Mob Wives’ Drita D’Avanzo high school photo
The very Twitter friendly Drita D’Avanzo is always sharing fun photos, events, and links on the social networking site, as well as offering up her very straight-forward opinions on everyone else’s opinions of her.
Earlier today the 35-year-old Mob Wives star shared a blast from the past in the form of a photograph of her in high school! You can click the photo above to enlarge. Here’s a zoomed and cropped image of just Drita lolita:
And here’s the accompanying tweet:
The photo got a few responses from some of Drita’s high school friends, including @Marie_718, who Drita struck up a conversation with in which she points out that photo looks as though it was taken at a correctional facility:
Another tweeter asked Drita if she kept up with her high school posse:
I did some research on Drita’s handball team and it appears as though they were in fact undefeated. There was one team that came really close, but then they all mysteriously disappeared. After that they won every game handily.