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David Eason’s ex Olivia Leedham starts GoFundMe for legal expenses in custody battle over son Kaden

David Eason's ex Olivia Leedham and their son Kaden GoFundMe campaign

It has been an incredibly stressful and chaotic year for the children of former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle and David Eason. Maryssa, Kaiser, and Ensley were all forcibly removed from their parents’ custody by CPS for a period of seven weeks as an investigation was conducted into whether or not David posed a threat to them. During that time, Jenelle’s son Jace remained in the custody of his grandmother Barbara Evans and was no longer allowed to visit The Land.

David’s five-year-old son Kaden managed to avoid most of the chaos, as well as the headlines, thanks in large part to the effort of his mother, Olivia Leedham, to keep him away from David.

Olivia has spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees in her attempt to keep Kaden and David separated, and she has also filed two separate protective orders. The initial protective order was filed by Olivia when she was still pregnant in April of 2014. The filing alleges that David “did assault [Olivia], a female person, by grabbing the victim around the throat and saying to the victim, ‘I will kill you b****.’”

Another protective order was signed in October of 2015 which prevented David from having contact with Kaden. David was later arrested when he violated the protective order in March of 2016 after hugging Kaden at a local grocery store.

David was eventually able to regain the right to have Kaden for overnight visits, and that was the custody situation when the recent CPS investigation was launched in May.

Given David’s incredibly erratic behavior and comments over the past year, Olivia is fighting harder than ever to keep him away from Kaden — but the financial burden has become too much. As a result, she has started a GoFundMe campaign in hopes of raising money to cover the legal fees associated with continuing the battle.

“Many of you know this has been a long hard road,” Olivia wrote in a Facebook post announcing the campaign. “I’m finally reaching out for help. Let’s get through this together. If you are unable to donate, please share! Every little bit of help is extremely appreciated! Thank you so much!” She concludes by writing: “Please keep us in your prayers ❤️

In the description of the campaign itself, included in its entirety below, Olivia explained her motivation for wanting to continue to fight in court. “I am completely concerned for my son’s safety, physically and mentally,” she wrote. “He is persistent on not going to his Dad’s and doesn’t even want to speak to him. I am beyond worried.”

Olivia cites some of David’s actions that have garnered headlines over the past year, including the death of Jenelle’s French bulldog Nugget as well as the numerous 911 calls made from The Land.

The campaign has a goal of $5,000, and has already raised more than $2,200 of that in less than ten hours! More than 150 people have donated, mostly in small amounts ranging from $5 to $50. From the looks of things, the campaign is gaining a lot of momentum very quickly, with most all of the donations coming in the past couple hours.

UPDATE – Olivia met her goal in just over one day! From Olivia on Facebook:

I CANT BELIEVE IT!! Everyone we met our goal!!! We reached our goal in a little over 24 hours!!! I want to give thanks to each and everyone of you for your donations and shares!! I beyond grateful and my heart goes out to all of you!! ❤️??

It’s taken an Army but we did it!!

I will give it everything I’ve got and protect my baby as best as I can!!

All of the money is going to the attorney!

❤️Thank you so much again!!! ❤️

Meanwhile, Jenelle and David Eason have launched their own GoFundMe campaign to help cover his legal expenses. It’s not going quite as well. (Link in the tweet below.)

Adding fuel to the momentum of Olivia’s campaign is the fact that donors are able to create fake names to donate under, and people are embracing the opportunity to throw shade at Jenelle and David. Here is a list of most of the donors so far with the amounts each donated:

Something else worse Has happened mom $5
Jenelle’s jail house french braids $10
Jenelle’s last shred of Dignity jk that’s gone too $5
David’s Adderall Chopped Garlic $8
SoNothingElseWorse CanHappen $5
Savethekids #abuser $25
MTV Wanna Be David $10
Jenelle TheCentaur $5
Davids misshapen Head $5
Hello sir $5
Barb Evans $20
David/Janelle AreHorribleHumans $5
#Team Olivia $10
I’m fu**ing donating $5
We won’t forget! RIP sweet baby nugget $5
I never yell $10
It’s French $45
Cut by Jenelles CHIN $5
David Cheetahspotz $5
Jenelle Eason Evans Griffith Rodgers Head $10
Esophageal Spasms $10
New Type Of Veil $5
Sending love always, b*tches! ♥️ $5
Dramastical Changes $25
Ke$ha is my idol and she hates UBT too! $20
Justice for Nugget Forever Never Forget Nugget $7
Ask him where Nuggets Body is. Then tell the cops $5
Jenelles Drug dealer $10
Davidisadogkiller! $5
Dr. Drew MTV $5
David is A Psychopath $20
White trash that hit the lottery $10
In memory of Nugget $10
NothingElse WorseCanHappen $5
Junknelles missing Teeth $5
NoFriendOf DavidEasons $5
Jesus God, Juhnelle I read yah’ Facebook rant $5
Riegelwood always up to no good $5
Making Ice Water $5
JenellesFakeReview Wahhhh $5
All of Jenelle’s mysteriously absent pets And the one’s David killed $30
Mr Tuff Guy w/guns and flowers on my shirt $5
Jenelle is a Pier Diddle $10
Sue them til their homeless!! We hate dog killers $5
Save Kaden From The Land DUDEEEEE $5
Justice for Nugget $5
Kieffa’s ChangeJar $5
David NeedsAVasectomy $5
“Water Heavier than Gravity?” Physics research department. $5
David’s Recycled Wedding Jacket $5
Jace’s Rainbow Song Murphy $5
Olivia’s Hot Jenelle’s Not $5
The Swamp $5
Nugget, here. Found computer, back to bed now. $5
I love you Nathan…please call me. J.e. $5
David Eason Kaiser’s Pretend Football Coach $10
The land Are full of nuts $5

