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TEEN MOM 2 Briana DeJesus denies Chris Lopez hook up, says Kail has something ‘coming her way’ this week

Teen Mom 2 Kail Lowry Javi Marroquin Briana DeJesus Chris Lopez and Kristofer the Icelandic horse

We broke the news yesterday that Kailyn Lowry’s ex Chris Lopez had filed an affidavit in support of Briana DeJesus in the defamation lawsuit filed by Kail against Briana. In addition to Chris revealing that he was the one who told Briana that Kail hit him and broke into his mother’s house, he also revealed that he and Briana spent three days together in Miami back in April.

Kail seemed to be referencing the court filing confession in her response to a question from a fan on Instagram on Monday. The fan basically asked why Kail was upset at Briana and her other ex, Javi Marroquin, for dating after Kail and Javi split up. Kail answered the question by strongly implying that Chris and Briana hooked up Miami.

From our previous post:

“I don’t know what you’re trying to say,” Kail began her written response, “but she allegedly f***ed the third one in April, so go ask all of them.” The response was placed over a photo of Kail sipping from a coffee cup.

It doesn’t take too much to figure out that Kail is saying that her third baby daddy (Chris Lopez) and Briana had sex in April.

Kail’s comments, in combination with us posting Chris’s statements from the lawsuit, had the Teen Momiverse abuzz as social media had a field day discussing the possibility that Briana hooked up with yet another one of Kail’s exes. Briana herself even joined the conversation!

Briana Responds to Chris Lopez Hook Up Rumor

Briana offered up what clearly seems to be a response to the Chris Lopez hook up rumors on Twitter. “I see a lot of BS online,” Briana tweeted and deleted. “Stop trying to change the narrative and point the finger now that your true colors are coming out. Stop worrying about other ppl and what they got going on. Focus on urself honey bun.”

The response appears to be directed at Kail, but didn’t really address the reported Lopez liaison. Briana remedied that with her next tweet.

“And to answer everyone’s question,” she wrote, “no I did not do anything of that sort. ❤️” Despite denying getting intimate with Chris in April, Briana leaves the door open for a potential consummation later. “But don’t tempt me tho,” she concluded, along with a 🥸 and 😅 emoji.

What Did Chris Lopez Say Exactly?

We quoted Kail above as stating “she allegedly f***ed the third one in April.” So what did Chris Lopez say in the court filing? “I met with Briana Soto [Briana’s actual last name] in Miami on or around April 11, 2021. We spent a few days there together.”

Briana lives near Orlando, so she clearly made a trip to Miami to meet with Chris. However, she would have us believe that they spent three days together in Miami without having sex.

So what were Chris and Briana doing together for three days? “On the first day we spent together, we spoke about the incident that happened between Kailyn Lowry and myself in September 2020 which resulted in Lowry’s arrest,” Chris says in the affidavit.

That still leaves a lot of time unexplained. The only logical assumption to be made, if we believe Briana, is that Chris was in Miami to get a Brazilian butt lift. Right? 😉

UPDATE – Briana clarified a bit about her time with Chris on an Instagram post about her tweets by @teenmomfanz:

Teen Mom 2 Briana DeJesus and Chris Lopez hook up comment

“@_brianadejesus We got the assumptions from Kailyn’s story,” @teenmomfanz replied. “She literally told the world that you and Chris did the dirty…🤣

Briana responded by suggesting that she’s got something in the works for Kail! “@teenmomfanz I saw but something is coming her way in a few days so hopefully that’ll keep her busy instead of worrying about her ex and his dick and my vagina ❤️

Hmmmm… Perhaps Briana’s infamously aggressive attorney, Marc Randazza, is going to be filing some sort of counter suit? Or maybe Kail will be waking up in a room full of crickets? I guess we will all have to wait and see, so stay tuned!

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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