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Derick Dillard faceplants as Jazz Jennings gives him the final brush-off

Derick Dillard fail

It’s been fail after Derick Dillard fail lately. After a (relatively) controversy-free summer, Jill Duggar’s husband has over the past week raised eyebrows for possibly stepping out on his wife, and — with Jill’s help — for supposedly trying to make people believe he has a job.

Following those two diversions, Derick got back to the thing he’s best known for: trolling the transgender community with passive insults that yield diminishing returns. This time, though, Derick’s comments came in response to one of the few times that current TLC star and transgender rights activist Jazz Jennings has deigned to respond to him.

Jazz generally keeps quiet whenever Derick puts her name in his mouth. (Recall earlier this summer, when Derick took to Twitter to attack Jazz as she recovered from successful boy-to-girl surgery, also known as “bottom surgery.”) However, a few days ago, Jazz revealed that the reason she never responds to Derick’s hateful words is because she can’t even be bothered paying attention to them:

Honestly, I don’t give Derick any of my attention. I don’t even read the tweets that he sends out anymore because I just don’t care. You know? He can say whatever. I think he’s doing it for attention….Honestly if someone has a negative opinion then I don’t really read or listen to them. Why spread negativity? I listen to the people that are supportive who are saying great things — telling me that my message is meaningful and that I should continue telling my story.

Not long after Jazz’s comments were published, Derick again tweeted his now-standard passive-aggressive response — that those in the LGBTQ community simply suffered unspeakable abuse as children, and are deserving only of our pity. Or something like that:

It’s the same line Derick trotted out this past May, when he attacked Nate Berkus and Jeremiah Brent for bringing their children onto their show Nate and Jeremiah by Design. But between that, his constant attacks on Jazz, and the fact that he was fired from Counting On last year, the one constant is that Derick has it out for anyone who still stars on a TLC show. Pettiness, it seems, rises above all.

On that note: I Am Jazz Season 5 is expected to debut in the spring of 2019.

(Photo credit: Derick Dillard fail via Nancy Rivera / SplashNews.com, Instagram)

John Sharp is a Starcasm’s chief editorial correspondent-at-large. Tips: E-mail at john@starcasm.net or send on Twitter at @john_starcasm.

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