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TEEN MOM Ashley Jones grand jury testimony against Bar EXCLUSIVE

Teen Mom Ashley Jones testimony against Bariki Bar Smith in his criminal case

Teen Mom dad Bariki “Bar” Lockettsmith is still in jail in Nevada facing multiple felony charges after an altercation with his estranged wife, Ashley Jones, in July.

Starcasm previously shared information about the current charges against Bar. We also compiled a timeline of his numerous criminal charges over the years. We now have some additional details about both thanks to Ashley Jones’ grand jury testimony.

Ashley Jones Says Bar Drove Drunk With Holly

Ashley Jones appeared as the only witness in the grand jury proceedings against Bar held on August 29. In her testimony, she shared details about the incident that resulted in Bar’s July arrest.

Ashley also shared information about her previous issues with Bar, including an incident in January of 2020 is which Bar was allegedly inebriated when he drove off with daughter Holly in Ashley’s car.

Ashley says Bar was not sober when he put his hands on her in the presence of Holly.

“What happened to Holly?” Deputy District Attorney Kelly Porrazo asked Ashley.

“He drove off with her in a car while he was very intoxicated,” Ashley replied.

It is assumed this is the early 2020 incident that resulted in Bar being arrested for domestic battery, assault, child endangerment, and driving or taking a vehicle without the owner’s consent.

Bar’s mom Shenandoah “Shen” Williams had a much different version of events. “[Ashley] was drunk driving and they got into it,” Shen said during a Facebook live stream. “She attacked him. He was scratched up — scratches all over his neck, everything.”

Shen says Bar tried to leave after the scuffle, but Ashley took his keys. “So he took her car,” Shen continued, “and when he got back, the police drew down on him and charged him with stealing her car.”

There was lack of sufficient evidence in the case and the charges against Bar were later dropped.

Ashley Jones Grand Jury Testimony Against Bar

Below are some excerpts from Ashley Jone’s grand jury testimony, including most of what she had to say about the July, 2024 incident that resulted in Bar’s arrest.

As mentioned above, Deputy District Attorney Kelly Porrazo is asking the questions (Q). Ashley is providing all of the answers (A).

Q: Miss Jones…did your relationship with Mr. Lockettsmith ever turn physical?

A: Yes, it did.

Q: When was the first time it turned physical?

A: A little before I had my daughter in 2017.

Q: Okay. So would it be in the late months of 2017?

A: Yes.

Q: And did Mr. Lockettsmith physically hurt you at that time?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: Okay. Was there another incident that things turned physical between you two?

A: Yes, there has been.

Q: In 2018 was there another physical incident during that time?

A: Yes.

Q: And was that incident regarding — involving other people as well?

A: Yes.

Q: Who were those other people?

A: My parents.

Q: Okay. And was that here in Vegas or in

A: That was in California.

Q: Okay. Did he attempt to physically fight
your parents in that situation?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: And you were physically present for that?

A: Yes, I was.

Q: Okay. Was there another time that things turned physical?

A: Yes, there was.

Q: And directing your attention to January of 2020, did he physically put his hands on you then?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: And when he was doing that was he sober?

A: No, he was not.

Q: And how do you know he was not?

A: He was very clearly belligerent.

Q: And he was belligerent when he put his hands on you?

A: Yes.

Q: And was your child Holly present during that incident?

A: Yes, she was.

Q: And what happened to Holly?

A: He drove off with her in a car while he was very intoxicated.

Q: And was that also in California?

A: Yes, it was.

Q: Was there another incident in May of 2021?

A: Yes, there was.

Q: Okay. Was that at your graduation party?

A: Yes.

Q: What were you graduating from?

A: I was getting my associate’s degree of science.

Q: Okay. And were you throwing a party?

A: Yes, I was throwing a graduation party.

Q: And at that party was there an incident involving a firearm?

A: Yes, there was.

Q: Was the defendant belligerent during this incident as well?

A: Yes, he was.

Q: And was he recklessly shooting the firearm at your graduation party?

A: Yes, he was.

