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Teen Mom Tabloidegery – Kailyn Lowry engaged? Leah and Corey to divorce?

March 21 2011 In Touch Weekly with Teen Mom2 Leah Messer Simms and Kailyn Lowry

UPDATE: Unfortunately, divorce rumors have been confirmed by photos of Leah Simms filming for MTV, crying over divorce papers. CLICK HERE for more.

This week’s issue of In Touch Weekly features a Teen Mom 2 doubleshot cover story claiming that Kailyn Lowry is headed for marriage with boyfriend Jordan Wenner and Leah Messer is headed in the opposite direction and is divorcing Corey Simms!

The magazine reports that Kailyn and Jordan went shopping for rings March 5 at Bixler’s Jewelers in Allentown, Pennsylvania and judging from the cover they have at least one photo to back up the story. From In Touch:

And according to a friend of the couple, Jordan has plans to propose in a fun way, wanting to catch the reality star “off-guard.”

“They want to get married outside, either in a wooded area of Pennsylvania or on the beach,” says the friend, adding that the guest list will be small, and that Kailyn’s son, Isaac, 13 months, will “of course be the ring bearer.”

The article mentions that Kailyn and her hunky 20-year-old beau haven’t moved in together yet, but Jordan sees Isaac three or four times a week and “can’t wait to be a family.”

On a side note, it seems that Kailyn isn’t the only one to have undergone a recent makeover! Jordan looks like he was put through a Jim Krasinskinator – and I mean that in a good way!

Teen Mom 2 Kailyn Lowry's boyfriend Jordan Wenner

It’s Jordan Halpert! (Lookin’ hip dude!)

There hasn’t been much of an online reaction from Kailyn so far. @mrs_oyos tweeted a link to the story at Kailyn along with “This says your rushing to alter with Joe? ?” to which Kailyn responded, “@mrs_oyos It says with Jordan……. Lol.”

That doesn’t sound like any sort of denial to me!

As far as the Leah story I don’t have any of the details at this point and can only go by the headline, which reads, “DIVORCE DRAMA! After only 5 months of marriage, Leah makes a painful decision.” That doesn’t necessarily mean they are reporting she decided on divorce, just that she was considering it and her final decision was painful. (I will update the post as soon as I get my copy of the magazine)

In contrast to Kailyn, Leah’s response to the article was a bit more specific. From her official Facebook fan page:

Bahahaha, just seen InTouch’s new Rumor of the week. Lmao! It says me and Corey are getting divorced, just wanted to let you all know that its a complete false alarm. We are NOT getting divorced. This marriage is till death do us part (: ♥

So there you have it!

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