Category: Television

MUGSHOT VIDEO Does guilty Bling Ringer Alexis Neiers think jail will give her street cred?

Guilty Bling Ringer Alexis Neiers from E’s Pretty Wild was out and about in L.A .on June 10th when X17 caught up with her and asked a few questions about her upcoming 6 month jail sentence.  It is too bad that her foxy pseudo-sister Tess Taylor was on hand instead of a more “adult” influence.

10 Questions with ‘You’re Cut Off’ life coach Laura Baron

VH1 has launched an extremely entertaining new reality show called You’re Cut Off featuring 9 spoiled-rotten princesses who are cut off from their accustomed pampering and forced to live together in a “small” house to learn to cope with life in the real world. Leading these queen-bees through this school of hard knocks is life coach Laura Baron.

In a previous post we provided our readers with a little background info on the life coach from Chicago, and Laura was kind enough to take time from her intense schedule to do an exclusive interview to discuss the show, her future plans, and even offer advice to her 16-year-old self.