Q: I don’t know if I asked this but was it in California?

A: Yes, it was.

Q: Was there another incident in December of 2023?

A: Yes, there was.

Q: Did that incident involve him throwing water on you?

A: Yes, it did.

Q: Did that incident involve him violently destroying property in your home?

A: Yes, it did.

Q: And was that here in Clark County?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay. Can you read the last line on that email?

A: Yes. “Let’s be brutal and petty, baby, you win. Now I’m at my lowest, watch how dark it gets.”

Q: And this was sent to your email?

A: Yes, it was.

Q: How did you feel when that was sent to you?

A: Threatened, frightened.

Q: …After that text did you, or that email, did you receive another threatening message from Mr. Lockettsmith?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: Showing you Grand Jury Exhibit 5, do you recognize this?

A: Yes, I do.

Q: How do you recognize it?

A: The contact is the same.

Q: And is this a screen shot you took of your cell phone?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: So is this a text message from his phone to your phone?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: And is this the same phone number that you’ve been communicating with him during your relationship?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: What is this square in the top right corner?

A: My mom and I were on FaceTime when I took the screen shot so that is her.

Q: Okay. And if you could read the second message on here.

A: Do I say the cuss word?

Q: Yeah, you can.

A: “Let me catch that ni**a around my daughter again though. I promise on my life it’s going to be more to worry about than it already is”.

Q: Okay. And who did you think to mean when he was referencing catch that bleep?

A: My boyfriend.

Q: Okay. So is this a new boyfriend?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: And at the time this was sent was your new boyfriend around your daughter?

A: He had been, yes.

Q: And how did you feel getting that text?

A: Nervous, scared.

Q: Why?

A: Because me dating someone else is not — I just know it’s not something that he’s okay with and I also don’t want my new boyfriend to have to be in a situation, a violent situation.

Q: So on July 7th of 2024 — or let’s back up. The night before, so the night right before that what were you doing?

A: I was out with some friends.

Q: Were those female friends or male friends?

A: Both.

Q: Okay. Did you post on social media that you were out with friends?

A: I did.

Q: And what did you post?

A: Just like a 15-second boomerang of us getting shots.

Q: Okay. And who was in that video?

A: One of my male friends Daniel and my new boyfriend Orlando.

Q: Was there any communication with Mr. Lockettsmith about that post?

A: Can you —

Q: Yes, yes, I can rephrase. Did he reach out to you about that post?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: Okay. Was it soon after you had posted it?

A: Yes, it was.

Q: And he was still living in California at that time?

A: Yes, he was.

Q: Okay. Showing you Grand Jury Exhibit 6, do you recognize that?

A: I do.

Q: How do you recognize it?

A: The same contact.

Q: Okay. So this is from Mr. Lockettsmith?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: And is this a screen shot you took?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: From your phone?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: Okay. Can you read these last messages here at the end?

A: It says, “Stop ignoring me, baby mama”. I’m sorry, it says, “LOL, that’s your ni**a, stop ignoring me, baby mama, block me then, answer the phone before I send somebody over there”.

Q: Okay. And so this was sent to you while you were out with your new boyfriend?

A: Yes.

Q: And how did you feel when you saw that?

A: Nervous, scared.

Q: What did you take it to mean?

A: That he was going to have somebody waiting for me at my house.

Q: Okay. Publishing Grand Jury Exhibit 6. After you received that message was he making any phone calls as well?

A: He was.

Q: Okay. Was it one phone call or was it repeated phone calls?

A: It was repeated phone calls.

Q: After you received that text did he communicate with you a different way?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: Was it by email?

A: Yes, it was.

Q: And what did you do with his phone number on your phone?

A: I blocked him.

Q: Okay. So he wasn’t able to text you or call you anymore on your phone?

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay. Showing you Grand Jury Exhibit 7, do you recognize that?

A: I do.

Q: And is this the same email we have covered?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: Okay. Like as in the same line of communication through email?

A: Yes.

Q: What is this picture here at the bottom?

A: That is a screen shot of my Instagram post.

