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Nathan Griffith’s wife Mayra arrested for domestic battery

Jenelle Evans' ex Nathan Griffith's wife Mayra Oyola arrested for domestic battery

Former Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Eason’s “dramastic” life is a perpetual source for blog headlines and social media posts. But, Jenelle’s dumpster fire existence over the past few years has nothing on that of her ex, Nathan Griffith!

2024 looks to be more of the same for Nathan. According to court records, his wife Mayra Oyola was charged with domestic battery on January 6. The U.S. Sun has multiple sources stating Nathan Griffith was the alleged victim of the assault.

Mayra was in court on January 7 with an interpreter and she was released soon after. She is due back in court for a status check on February 5.

Meanwhile, Nathan Griffith had a status check hearing in Veteran’s Court on January 2 stemming from his attempted battery by strangulation arrest in July of last year. The victim in that attack was Nathan’s older sister, Heather Griffith. Nathan entered a guilty plea on September 14.

“Parties discussed the progress and participation of the Deft. within the Veteran’s Court program,” reads the status check docket entry. “COURT ORDERED, matter SET for further Status Check.” Nathan is scheduled to be back in court on January 16.

Nathan and Mayra relationship timeline

Nathan Griffith and Mayra Oyola were secretly married in Miami on April 30, 2022. Less than four months later, Nathan was posting on Instagram looking for a place to crash in the Miami area.

“Is there anywhere I can stay?” Nathan asked in a text graphic posted in August, 2022. “I wanna get out of Miami and I’m in my car with all my stuff! I have no where to stay!”

Nathan revealed his homeless status was tied directly to issues with Mayra. “My wife makes me feel I’m trapped,” Nathan wrote. “I’m reaching out to anyone. Can I stay with you for a couple nights until I can figure out all my problems!”

Less than a month later, Nathan and Mayra were posting on social media revealing they had reconciled. However, the reconciliation was short-lived.

Nathan allegedly strangles his girlfriend

In February of 2023, Nathan was arrested for domestic battery by strangulation. However, the victim wasn’t his wife Mayra, it was his girlfriend Victoria.

That particular domestic violence by strangulation charge against Nathan was later dismissed after the alleged victim refused to work with prosecutors.

Nathan strangles his sister

Not long after that arrest, Nathan made his way to Las Vegas where he was staying with his sister and brother-in-law.

On July 12, 2023, Nathan was once again arrested for domestic battery by strangulation after an altercation with his sister, Heather Griffith.

Heather later spoke with The Sun U.S. about the altercation, and she revealed that it all happened soon after her husband, William, had gone out of town. “He came across the kitchen and he started doing what he does to all women, he started choking me,” Heather recalled.

More from Heather’s horrifying recollection of the incident with her brother:

He threw me on the ground and got on top of me and told me I was going to die. That he was going to kill me.

In between sessions of him choking me, because he’s trying to make me blackout, I said ‘Nate, I’m your sister, how can you do this to me?’ And he’s like, ‘I don’t care. You’re going to die.’

Finally, when he stopped choking me for like the fifth time, I put my knees to my chest as best as I could and kicked him across the room and ran out the door.

…He really tried to kill me. I literally got myself into a situation where he was not going to stop.

He told me I was gonna die. He told me it was going to kill me.

And seriously, if I wasn’t able to get him off me, I probably would be dead right now.

Nathan Griffith pleaded guilty to the domestic battery by strangulation charge on September 14, 2023. His guilty plea was after an “unsatisfactory” Pretrial Compliance Unit Progress Report on September 3.

“The State will not oppose probation with Veteran’s Court and deferred adjudication,” the guilty plea agreement stated. “The State will not oppose Defendant’s release from Pretrial Compliance Unit Supervision after entry of plea in District Court,” it continued.

Nathan and Mayra reconcile again

One month after Nathan was arrested for choking his sister, Mayra posted a gallery of “family” photos the featured herself and Nathan together in Las Vegas.

Mayra continued to share photos with Nathan over the next few months. The most recent image was shared on New Year’s Day and included herself, Nathan, and their dog. “Wishing you all 365 days full of Joy, Love Succeeded goals!” she captioned the image.

Unfortunately, Mayra only made it 5 days into 2024 before being arrested.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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