Is the Joaquin Phoenix rapper mockumentary finally on the way?

Oh yeah boyz, it looks like the much used to be talked about Joaquin Phoenix rapper mockumentary ( I think we can all feel good acknowledging this fact) is ready to go through the process of getting to the big screen.  You remember all the stunts right, David Letterman etc?  Well if not I’ll repost that video to revamp your memory from the beginning of Phoenix’s AWOL period.

Starting to ring a bell, maybe a little?  I mean we were all over this.  We even suggested possible names for Gruff Daddy.  O.K. I’ll give you one more that will set you straight:

All right now we’re back on the same page with our man Phoenix. Well according to the film directed by his brother-in-law Casey Affleck (check out the trailer for Casey’s new film The Killer In Me here) made its debut and was presented to buyers at WME (William Morris Endeavor Entertainment) last week and should be on the fast track for WME to sell and find a distributor.  According to the source they are going to try to keep it as tight lipped as possible.

Since we all agree he made his rapper metamorphosis for this mockumentary (right?) I at least have to give the guy credit for going all the way through with it.   Joaquin has virtually disappeared although he did pop his clean shaven and well groomed head up to do a PETA video about exotic-skins and animal cruelty. Anyway back to.. wait you want to actually see the PETA video?  Well I guess if i have to (please be aware that the images in this video are of a graphic and shocking nature AKA a PETA video):

Well now that we have THAT behind us back to this mockumentary.  Are you looking forward to watching it because I am train-wreck or not.  Do you think it was career suicide and that Joaquin really is sort of a kook?  Do you think it will be a mind blower of a masterpiece and sites like this will be blogging about it for months?  Let me know what you think.