TEEN MOM Bariki arrest details, he continues feud with mom Shen on Twitter
On this week’s episode of Teen Mom Young and Pregnant it was revealed that new dad Bariki Smith was arrested after an altercation with his girlfriend Ashley Jones’ parents, but we weren’t given much information about what happened because MTV cameras were not there to capture it. Bariki’s mom Shen has since taken to social media to share some details — and to respond to her son’s recent attacks on her via Twitter.
According to Shen, Ashley called Bar and said that her mother Pastor Tea had tried to fight her while holding her baby Holly in her arms. Bar arrived and things got a bit heated between him and Ashley’s step-dad Ted. Bar left the house and was standing by his car when Pastor Tea came at him with a taser. “Bar stopped her hand from tasing him,” Shen says, but Pastor Tea “then lied and said [he] assaulted her.” As a result, Bar was arrested.
As shown in the episode, Ashley called Shen for advice and help bailing Bar out of jail. The charges were later dropped.
Shen was in another state when the incident went down, so this is clearly a secondhand account from Bar (and I assume Ashley). That being said, the narrative certainly fits what we have seen from Bar so far this season. When things get really heated, he tends to disengage and back away when possible. At least in the physical world.
In the virtual world, Bar is not backing away at all, as he is once again attacking his mom Shen on Twitter. It appeared that perhaps Shen, Bar, and Ashley had reached some sort of ceasefire after Ashley posted an apology video and Shen signed on to return to the show to film the Reunion. But, there were many people (most notably Shen) who thought Ashley’s apology was insincere, and in retrospect it does seem possible that it was just a ploy to get Shen to film for the Reunion.
Regardless of the debate over how authentic Ashley’s apology was, the ceasefire is clearly over now as Bar went on the offensive late last night. As you would expect any time someone pokes a bear, momma bear Shen was having NONE OF IT as she clapped back with Twitter guns a-blazin’!
“Check this is out, ima real ni***a PERIOD,” Bar began. “My people vouch for that ? so y’all feed into the lies and what y’all want ??? But with that said I’m living my best life and people are jealous, don’t get tv and social me trolls and people to prove y’all different ??”
After that, Bar called out Shen specifically by tagging her and writing: “Stop lying for the fans since social media the only way you can escape it’s sickening be a mom and grand parent, this entertaining sh*t you doing for the internet is bunk and they see that ?? but do you ‘mom’ that limelight will be over soon ? love you tho still.”
I will compile the rest of Bar’s tweets into a single entry, which includes a reference to his brother Troy Seales, who was recently convicted of murder in what his friends and family members are saying was a travesty of justice:
It’s sucks to have someone taint your name even when it’s your own blood, so let’s get ready for a new media rampage y’all I’m sure it’ll start in a few minutes or tomorrow morning. I’m Just tired of holding my tongue f**k what everybody else going through and f**k y’all situations FREE TROY PERIOD. And I’ll still never speak bad on her cause that ain’t me but at a certain point that sh*t is bunk man ? people literally sh*t words out they mouth. Let me set my name clear, NO FEMALE OR MAN HAS EVER CONTROLLED ME, no matter who it is, I’m calling all bluffs. BLOG THAT SH*T!!!
[We’re doing just that, Bar.]
Shen caught wind of Bar’s Twitter outburst and made a short post on Facebook. “So fans ask about the show that aired and I stick up for Bar and he talking sh*t on Twitter up at 2am smh,” Shen began. “He know me better than that I prove truth.”
Despite calling Shen’s social media posts “bunk,” Bar admits they are “entertaining sh*t,” and I have to agree. For that reason, I highly recommend that you check out her Twitter feed for the Shentertaining unedited posts in their entirety. Meanwhile, I have put together a #TL;DR bullet point summary of Shen’s claims with some screen capped samples from her feed:
• Bar called Shen before the altercation with Ashley’s parents that led to his arrest and she advised him to not go into the house
• Shen was just on the phone with Bar prior to his Twitter tirade and she asks him why he didn’t say whatever he had to say to her then
• Bar’s “entire family” is not talking with him. She cites the restraining order that Ashley took out against Shen (which was later tossed by a judge) as well as the alleged incident at Bar’s 21st birthday party in which Shen was reportedly physically attacked by Ashley’s sister
• A brother of Bar’s ex passed away, and she called Shen crying. That angered Ashley for some reason (?)
• Shen suggests that Bar (and Ashley) might be “loaded again.” Examples: “I hope u ain’t on what i think u on cause it will have u back in hospital again u.” “R u guys loaded again?”
• Bar’s brother Troy is not speaking to him. “U left troy for dead he isn’t even speaking to u.” (Shen mentions that Bar only made one brief appearance during Troy’s trial, something she has expressed frustration over before.)
• Ashley “is a narcissistic socialite and in denial.”
• Bar’s sister paid his bail after Ashley promised to pay her back, but she never did.
• Bar spent his brother’s money while his brother was in jail. From Shen: “U spent your brothers money while he in jail” and “give your brother back his money he in jail and u take his money.”
• [From Facebook] “They both had a Xanax problem and drinking problem I was hoping they were past it. But up at 2am acting that way when I stuck up for him says different.”
UPDATE – Just before publishing this post, both Ashley and Bar added some additional responses:
TWEET: They keep saying people hatting on them when he hates on his mom publlicly for views well you got my views and its open for opinions so I gotta ask Bar and Ash why y’all so angry all the time ? Aint you living your best life ? hmm ??
BAR: We are but man it f**king sucks to have your own flesh and blood trying to air out dirty laundry that ain’t even true?? but I’m done engaging I gottta get ready for my my trip and my London and Vegas and la trip soon ?
BAR [Responding to Shen’s claims about not paying back the bail money]: Not one payment? Where do you get your info from…. it’s crazy you put stories in your head and believe it!!! I ain’t made the last payment yet cause idgaf about it, I’m not paying sh*t for anyone who dogs me the f**k out time and time again
BAR [to Shen]: It’s whatever dude you been posting false sh*t which is why people top paying attention to you, be a 50 year old grandma and MOM like your supposed to, and stop tryna f**k my life and my family up cause it helps you pass time and feel better about yo marriage ?? blocking u now
ASHLEY [in response to Shen]: Get over it, your son don’t deal with you cause all you cause is drama. Focus on your health and family and stop trynna being so worried about mine.
What mom would post pics of her sons ex saying she misses her knowing damn well he doesn’t deal with her now and I AM HIS FIANCÉ . Disrespectful https://t.co/BWlSbpwpgW
— ASHLEY (@_mermaidbarbie) May 5, 2018
UPDATE – Shen has responded. I’m going to include some of her tweets, but then I’m going to have to cut this post off!
No i don’t deal with it I’m done u r a disaster stop being high and drunk and going live I am tired of being the better person u r evil period. Pay the bail u owe and give his brothers money back. I an not trying anymore u use that baby a a pawn
U r the problem u fought him over mani calling me when her brother died u r a narcissist socialite who steals and lies boo in done being nice u r the devil high u suck as aperson and I’m done its u cause i stuck up for him u got mad cause we spoke
[I’m] unhealthy but u 4 popping Xanax up at 2 am fighting drunk with the baby. Putting her daddy out each time he don’t kiss your ass lil girl bye u r a horrible person and we r done stay out of me and my son business u always in his family business not us in
UPDATE – I guess I jinxed myself. I wasn’t going to add anything more, but a video has surfaced initially posted by Ashley on Instagram before being deleted that shows her slapping herself repeatedly before then accusing Bar of abuse. Click here to watch the clip and get all the latest.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm.