PHOTOS Teen Mom 2’s Corey Simms buys a new house

Teen Mom 2 Corey Simms' new house

In last week’s episode of Teen Mom 2 we saw Leah Messer and husband Corey Simms arguing over whether or not they should get a new place to live or a more reliable truck for Corey. As it turns out, with a little bit a of patience they could have had both! Or so it would appear, given the fact that Corey has just purchased himself a new house to go with his freshly tinted pickup truck.

Corey closed on the house on Friday and shared the above photo of his new “crib.” (Click to enlarge) But the purchase came as no surprise to his Twitter followers because Corey had been sharing excited tweets about the pending sale all week:

Corey Simms tweets about buying a new house
Corey Simms pickup truck

Corey’s dad Jeff Simms shared his excitement as well, and was quick to offer congratulations to his son on the big day:

Corey Simms' dad Jeff Simms congratulates him on his home purchase on Twitter

Corey joins his ex Leah Messer in the homeowner’s club after she purchased a home for her, her two daughters, and fiance (boyfriend at the time) Jeremy Calvert back in October. The house looks to be a faux log cabin inspired design that’s actually reminiscent of Lincoln Logs. I bet the girls are going to love that!

Congrats to Corey on his new purchase. As a card-holding member of Team Ali and Aleeah I think it’s a wonderful thing 🙂

You can keep up with all things Simms via the family’s Twitter pages:

Corey Simms:!/CoreySimms2
Corey Simms’ dad Jeff Simms:!/JeffSimms
Corey Simms’ sister Stephanie Simms:!/stephsimms09

UPDATE – Here’s a side view of Coreyland tweeted by his pop. It’s wider than I thought! That’s a pretty big house – and it’s hard to find a lot in West Virginia that isn’t picturesque and Corey’s appears to be no exception.

Teen Mom 2 star Corey Simms buys his own house

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