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Jenelle Evans says Randy Houska ignores Aubree, calls him a ‘creepy Teen Mom troll’

Jenelle Evans Randy Houska feud

As we reported yesterday, Teen Mom 2 star Jenelle Evans WENT OFF on the father of her co-star Chelsea Houska after he posted a snarky tweet regarding a scene in which Jenelle was screaming with her mother Barbara in front of her son Jace. Jenelle called Randy Houska a “fat f**k” during a string of irate tweets that she later deleted. But, just because she deleted the tweets, that doesn’t mean she isn’t still upset about the whole thing.

Jenelle later spoke with Radar Online about the Twitter spat, and it’s clear she is still furious at Randy — not just for the tweet about her screaming in front of Jace, but for previous derogatory comments he has directed at her over the years.

“He just makes it look like I’m psycho,” Jenelle says. “He never has anything nice to say and I don’t say a damn thing about him. I don’t get it.” She insists that his opinion of her is not accurate. “I’m not as bad as a person Randy thinks,” Jenelle insists, “but if he wants to spend his time checking Twitter daily like it’s his job, then so be it. He’s just now another creepy Teen Mom troll in my book.”

Jenelle then goes from defense to offense as she turns the table on the South Dakota dentist. “Maybe that’s why Aubree is ignored…his attention is dedicated to Twitter, not his family.”

In case that “Aubree is ignored” comment threw you off, Jenelle is referencing the current season of Teen Mom 2 in which producers are pushing the story line of Chelsea’s daughter Aubree not getting as much attention since the birth of her little brother Watson. “He should be more focused on Aubree being ignored,” Jenelle adds, “since all they show is me yelling and if that’s true and that’s all we do 24/7…then I guess MTV is true about Aubree being ignored since Watson has been born.”

Much as she did in her deleted tweets, Jenelle insists that all of her anger issues are her mother Barbara’s fault. “The only time I’m angry is if my mom comes around,” Jenelle explains. “Yes, of course my mom brings out the worst in me so we are bound to argue sometimes, but it’s gotten better and everything is a lot more calmer on my end.”

Jenelle Evans Buddhist monastery photo

At the time of Randy’s tweet, Jenelle says she was having a romantic dinner with her fiancé in California, a day after attending the MTV Video Music Awards. “He ruined my dinner with David in Santa Monica, making me cry because I was so upset by him making these comments over the years,” Jenelle reveals. She then says Dr. Randy might be facing some scolding from producers over the incident. “Larry my producer texted me telling me he was extremely sorry for Randy’s actions and agreed it was wrong and will be reaching out to him about his behavior.”

Randy Houska has still yet to respond.

UPDATE – Randy just referenced FatF**kgate with a funny response to one of his fans from New Zealand (!!!) who complimented him on Twitter. “You’re hilarious, honest & raised a great daughter,” the person tweeted. “If my dad was half the man you are I’d be stoked. #1NewZealandFan” Here is Randy’s response:

Meanwhile, Chelsea Houska quietly celebrated her 26th birthday on Tuesday! She shared a photo of a cupcake with a single burning candle and penned this caption:

I want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes and love yesterday! I spent the day with my family and I could not be happier. Year 25 was one hell of a year and I’m not sure how I’m gonna top it, but bring on 26! I can only imagine what amazing things life has in store next ? I am so grateful.

On a side note, I highly recommend the JEmoji App! Now we just need a Randemoji App to go with it…

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