David Eason Confederate flag

David’s ConfederateFlag $5
JenelleNTori’s LesbianExperience $5
Feathers in my hair It’s not just a concert it’s KESHA $5
Easons homestead Goat nipples $5
Jenelle’s Cracked Collarbone $10
Protect Your Baby $5
David’s Tiny PBug $5
Jenelle’s Last MTV Paycheck $6
Jeff’s Wedding Fade $10
AnythingtoKeep KidsAwayFromDogKillerDave $20
Jenelle’s Ice Water Recipe $5
Nothing else worse can happen $5
Olive Garden Alfredo $10
Falsely accused of In accurate behaviors DUUDEE!!! $7
Backlash for DE Saying you’re on drugs and unfit $5
Amber’s Machete $5
Jenelle’s Pink Bathtub Slime $5
I spit in The Greasons McCafe $5
JE Cosmetics $5
Tub Sh*ts $5
Child craft store art projects By David $5
Anonymous Dude $5
Justicefor Nugget $10
Fu**in’ Rakin’ in the Donations $5
JE could never Put her kids 1st $10
Shut Up Jenelle $10
My friend doesn’t know how to leave reviews, so asked me donating for her! $5
Smokin Reefuh Wif Kieffuh $5
911 dispatchers union Of North Carolina $5
Jenelle “Bad Review” Evans $5
Cps Department $15
Kiddie Craft $10
Jenelle’s NYE pee’d pants $5
Confederate flags Represent slavery $10
SorryNot Sorry $5
Mommy and David Are pieces of $5
Jenelle’s Bong water $5
Kaden’s Korner Deflective Swampdouche $20
SeenU WifKeefah $5
Olivia is Hot Jenelle is Not $12
Leave me ALLOONNNE $5
Can’t Stop Won’t Stop $5
Ke$ha Loves Nugget $5
Envelope Eason $25
I. C. Molecules $5
Pete’s Dragon $5
Jenelle’s Beef curtains $50
Eyes Feel Huge $5
Amber’s Couch $5
He’s Olivia’s son Nachors $5
Nate’s Breadstick Boners at Olive Garden $5
Blotches Vitiligo $5
Jenelle’s Receding hairline $5
She Shed Swamp Monsters, Inc. $5
Dude Babe Dude $6
I said I was going to save lives but instead support dog killers. So I kill, not save. $5
Kails Cheetofingers $25
Flat Tummy Tea $5
Janelle’s CPS Caseworker $5
Davids sh*tty flatironed Face pubes $5
I like to donate about this time of the day $5
Peace Gathering Gift $5
Ryan Upchurch $5

Jenelle Evans lawyer Dustin Sullivan

Lawyer Dustin $5
Running after cars in flip flops $5
Collar Bones Across America $5
OMG Dude!! $5
Omg Dude $10
Molecular Spidey Sense $5
that’s my sweatshirt $5
David’s Sh*tty Cake slice knife $5
NeW tYpe oF vEiL Reddit $10
Nathan’s P-Bug $5
Terry Hill’s Truck $5
Feathers for Kesha Concert $5

