Spencer Pratt admits his legal marriage to Heidi Montag was a showbiz sham
Of course, it’s no surprise. We all knew it. But there was always the possibility in the far, illogical recesses of our human and fallible minds that caused us to watch The Hills in the first place, that maybe these two insane people actually did love each other enough to spend the rest of their lives together (or at least a good decade.)
But we were right all along. After the playful Hills finale and now Spencer’s admission that his marriage to Heidi Montag was a sham, you can now release your willful suspension of disbelief, and cut the marionette strings like in the promos for the last season of The Hills.
Spencer told People Magazine Friday: “I love Heidi but our marriage was a show – it was part of The Hills world. And that world is on a sound stage.”
Yesterday he also broke down the fourth wall with a sledgehammer by tweeting a number of messages at MTV about his fake marriage and divorce.
I miss the sound stage. @mtv I need my script back. Don’t know how to live without producers guiding my storyline. I am lost without @mtv!
@mtv I got served with divorce papers? I thought that preacher at the wedding was one of the actors like my paid friends and family & exWIFE
@mtv This whole time I have really been married? I thought we did that for ratings?
@MTV Heidi left me seasons ago! Hello! she just didn’t have beefy LC to film with anymore so she had to be stuck with King Spencer! sucker
But this means that we also have to accept the fact that these people really did get legally married solely for the purpose to fulfill a television show’s plot lines and to amp up their fame. Heidi’s ambitions have been broad: she wanted to be a pop star, actress, and screenwriter, but Spencer’s are epic and includes something like master of the universe. He’s going about this by growing out his hair and running around Hollywood trying to appear crazier than he is, but there’s been no indication that these two actually possess any kind of real talent besides being masterful attention seekers.
That’s worth something, but maybe not enough.