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LIFE AFTER LOCKUP SPOILER Does Destinie crash Shawn’s wedding?

Life After Lockup Shawn Sara and Destinie

This week’s Life After Lockup episode ended with a dramatic montage that appeared to show Shawn Osborne’s exes Kelly and Destinie Folsom both arriving at his hotel the night before his wedding. However, only one of the women are actually at the hotel Shawn was staying at.

Numerous fans have been openly wondering how Destinie would be able to crash a wedding in Ohio when she is currently on parole in California. That, combined with the editing of the hotel arrivals, had me fairly certain that Destinie did not actually pop in on Shawn the night before the ceremony was scheduled to take place.

Destinie reveals on the show where Shawn and Sara got married, and from that I was able to find the hotel that he was staying at in the Life After Lockup scenes. Here are photos of the bathroom from WE tv and from the hotel’s website — I did you all the favor of not using a screen grab with naked Shawn:
Life After Lockup Shawn's hotel bathroom
Love After Lockup Shawn Osborne's hotel bathroom photo

Notice that the artwork is exactly the same:
Life After Lockup Shawn Osborne hotel art

Here is the front desk of the hotel Shawn stayed at along with a screen grab of Kelly arriving and asking for Shawn’s room number:
Life After Lockup Shawn's hotel lobby
Those are definitely a match!

The exterior scenes with Destinie show a completely different hotel. Meanwhile, Kelly looks to be standing in front of Shawn’s actual hotel during her parking lot interview:
Life After Lockup Shawn's hotel exterior

And here is a shot that includes part of the front desk and lobby of the hotel Destinie was in, which looks a bit different than the lobby of the hotel Shawn was at:
Life After Lockup Did Destinie crash Shawn's wedding?

The final piece of damning evidence is the fact that Shawn’s hotel room has a wood grain doors, including the door that opens into the hallway. The door that Destinie opens is painted white/cream. Also, the exterior door frames don’t match. The door Destinie is opening, for example, has wide fluted framing.

Here are some photos highlighting the differences:
Life After Lockup Shawn's hotel door
Life After Lockup Did Destinie crash Shawn's wedding?

Who Is Destinie Seeing?

Destinie narrates her hotel arrival scene by touting her abilities to find information. We then see a confessional scene in which a producer asks pregnant Destinie if it is possible that Shawn is the father of her baby.

Destinie pauses for a second before saying, “Next question.”

Putting those puzzle pieces together seems to lead to one logical conclusion — the person in the hotel room is Destinie’s husband, Jason. That is purely speculation though! Perhaps it is someone who would know where Jason is?

To find out the answer, we’ll all have to tune in to Friday night’s episode of Life After Lockup airing at 9/8c on WE tv!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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