Q: Okay. The social media post you were talking about with your new boyfriend?

A: Yes.

Q: And if you could read off the top of that.

A: “He better be tough, I’ma see both of y’all by 7:00 a.m. today”.

Q: So is this also a message you received while you were out with your friends?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: And it’s that message plus the screen shot of your story?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: How did you feel when you received that?

A: Scared.

Q: Okay. And this was after the text messages and repeated phone calls you got?

A: Yes.

Q: Publishing Grand Jury Exhibit 7. Was there another email that came in after that?

A: Yes.

Q: Showing you Grand Jury Exhibit 8, do you recognize this?

A: I do.

Q: Is this the same line of communication of emails we’ve been discussing?

A: It is.

Q: Okay. Was this also sent on July 7th?

A: Yes, it was.

Q: If you could read the top of that.

A: “All right. Okay. I’m catching a flight now. I’ma show you and that ni**a something”.

Q: Okay. How did that make you feel?

A: Scared, very nervous.

Q: Why?

A: Because I wasn’t sure if he was actually going to come here and do something or not.

Q: And when you say do something what do you mean?

A: Just me and him having a long history of violence so I didn’t know what he was going to do but I knew it was probably going to be physical.

[MS. PORAZZO: And again admonishing the jury the long history of violence is not for propensity but for how she’s feeling. Can everybody abide by that admonishment? Seeing all head nods.]

Q: And when you say catching a flight, is that because he’s in California?

A: Yes, it is.

Q: Publishing Grand Jury Exhibit 8. Okay. Did you go home that night when you were out with your friends?

A: I did not.

Q: You went somewhere else?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: Did you come home the next morning?

A: I did.

Q: Was it around 9:15 in the morning?

A: It was.

Q: And what did do you on your way home?

A: I called my mother.

Q: Okay. Why did you call your mother?

A: Because I wanted to have a plan in place just in case he had actually caught a flight.

Q: Okay. Meaning caught a flight and —

A: And came to my house and did whatever, everything he was saying in the messages.

Q: Okay. So on your way home were you on the phone with your mother?

A: I was.

Q: And were you on the phone with your mother up until you got inside your home?

A: Yes, I was.

Q: Okay. So when you went inside your home — and as far as your home, are we talking about an apartment?

A: Yes, we are.

Q: When you got to your apartment, how do you get inside your apartment?

A: It’s a door code.

Q: So you don’t use like a physical key to get in?

A: No.

Q: Had your door code — was there a point that you two, you and Mr. Lockettsmith were living together?

A: Yes, there was.

Q: And was there a point where he knew what the door code was?

A: Yes.

Q: Had your door code changed since he knew what it was?

A: It had not.

Q: So when you entered your door code and got in and were walking in the door, were you on the phone with your mom?

A: Yes, I was.

Q: And what were you asking your mom to do?

A: I told my mom that if I got into my apartment and she heard a voice or something to just hang up with me and call the police.

Q: And when you walked inside your apartment was anyone inside?

A: Yes, Bariki was inside.

Q: And how did you feel when you saw him sitting inside?

A: Scared.

Q: When you walked in did he greet you?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: What did he say?

A: I’m sorry.

Q: It’s okay.

A: He said, “Hello, baby mother.”

Q: I see you’re getting a little bit emotional. Can you walk us through those feelings that —

A: It’s just, it’s a lot. It’s a lot. And when I saw him sitting in there I was just grateful that I called my mom.

Q: So when he said, “Hello, baby mother,” did you respond to him verbally?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: What did you say?

A: I said, “Hello, baby father.”

Q: And were you on the phone with your mom at that time?

A: Yes, I was.

Q: And did that — was — were you intending to signal to your mom that he was inside?

A: Yes, I was.

Q: And what happened with your phone after that?

A: I believe I dropped it. Just in the midst of — I believe I dropped it.

Q: Okay. And did you pick it up? Like what happened to your phone?

A: No, he picked my phone up.

Q: And did he give it back to you?

A: He did not.

Q: So he took your phone?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: Did he take anything else from you?

