Kimberly Henderson, mom of four, responds to comments she has a ‘perfect body’ with unedited picture


Kimberly Henderson made news last December when a video of her singing “How Will I Know” to her baby daughter in the middle of the night went viral. Now, she’s back in the headlines for sharing an unedited picture of her body after four babies. Why did she do it? In Henderson’s own words,


Everyone always compliments me on how I have such a “perfect” body after 4 kids. I decided to upload this pic and leave my belly “unedited” “unphotoshopped” because I used to struggle with accepting my body after kids. I used to have a six pack before my babies.. And now even though I work out I know its not going to make my loose skin tight.. Or my stretch marks disappear ever lol and I’m ok with that because everyday I get to wake up to 4 beautiful smiling faces and I’m reminded that they are worth this flabby belly and they are worth these stretch marks.


Kimberly Henderson Body Picture


Kimberly said that while her body might not be “perfect,” she still proudly flaunts it in a bikini…even though it’s taken a while for her to get to that point.


I struggled so much with my body. I struggled so much because I was young and all these girls my age had perfect bodies and I was in my one piece bathing suit trying to hide all my flaws,” she said. “And I’m not trying to say I have it worse than anyone else or bad or anything like that just reminding you guys.. That your body is beautiful… BECAUSE we ARE moms and we ARE superheroes and we freakin ROCK and in my opinion that is sexier than any 6 pack!



Kimberly says she still has those days where accepting her body isn’t as easy. When that happens, she reminds herself, “This is MY body… I have 2 choices embrace it or spend my time being upset about it! I chose to embrace it! We’re not perfect.”

After the picture went viral on Facebook, Kimberly responded to the suggestion she was “stuck up for receiving compliments” by explaining that wasn’t her intention at all. She added, “In no way shape or form was i complaining or saying I have it worse than some mamas.. We are all different. I posted that picture because I wanted other moms just like me to EMBRACE their imperfections, their flaws, things that have changed their body because of children.”

I know there is a lot of pressure on women for bouncing back quickly after having kids. Heck, I even wrote that story on Maci Bookout earlier this week. So, thanks to Kimberly for the reminder that our bodies aren’t competitions. Embracing ourselves is the best goal.

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