Love After Lockup Lindsey Downs prison interview Part 1 EXCLUSIVE
As we previously reported, Love After Lockup star Lindsey Downs is currently back in federal prison in Alabama. Her return to prison and her failed relationship with co-star Scott Bradshaw left many unanswered questions for viewers, and Lindsey has been kind enough to speak with us in hopes of providing some answers.
Lindsey was willing to talk about anything and everything with us — which she did. As a result, we have too much information to present in one post. In this first installment, we will discuss Lindsey’s most recent arrests and what it was that caused her to be sent back to prison.
I will set the stage with Lindsey explaining the unique (and unfortunate) circumstances of getting out of prison in the middle of a pandemic:
Being released when I was and how I was is not something I would want to repeat. All the services that are suppose to be available to prisoners upon release were suspended. I never met with my probation officer or received mental health services. I never took a drug test or even signed my probation paperwork.
I was released with a FBOP Prisoner ID card and the DMV’s were shut down (and stayed down) for two months. I couldn’t get a drivers license which means no driving or applying to jobs. Even if I could have applied for a job it was essential workers only which I assure you I was NOT.
I left a world that I knew how to navigate and returned to an alien planet that had no time or resources for me. I had such high expectations for how my life would be and all I would do and achieve when I got home, but when I finally got to the light at the end of the tunnel… Well it was a nightmare. As simple as that — I relapsed.
Despite Lindsey’s relapse, she insists that it was Scott’s behavior that led to their split. (More on that in the next installment!)
“He claimed he ‘kicked me out’ shortly after we finished filming Life After Lockup, but the truth of the matter is I had moved out while we were still filming!” Lindsey reveals. “I still had a lot of things in the house that I was planning to get later on, but Scott texted me informing me he had put a ‘weapon’ in the house and wouldn’t allow me to return for my things.”
As many are probably aware, Lindsey is a convicted felon and would not legally be allowed to enter the residence if there was a firearm present.
“A few days after I had moved out, Scott called and made a police report on the damages done to the house,” Lindsey continues. “He claimed I had damaged the desk, laptop, coffee pot, printer, and Xbox. As viewers can attest to after viewing the show, I didn’t touch the printer or Xbox, but Scott had to get the cost of damages up to a specific amount for the charge to be considered a felony.”
Lindsey says that Scott’s felony math ploy worked, and she was later arrested for felony malicious mischief in Desoto County in June. She posted a $500 bond and was released within an hour of being booked.
“Almost a month later, on July 8th, I was arrested again in Alcorn County on the same charge that I was already out on bond for,” Lindsey says. “I was told afterwards it was an invalid warrant and I shouldn’t have been picked up.”
Unfortunately for Lindsey, the “invalid warrant” resulted in additional charges after police found meth and a gun in her car. Well, not actually her car because Lindsey says she was test driving a 2017 BMW at the time.
“I had picked up the car from Global Auto and was supposed to either return the car or buy the car within 24 hours,” Lindsey explains. She says that she was waiting for a coronavirus test at a doctor’s office in Corinth, Mississippi when police caught up with her on the warrant. Her attorney later informed Lindsey that police found a 9mm pistol and “around 20 grams of methamphetamine” in the locked glove box of the car.
From Lindsey:
The car was a push to start so I had the key fob that was needed to start and drive the car. I later found out I didn’t have the attachment to the fob (that is a physical key) in my possession, which is what would have been needed to open the glove box. I hadn’t even tried to open it. It never crossed my mind. The problem is I had people in and out of the car all morning and had at one point let someone actually borrow the car to make a run to McDonalds while I was in the shower.
As a result of what the police claim to have found, Lindsey added firearm possession and meth possession to her list of pending charges.
#LoveAfterLockup returns to @WEtv for a brand new season with a brand new cast on July 17, so we're doing our best to get you prepped with exclusive details on the new couples! Get the deets on 27-yr-old #hotfelon Lindsey from Mississippi!
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— Starcasm (@starcasm) July 10, 2020
“I sat in Alcorn County Jail for five days waiting on the investigative hold to be released so I could bond out,” Lindsey recalls. “Once I bonded out, I was free for six days before the marshal service issued a federal warrant for my arrest for a probation violation and my mom drove me to turn myself in at Alcorn County Jail. I have been back incarcerated since July 20, 2020.”
Lindsey was found in violation of her probation by a Mississippi District Court judge on December 17 and she was sentenced to 24 months in federal prison.
“Right now, I am expecting to be out of prison in March of 2022,” Lindsey tells us. She says that she will have to serve 85% of her sentence, “and since I have been incarcerated since I was picked up by the marshals in July, I have about 13 months left.”
It’s important to note that the additional charges that Lindsey picked up in 2020 are still pending. “I have not been indicted for any of the new charges,” she says. “That is a big deal because if I never get indicted then I will never have to worry about facing a judge or jury on them. If I am indicted, I will have to go deal with those charges after I am released from federal prison next year.”
We've updated our post about #LoveAfterLockup & #LifeAfterLockup star Lindsey Downs being back behind bars with her new location and information on how to write her. Perhaps you could be the next Scott!
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 7, 2021
Stay tuned for additional installments of our interview with Lindsey, including details about her relationship with Scott (past and present), updates on her daughter Mylie Grace, how pandemic prison life has changed since she was last incarcerated, her current relationship status, where Scott is now, and what’s really up with his lip?
UPDATE – Here’s Part 2 of our interview with Lindsey in which she talks about her relationship with Scott — past and present.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)