VIDEO LHHATL Lovely Mimi drops some wisdom for the ‘little motherf*ckers’ (meaning kids) who won’t stay off her Instagram page
Instagram superstar Lovely Mimi has been something of a polarizing figure over the course of her debut on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta. Broadly speaking, it seems like fans of Lovely Mimi’s Instagram page appreciate her over-the-top persona and the Cardi-B-on-twelve-shots-of-espresso energy she brings to every scene. And it also seems like fans of LHHATL who were unfamiliar with Mimi before she appeared on the show are somewhat put off by what can seem like a one-note performance.
So, who is Lovely Mimi? The woman defied the popular opinion old-school LHHATL fans have of her with a recent Instagram update, one created specifically at the young adults & kids who find their way onto her page. Devoteés will recall that Mimi is always up-front about telling kids to keep away from her Instagram account. Of course, that doesn’t mean that they listen. So here’s Mimi’s kid-friendly update for those in her audience who are trying to grow up too fast:
So I always tell y’all little kids, if you’re under sixteen–don’t be on my page. BUT y’all little motherf*ckers don’t listen anyways, and your parents doesn’t monitor y’all! So lemme tell y’all something, today, okay?
ENJOY HIGH SCHOOL. ENJOY CHILDHOOD. ENJOY IT. Graduate. Go to prom. Because when you leave? You can’t re-go to the prom, you can’t re-do high school. Your life just moves forward. And once you’re out of school? That shit moves forward–FAST.
Then you gotta work, gotta be on your own, you gotta pay bills, gotta pay rent, you gotta find some way to live. Like, if you can stay in your parents’ house, stay in that house–SAVE MONEY.
So, just make sure y’all enjoy it. Don’t rush into adulthood. Adulthood is NOT!–NOT what it seems to BE all the TIME! Enjoy it, because you can never go backwards. But trust me–the future is a long time! Okay? And stay the f*ck off my page.
What’s especially refreshing about this update is that Mimi’s not just some old lady shrieking about the good old days. Her attitude is very much “OK, kids; if you want to stick around here I’m not gonna hold back.” And remember: this is a woman who’s done jail time on drug trafficking charges and who dropped out of high school when she became pregnant with her first child. Lovely Mimi is raking in those fat social media and reality TV dollars now, but she had to grow up quick and start hustling quicker to get them.
So we salute you, Lovely Mimi, for your efforts at educating these “little motherf*ckers”
Love & Hip Hop Atlanta Season 6 continues Monday nights at 8 on VH1.
(Photo credits: Who is Lovely Mimi via Instagram)