BeastEater: This TikToker gave herself a burn with an at-home chemical peel

Horrifying nightmare! Stephanie Margarucci, a 26-year-old dancer who goes by “BeastEater” on TikTok and Instagram documented her process of suffering chemical burns from an at-home acne and dark spot corrector.
She says some of the things that led to her painful injuries were the fact that the product was expired and she steamed her face during the process, which then worsened a bacterial infection, which caused her face to swell. At some point she was worried for her life over the infection.
Most dark spot treatments contain chemicals like alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic and lactic acid), beta hydroxy acids (salicylic acid) and trichloroacetic acid (TCA,) which are also known as “chemical peels.” These product work by causing trauma to the upper layers of the skin, and they eventually start peeling off. Problems occurs when too many of the skins’ layers come off, so these treatments are best administered by licensed professional.
According to, “the primary cause of burn spots after a chemical peel is overexposure to the chemical solution. This can happen due to leaving the peel on for too long, using a solution with a concentration that’s too strong, or having sensitive skin.”
In a TikTok video explaining what happened, BeastEater assumed all responsibility for her painful situation. She said she just wanted to raise awareness to folks to check the expiration dates on their skincare products.
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She says one of the reasons why she tried to treatment was because “cruel comments” about her acne was getting to her. Our insecurities can cause us to do dangerous things to our bodies sometimes, which can end up with a worse result than what we were insecure about.

Here’s one of the last videos Beasteater posted before the accident.
Her first video after it happened was posted on March 22, 2024.
How is BeastEater’s face now?
BeastEater is doing much better now, in June 2024, than she was in March.
On April 19, 2024, she posted that her dermatologist had told her she was “fully healed.”
She looks healthy in her latest TikTok, posted on June 2, and regularly posts updates on Snapchat.
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June 17, 2024 Update on Beasteater: she’s not doing well.
She went to a basketball game last night and ended up in the bathroom slurring her words, feeling dizzy and nauseous.
A few hours prior, she said she sneezed snd ripped open the wounds on the corners of her mouth.
Then, once she got to the game she started feeling extremely ill. Instead of seeking immediate medical attention, she posted her suffering on Snapchat.