VIDEO: Tube Switch, do not try this at home!

Viral-Video screen shot of Tube Switch

Back before everybody had some sort of video recording device this would have been one of those stories you tell Mom and she would say, “that sounds nice but you boys need to be careful.”  Well if sweet ol’ Ma had seen this clip being called the “Tube Switch” I bet she darn near would have switched a tuber in her pants!

In an undisclosed scenic watering hole two young men are being dragged along at high speeds on inner-tubes.  They cross the wake of the boat and are sent hurling into the air.  What happens next is what viral video goodness is made of!

After readjusting my brain from the awesomeness of “Tube Switch” two questions came to mind.  First off I wonder what happened to the sacrificial tuber who is thrown and practically vanishes in to the water?  I hope he’s O.K. because I always have a little soft place in my heart for the wind-beneath-my-wings person in these types of clips.  Second, and most importantly, was this a preplanned stunt?  Did these guys map this out and actually make it happen?  If not this clip is just amazing but if that was on PURPOSE than this one that might go into the viral video hall of fame.

So kids out there don’t try this at home but if you do just tell Mom how cool it was but for goodness sake do not show her the video!