RETURN TO AMISH Sabrina explains why her kids weren’t featured more on the show
Return To Amish wrapped up its seventh season on Tuesday night, and show star Sabrina Burkholder took to Instagram to answer one of the questions she has been asked most often over the past few months.
“People have been asking why they didn’t see more of my kids on the show this past season,” Sabrina began a caption for a post shared on Thursday. In case you missed it, Sabrina gave birth to her fifth child, daughter Kalani, on the most recent season.
“Reality television may look glamorous and easy from the outside looking in, but at the end of the day it’s a job, and it can be very intense at times,” Sabrina continued. “That’s a lot of pressure to put on anyone, let alone a toddler, and I just want what is best for them. I feel like my children deserve to do the things that make THEM happy .”
Sabrina left the door open for her children to eventually participate more — even if it wasn’t on Return To Amish. “In the future, if the perfect opportunity arises for them to share their lives on television, we will cross that bridge when we get there .”
Here is the original post from Sabrina, plus a couple more posts with additional recent photos of her children:
Sabrina mentioned on the show that she had been pregnant for three years straight. After filming for Return To Amish Season 7, the 37-year-old reality star extended that streak to four years!
Sabrina gave birth to son Aro Reno on February 22, 2023. Sabrina and Jethro split up in 2021, and Aro’s dad is Sabrina’s new boyfriend, Scottie.
“Zekiah, Skylar, Kalani and I have not seen Jethro in person since 2021,” Sabrina wrote on Instagram in early March of this year. “For the sake of our children, I have chosen not to speak publicly about Jethro at this time. I wish him nothing but the very best .”
“My boyfriend Scottie and I welcomed Aro with open arms and we are very very happy!” Sabrina concluded the update.
Here’s a photo gallery of Scottie and son Aro together:
How many children does Sabrina Burkholder have?
Aro is Sabrina’s sixth child, her first with boyfriend Scottie.
Sabrina has three children with ex Jethro Nolt: son Zekiah (4), daughter Skylar (3), and daughter Kalani (1).
Sabrina’s two oldest children, daughters Oakley (9) and Arianna (6), were from a previous relationship and no longer in Sabrina’s custody.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)