Kieffer Delp's green hoodie

Keiffer’s Green Hoodie $5
Dog Killer by day, wife beater by night Kids arts and craft extraordinaire $5
WHY AM I A GUY??! $5
Randy Houska $25
Nugget Eason $25
R.i.p Nugget $10
Balloon Knife Fight $5
Homesteadin’ n She Sheddin’
Esophageal Spasms $5
Nathan’s Manbun $5
Sky The Cat $5
CPS #savethekids $5
Pop Warner $5
Ghost of Nugget $5
Sunday sweatpants Sippin ‘ Kool-Aid MC $5
Lindsay Graham $5
Keiffer’s Handcrafted Pipes $5
Your Boooyyfrieeennd $5
wHen We gEt JaCe bAck $5
Kail’s Boulderholders $5
Maryssa’s Toothbrush $5
Davids Analfissure $5
Jenelle’s past soulmates $5
David’s gross penis Small penis $5
Ke$ha! $5
Sh*tty Knives $5
Spotted D*ck $5
Hello Sirr $5
Myself Of All People Have Went to Medical School $5
Barbs stolen Credit card $5
Jenelle’s Geese (We hate that bish) honk! honk! $5
Donating Donating YA BOTH DONATING $5
Thee Land $5
David’s Gay Lover In Prison $5
Deddy Eason $5
The LGBTQ community against hate and abuse $5
Jenelle’s Strap on $10
Kool Aid Miscarriage $5
Swampthing Under Harrest $5
Clayton Homes $5
F*** David $5
Toothless Jenelle $5
Fire Pauline Hankins $10
David’s rejected Job application $5
Miller Motte School of Medicine $10
Toris Drum Sticks $5
Kieffer Delp $5
Bitchuva Dottah $50
The Ghost Of Nugget $10
Moon face Jennelle $5
Tub Sh*tter $5
Escape from The Land $5
Jenelle’s Dentist $10
Jenelle’s Yahtzee Trauma $5
Javi’s Cheat’n Heart $5

Teen Mom 2 Jenelle Evans JEmoji feathers in my hair Kesha concert

Kesha #Feathersinmyhair $5
SuckIt JenellenDavid $10
F Uncle BadTouch $10
BlackRiverMetalAndWood #placedunderharrest $20
David’s nasty a** beard #savethekids $5
Jenelle’s Sinking Trailer $15
Jenelle’s 12Head $5
Jenelles SheShedMethShed $5
Failed Makeup Line $5
F**kn Homesteadin’ $20
Imf**kin Rakin $10
Jenelle&David Eason Chelsea&Coles Dopplegangers $5
Jenelle & Courtland Rogers $5
Jenelle Roast Beef Flaps $10
Jenelles Roastbeef flaps $5
Jenelle’s Missing Teeth $5
Stephanaintnobitch Stephanaintnohoe $5
Harrest the Honky $5
Fillin’ the streets with uppercuts $5
ID Channel $20
Courtland Rogers $5
Nathan’s P-bug $5
Jenelle’s Feathers $5
Talkin’ Words $5
“Mommy and David Are Pieces of Sh**” $20
Babs Evans $5
Supporting Good Mamas $20
Nugget Eason $100
#SaveKaden #DavidSlobsTheKnob #JusticeForNugget #JEHasMunchausen $5
Handmade Bracelets from Hobby Lobby $50
Kieffer Delp $15
JE Cosmetics $5
David “can’t work coz I Got vitiligo” Eason $5
ProtectChildren FromTheEasons $10
SuckitDavid AndJenelle GL Olivia $5
Nugget Eason $20

That is REALLY AMAZING! I am 100% not joking when I say that this GoFundMe campaign looks like it will have a bigger launch than JE Cosmetics! Wow.

Jenelle and David have remained quiet about Olivia’s fundraising efforts so far, but that’s because they pretty much have to. Anything that they say publicly will only bring more attention (and money) to the campaign. I cannot imagine how frustrated they both must be right now having to stay silent!

Here is the full description for the campaign:

David Eason's ex Olivia Leedham and their son Kaden from her GoFundMe campaing for legal fees

So for the past 5 years I have been in a custody battle to protect my child from harms way. We have come a long way and have spent nearly $50,000 on attorney fees to keep the case going. My family and I are struggling to pay anymore. I am a single mom of two. I do my best to work as much as I can. I have put Kaden and Lailah, my daughter, through daycare. I take care of all their needs as any parent does but I am on a one parent income. I don’t have the means to keep going alone financially within the court system. I am finally reaching out for help. I am completely concerned for my son’s safety, physically and mentally. He is persistent on not going to his Dads and doesn’t even want to speak to him. I am beyond worried.

On a side note, my Daughters father we agree outside of the court system. We get along and he does his part as most fathers should. I am extremely fair and think about the children and their well being.

When it comes to Kadens father, DEI am sincerely concerned about my child being around someone who is extremely volatile. Domestic violence including 911 calls, animal cruelty in which case a dog was beaten and shot, and much more has all been mentioned to of happened at the Eason home.

If you have questions on who this man may be, please don’t hesitate to do your research. He is married to the Teen Mom star, JE.

Please help me to keep my baby safe. Every donation will be greatly appreciated and will be used to pay my attorney to get through this.

I know we can do this together! It’s going to take an army ❤️

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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