had been eating that had gluten in it.”
#LoveAfterLockup @Daonte_Sierra87's ex Nicolle reveals that she is now working as a stripper! Wait… Did Nicolle and wife Tia break up?! #LifeAfterLockup
— Starcasm (@starcasm) November 17, 2022
Is Nicolle dating Daonte again?
The September 17 gallery of photos mentioned above includes photos of Nicolle with her ex, and Love After Lockup co-star, Daonte Sierra.
In the comments, Nicolle seemed to confirm that she and Daonte were back together:
COMMENT: Y’all together now? You should’ve stuck with him in the first place Y’all have fun girl!!
NICOLLE: Yeah, but we live and we learn. That’s what life’s about right?
COMMENT: Y’all look happy together this 2nd time around.
NICOLLE: Gotta love a fairytale ending
Daonte was also sharing posts on Instagram that included photos and clips with Nicolle. However, it appears as though all of those posts have since been deleted.
Here’s one text post that Daonte shared in his Instagram stories in response to people inquiring whether or not he contributed financially to Nicolle’s enhanced upstairs assets:
And for the 800 billionth time, NO!!!! I didn’t pay for nobody’s tittys!!! IDK how many times we both done had to say that s**t. You got me all the way f****d upif anybody’s thought that I was gonna actually do that.
Let me repeat that again for the people in the cheap seats… NO NO NO!!! I didn’t pay for no damn boobs. There’s a difference between paying for them and utilizing them that’s all Imma say
#LoveAfterLockup STOP THE BUS! After Daonte insisted that his new gf CeCe "is not a past convict" details about her arrests have surfaced. And the scoop was sparked by a comment left by… her current husband?! #LifeAfterLockup
— Starcasm (@starcasm) October 28, 2022
Nicolle, Tia, Daonte and CeCe
In case you missed it, Nicolle and her wife, Tia Simmons, reportedly broke up late last year. It was later reported that Nicolle and Daonte were occasionally hanging out together, and that may have contributed to the marriage falling apart.
Meanwhile, Daonte was dating another woman named CeCe. That relationship appeared to be quite serious, but just before Daonte and Nicolle started posting together on social media, CeCe vanished from Daonte’s posts.
In July, Daonte posted a gallery of photos and videos with Nicolle on Facebook and wrote a lengthy statement confirming they were friends again. However, he fell a bit short of confirming a romantic relationship. Here’s what Daonte wrote:
After a while you just gotta stop caring so much about what people are gonna say
. I’ve already admitted multiple times at this point that we’ve reconnected and sometimes see and hang out with each other.
A lot has changed over the past 4 years now that we’ve been pretty much in and out of each other’s lives. Sometimes when you’re dealing with a lot of things all at once, your comfort can sometimes come from the most least expected places, and as unpopular as it is, I’m the type that has always been proud of the fact that I can be cordial with anyone.
Surprise! #LoveAfterLockup's @italianqueen757 & Nicolle made adult videos together in 2016 as Kaci Kash & Molly Jane!
Did Lacey get Nicolle on the show? Was she just scamming Daonte? Does Daonte even know?! So many questions!
— Starcasm (@starcasm) July 2, 2021
Who would’ve ever imagined that our biggest supporters rn through some of this is the exact person that we walked into all of this with… each other.
Crazy as it sounds it’s actually pretty nice to have somebody at certain times where you can just kick it, and forget about all bs that life brings at the moment. Not confirming anything just saying, bygones can really be bygones sometimes.
Im not worried about being attacked, it is what it is
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)