Love and Hip Hop Atlanta: Scrapp and Tia Becca get back together in time for her alleged sex tape scandal
This over-the-top season of Love and Hip Hop Atlanta has had almost no sex tape drama. (Though Lord knows it’s had just about everything else.) So: how about a little LHHATL Tia Becca sex tape gossip to get your day going? Though there’s no foolproof way to confirm the identity of either the woman or the man in the footage that’s going around, the rumor right now is that Tia Becca has been unfaithful to Scrapp since his booking in a Georgia prison on drug trafficking charges.
Things have been fairly quiet (almost too quiet…) on the Tia Becca front of late. Earlier this season, the model made headlines when her criminal background came to light–along with a handful of Tia Becca mug shots. Then, a string of nude and seminude modeling photos brought the spotlight to back bear on her during a feud with Tommie, Scrapp’s *other* girlfriend.
Now, a Fameolous report alleges that Tia Becca and an unidentified new man have been filming their bedroom activities–and that two clips of the footage have leaked onto the internet. (Of course.) Since the clips are very much Not Safe For Work, we can’t embed them in the article. But we can direct you to them! Click here to see the first one, and here to see the second.
Though it’s difficult to make out much of anything in the alleged LHHATL Tia Becca sex tape clips, one distingushing mark to look for is a back tattoo of no mean prominence. It’s being alleged that Tia Becca has one in the middle of her lower back, though photographic evidence is scant. Here’s a capture from her Instagram page, where a design might be partially visible, though obscured by (the glare of) the sun:
Again, though, the two sex tape clips are very dark, and it’s difficult to make out any tattoos or marks of any kind. On top of that, even if the woman in the footage can be identified as Tia Becca, it’s still impossible to know–as yet–who the man is. Though the implication regarding the LHHATL Tia Becca sex tape rumors has been that Tia Becca is with someone other than Scrapp, the footage could in fact be of the two of them together. Or of two completely unrelated people!
The ongoing shenanigans of Love and Hip Hop Season 5 continue Monday nights on VH1.
RELATED ARTICLES: PHOTOS LHHATL Tia Becca alleged mug shot and criminal history
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(Photo credits: LHHATL Tia Becca sex tape via Instagram, h/t to Fameolous)