Jenelle Eason clarifies David’s domestic violence past, both respond to his sister Jessica’s comments

Teen Mom 2 couple Jenelle and David Eason continue to respond to the fallout after David’s headline-grabbing series of videos showing off his weapon and ammunition arsenal after the Secret Service paid a visit to The Land on Friday. Jenelle took to Instagram to respond to our coverage of the incident — specifically David’s history of domestic violence and how that might impact his legal right to own firearms. And David, who appears to still be blocked from Instagram, took to Facebook to respond to his sister Jessica’s comments about his antics.

Jenelle tagged Starcasm on Instagram and shared this message in her story:

David never had an order of protection for hurting anyone… he was found NOT guilty. All lies.

But he did have a no contact order on him for saying a cuss word in front of his son while he was sleeping.

Jenelle is referencing our post about Jessica’s comments in which we stated the following:

Interestingly, it sounds as though David would have to surrender all of his weapons if he is named in a domestic violence protective order. I give it about a 90% chance that is going to come into play at some point — either with Jenelle, or with David’s ex Olivia, who previously had a protective order against him after he “did assault Olivia, a female person, by grabbing the victim around the throat and saying to the victim, ‘I will kill you b****.’”

While I could argue that we were technically correct in that the protective order was filed after the assault charge described, I will admit that it was my impression that the no contact order was because of the incident. This apparent misconception originated in a Radar Online article from October of 2016 after David was sentenced to 60 days in jail for violating the protective order by hugging his son Kaden at a grocery store:

The domestic violence protective order was granted after Eason became violent with his baby mama on April 19, 2014.

“The Defendant did assault [redacted], a female person, by grabbing the victim around the throat and saying to the victim, ‘I will kill you b****,’” documents obtained from the New Hanover Clerk of Court’s Office read.

David was later found innocent of the 2014 domestic violence charge.

We stated in our coverage of David’s sentencing that the protective order he violated was originally signed in October of 2015, which didn’t seem to line up with the alleged domestic violence incident. We speculated that perhaps the protective order had merely been renewed, but it seems that it was a separate incident after Kaden’s birth — as Jenelle says.

I was unable to locate a copy of the original protective order filed by Kaden’s mom Olivia, so I do not know how accurate it is to say that it was filed because David said “a cuss word in front of his son while he was sleeping.” I assume the Hatter community will take that as a challenge and we will hopefully see the actual protective order pop up online soon.

David and/or Jenelle recently shared his version of what happened with his ex Olivia in a post on the brand new website The article is based on the recollection of “a source close to his ex” who argues that David was the real victim of domestic violence in the relationship. Click the link for the details, including numerous altercations between the two.

In summary, I concede that our article was misleading in regards to the protection order filed against David Eason being tied to the alleged choking incident. The previous post has been updated.

David and Jenelle also took the time to respond to his sister Jessica’s comments over the weekend — which we shared in the same post as the protective order excerpt above. “David hasn’t spoken to his sisters in 2 years because of this media bullsh*t,” Jenelle wrote in a text graphic posted to her Instagram story — also tagging the Starcasm Instagram account. “Other than that he talks to my mom more than his own. Even all have Christmas dinner together and couldn’t be happier. ?” She added in smaller print at the bottom: “His mom always busy doing her own thing.”

Jenelle posted this next image of David and his dad as she revealed the bond they share through drumming, which I assume is in response to Jessica’s saying that “Mama and Daddy talk to David once in a while. No one likes Jenelle, at all.”

Meanwhile, David took to Facebook to address Jessica’s remarks. “It’s okay guys, no I haven’t ‘lost it’ my sister is just a crack head…” David captioned a video clip in which he revealed that he didn’t seriously injure himself when he stabbed his finger playing the knife game.

I’m not sure if it was David’s caption specifically, but something got Jessica irate as she returned to Twitter. “I have a bunch of dirt on you David so keep running that damn cousin it mouth of yours and ill run mine!” she tweeted on Sunday.” And that goes for your stinkin ass pet turtle too! Change her f**king water!”

Prior to that tweet, a follower questioned Jessica’s claim that Jenelle was controlling and brought out the worst in David by asking how that could explain Jenelle’s 911 call claiming David attacked her. Jessica replied at length:

Easy, she was mad and attacked David bc he wasn’t kissing her ass, he probably left w his friends and it pissed her off.. She’s the attacker, not David. I cant believe you all buy her fake ass crying!! And there’s no broken or cracked collar bone! But idc what the response is this.

They’re both idiots and i don’t care if they beat the dog sh*t out of each other! I care about those sweet little kids, not those two morons!!! Is that good enough for you? That’s what I think! Jenelles a lying b*tch wh*re and David is a big dumb*ss! The end!!!!

They get along great because they’re both complete idiots!

Actually, I take that back, they don’t get along great. They fight and they should split up.. but they know no one else will have them for any other purpose than to either use Jenelle for her wh*re money or take David in as a fixer upper!

[Note: I did make a few grammatical corrections.]

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)

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