A: Yes.

Q: What did he take?

A: My iPad, my daughter’s iPad and my Apple watch.

Q: Okay. So you said your phone, so your electronics?

A: Yes, and my laptop, sorry.

Q: So your laptop, your watch and your iPad?

A: Yes.

Q: What about your keys?

A: He grabbed my set of keys, yes, he did.

Q: Okay. So when he took those things away from you, if you wanted to call for help was there any way for you to do that?

A: No, there was not.

Q: But you knew help was already on the way?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: Okay. So because you knew help was on the way, how were you reacting to him when you got inside?

A: Kind of just trying to stall him out, kind of not engaging, just kind of normal walking around my house. I was opening up the blinds just kind of trying to keep it — trying to keep it, you know, on a steady level.

Q: Okay. Why?

A: Because I was afraid it would turn very physical and I didn’t know how quick the police could get there.

Q: So did you strategically act calm?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: When he took your phone from you did he tell you anything?

A: Yeah.

Q: Did he say something to the effect of you aren’t getting your phone back until you call your new boyfriend or take me to his house?

A: Yes.

Q: Did you believe him?

A: Yes, I did.

Q: Did you agree to take him, did you refuse, how did you respond?

A: I told him I wasn’t leaving with him.

Q: And what did he tell you?

A: He told me that if I said something else or said the wrong thing he would break my jaw.

Q: And how did that make you feel?

A: Scared.

Q: Why?

A: Because he has hit me before.

Q: So when he’s saying that were you in fear of immediate injury?

A: Yes.

Q: Okay. After you refuse and after he said he would break your jaw, did he do anything with the front door?

A: Yes.

Q: What did he do?

A: He took two of my bar stools and he put them in front of the door between the stairs and the front door.

Q: Okay. Did he lay them kind of horizontally and wedge them in there?

A: Yes.

Q: And so if those were there were you able to open the front door?

A: No.

Q: Did you try to open the front door?

A: No.

Q: Did you walk towards the door?

A: Yes.

Q: And what did he tell you?

A You better not fu**ing touch the door.

Q: Okay. And did you take that to mean that you should not touch the door?

A: I did.

Q: Did you feel threatened by that?

A: I did.

Q: And did he tell you anything of the sort of if you’re not leaving with me you’re not leaving, period?

A: Yes, he did.

Q: And how did you feel when he was barricading the door and he was telling you these things, how were you feeling?

A: Very scared and nervous.

Q: Did you feel like you could leave?

A: No.

Q: So at this point if you wanted to get help you didn’t have your phone and you couldn’t leave?

A: Yes.

Q: Did the police eventually come?

A: Yes, they did.

Q: And when they came did they announce themselves? Like did they knock on the door?

A: Yes, they did.

Q: And what did the defendant do when that happened?

A: The first time they knocked is when he said eff this. He grabbed the bar stools and he put them in front of the door between the stairs and the door.

Q: So that was after the police arrived?

A: That was after the police arrived the first time they knocked on the door.

Q: Okay. And did they keep knocking on the door?

A: They did.

Q: And did the defendant say anything or react to that?

A: He just said don’t open the door, don’t go — you have to walk down the stairs to my front door so he said don’t go down there.

Q: Did you eventually make contact with officers?

A: I did.

Q: How?

A: I was able to see out of my window that they were outside, you know, with guns and vests and so I told him, I said you need to let me go out there or I think they’re coming in. And I told him that I would tell the police that he didn’t have a weapon on him and he was calm so maybe they would just let him leave my house.

Q: And why were you saying those things?

A: Because I feel like I knew that if he knew that I would say what really happened he would not have let me go out there.

Q: So were you doing it more so in a way to be able to get out of the apartment?

A: Yes.

Q: As far as the apartment we’ve been talking about on, was the defendant on the lease?

A: He was not.

Q: Okay. So he would have no reason to be inside of the apartment?

A: No, he would not.

Q: And you did not invite him inside the apartment?

A: I did not.

Q: And he did not have permission to be inside?

A: He did not.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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