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Flip or Flop’s Tarek El Moussa might be dating his kids’ nanny (again)

Is Tarek El Moussa banging the nanny 2

Flip or Flop star Tarek El Moussa recently raised eyebrows by taking to Instagram to reveal that he bought his kids’ nanny a $40,000 Lexus for her birthday. And Tarek has engaged in dalliances with the help at least once before. So we once again ask the question that must be asked: Is Tarek El Moussa banging the nanny again?

First, the history: Tarek, then 35, was said to have pursued a relationship with his kids’ 23-year-old nanny Alyssa Logan while Tarek and Christina were split up in 2016. Per the Daily Mail, Tarek “was said to have been warned by his friends” about dating Alyssa while also employing her, so Tarek fired her and then the two began dating. (This was around the same time that Christina El Moussa was reportedly “winning the breakup,” since *her* then-boyfriend, NHL player Nate Thompson, gave Tarek jealous fits.)

Fast-forward to this summer, when Tarek — who may or may not be dating anyone at all, right now — dropped what kind of amounts to a plug for two different companies, plus free publicity for himself, with this Instagram post:

“Tarek and the Nanny, Pt. 2” is a fun little story to consider, but in all honesty this clip comes off like a commercial for Lexus of Newport Beach more than anything else. And “Mossy” definitely seems pleased with her gift, but it’s also clear from the clip that Tarek was not filming the exact moment Mossy found out about her brand new car — something he’d be much more likely to do if the two of them were a playful fun new couple. (She’s more Hillary Clinton than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in other words.)

According to In Touch, the whole thing can most likely be written off by Tarek’s flirty nature. “Tarek is a huge flirt and has always had a thing for hot girls,” said their source, who also added that “Friends think [Tarek] has the hots for Mossy,” and that Christina “thinks Tarek’s gift was inappropriate.”

Still, the source went on, Mossy is “just [Tarek’s] type, and she’s amazing with Brayden and Taylor, which he would find really attractive. Being good with kids is definitely something he looks for in a woman….[Tarek] really seems like he’s trying to impress her!”

Speaking of the ongoing power struggle between the El Moussas, HGTV recently announced that Christina is getting her very own show. Christina on the Coast, which will focus on Christina’s home design and remodeling efforts in Southern California, is expected to debut early next year.

HGTV’s press release revealed that the network is working on getting Tarek a Flip or Flop-free show, as well.

(Photo credits: Is Tarek El Moussa banging the nanny again via Instagram)

John Sharp is a Starcasm editor. E-mail tips to john@starcasm.net or send on Twitter at @john_starcasm.


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