Teen Mom 2 bonus clips: Jenelle talks anxiety, Leah’s not interested in dating


As the latest drama-filled season of Teen Mom 2 rolls on, the cast have been generous enough to film bonus clips for MTV addressing some of the topics that come up during the show’s airings.

Jenelle Evans provided some tips on how she copes with anxiety. Leah Messer talked about what she might look for in a man, while being adamant that she’s not concerned with dating (click on the clip embeds to play):

Jenelle’s advice for folks suffering with anxiety issues:

You know, I think anyone suffering from anxiety like I do… You definitely need to go to a doctor and get it checked out. If you don’t want to take medication there are other ways around it and coping with it like meditation or yoga and different coping skills that you can discuss with the doctor.

What Jenelle does to help with anxiety:

I cope with my anxiety by taking baths or trying to watch TV and get distracted and get my mind off whatever is causing the anxiety. And hanging around happy people.

– For further information about anxiety disorders, check out the home page for the Anxiety and Depression Association of America.

Leah explains why she’s not interested in dating:

Just being completely honest, I’m not even interested. I’ve needed a man so bad before that it really brought me down. That’s all I thought about or it wasn’t working out… I was so sad, I felt like no one loved me. It felt–stupid.

Leah on what she hopes to find in a partner when the time does become right:

I would love to be with somebody that is supportive of me and what I love doing. He has to be the best version of himself and I have to be the best version of myself.
