UNEXPECTED Max Schenzel goes after Chloe & family in lengthy Instagram rant FULL RECAP
Unexpected dad Max Schenzel got out of jail in January after serving more than three months for stealing a credit card, cash, and casino vouchers from his friend’s sleeping grandmother. The 21-year-old is due back in court later this month stemming from two separate domestic violence arrests in late 2019 and early 2020, arrests that resulted in an order of protection preventing Max from having contact with his ex Chloe Mendoza or their daughter, Ava.
Max insists that he has remained sober for a year — ever since he was arrested in February of 2020 and charged with four felonies, including auto theft and assault on a police officer. Despite his claims to have cleaned up over the past year, Chloe still refuses to allow Max to see their daughter. He has made several posts expressing his frustration about the custody situation since his jail release, but on Wednesday he gave his texting thumbs a serious workout with an extremely long Instagram rant calling out Chloe, Chloe’s family, and everyone who still has negative things to say about him.
The series of text posts were shared via Max’s Instagram stories and were initially sparked by comments a couple of Max’s friends made defending him. The original negative comment(s) was not included in Max’s post, but judging from the responses they were in regards to Chloe’s claim that Max was physically abusive towards her. “He never once did that sh*t,” Max’s roommate Jason wrote. “They’re nuts and just hate Max and are mad he’s killing it.”
Jason’s girlfriend Cassandra then responded with her support for Max:
Damnnnnnnn I didn’t know yall knew max personally and actually live with him?! CRAZY. Yall hear all this sh*t off of what a show?
I could go right now and get a order of protection on anyone without any SOLID proof with how the world is filled with dumb*sses that get their feelings hurt off of pronouns now a days
And you guys have proof that he isnt sober? Cool ill wait while I see something that ISN’T from some fake *ss website
and I let max around my 3 year old AUTISTIC son and he is AMAZING to my son and my son LOVES max. Max Schenzel im hella proud of you and you’ve made it so far. Don’t let some dumb*ss wannabe know it alls ruin your sobriety and your progress
Max shared the words of support from Jason and Cassandra and added his own response in all caps:
Soon after that post, Max WENT OFF with a series of five different text posts. I will included his posts in their entirety below, but I will start with some bullet point quotes and commentary.
Honestly her parents never supported me even before I got into my addiction when I was doing good! They set me up for failure and never gave us a chance to work.
I’m not sure when Max was “doing good.” He had multiple arrests before Chloe got pregnant. According to a sentencing risk assessment in his grandma theft case, Max “has a juvenile history that includes adjudication for armed robbery.” He was also charged with trespassing and being under 21 with alcohol in his system in September of 2017. (He would later plead guilty to the trespassing charge.)
A bad situation is going to get worse for @TLC #Unexpected couple Chloe and Max because he was recently arrested for allegedly taking credit cards and $$ from his friend's 77-year-old sleeping grandma: https://t.co/lZesLUxAUy
— Starcasm (@starcasm) August 6, 2018
Chloe hasn’t even been sober as long as me and I guarantee you she is still afraid of thinking for herself because she’s too concerned what her parents will say or think. The whole time we were together she never made a decision that her mom disagreed with.
I don’t know if Chloe is drinking or not, but I do feel that I should point out she’s only 19. As far as the last sentence, it completely contradicts itself. Chloe’s mom disagreed with her being with Max, so the whole time Chloe and Max were together, Chloe was making a decision that her mother disagreed with.
Crazy people are fine when people don’t find out that their [sic] liars or fake but as soon as people start finding out the sh*t they do they fly off the hinges
Max has a point, as evidenced by how often he seems to fly off the hinges.
[Chloe’s family] think their [sic] on some higher level or something. They are no better than me if I’m sober and they drink. If I can hangout with a stranger’s son who’s autistic and do great with him what makes you think I’d not be good around my own daughter that I’m dying to see????
No comment.
Maybe your eyes will open up to the fact that Chloe and her family are just pure toxic. Even on the show Chloe didn’t want me going to rehab because she wanted me to go to a high school dance with her
Now her family is acting like they gave me a chance for support to fix myself but nope I had to do it all alone without my daughter for a whole year! That’s why I need to get partial custody of Ava asap because I don’t want her growing up around that crazy *ss family!
No comment.
I will conclude the post with Max’s posts in their entirety, followed by his interaction with commenters on the @tlcunexpected Instagram posts about his stories.
It’s so true. Like any of you guys who back up Chloe or her mom literally back them up with no proof at all. The fact that Chloe hasn’t let me see my daughter after being a year sober, with a full time job making great money and I rent my own house with roommates? Like what? I know I was not even close to being the best father I could be in the past but it’s been a year of me being sober and being the best person I could be. I enjoy playing with my friend’s stepson because he reminds me of Ava. Honestly her parents never supported me even before I got into my addiction when I was doing good! They set me up for failure and never gave us a chance to work. So…
Any of you “fans” or people think what they say is true about me your [sic] wrong. I’m a super loving person who would literally cry with happiness if I got to see my daughter and I will soon because I’m taking Chloe to court. You guys only see the drama and the side of me that the show portrayed. You don’t really know me. You also don’t really know Chloe or her family and how evil and toxic they are. Chloe isn’t that bad she just does whatever her family does and that’s what makes the bad side of her. She’s a great mom and yeah I messed up a lot but for her to not let me see Ava right now or get visitation is super f***ed up. Chloe hasn’t even been sober as long as me and I guarantee you she is still afraid of thinking for herself because she’s too concerned what her parents will say or think. The whole time we were together she never made a decision that her mom disagreed with.
#Unexpected Chloe details numerous allegations of abuse by Max in a new tell all video. She also says Max admitted to kicking their daughter Ava in the back to police and that's why Chloe was able to add Ava to the order of protection she has against him. https://t.co/9OYwGtkirK
— Starcasm (@starcasm) September 5, 2020
Sorry for all the posts I’m just super frustrated that you people don’t see through Chloe’s family’s BS and lies. They are just a bunch of control freaks. They try to downplay my process because I’m proving them wrong and they don’t like it. They don’t like the fact that people are starting to realize how crazy they are and that I got my sh*t together and proved them wrong. Crazy people are fine when people don’t find out that their [sic] liars or fake but as soon as people start finding out the sh*t they do they fly off the hinges It’s actually quite funny like when I ran into Chloe’s aunt at the grocery store….
She said I’ve been txting Chloe and trying to talk to Chloe I want absolutely nothing to do with Chloe and I told her that to her face in the video I posted to YouTube. I told her I never txted Chloe and she kept saying I was lieing [sic] lol. All I want is my daughter in my life and for her family to stop lieing [sic] about me to make themselves look better or to cause drama, honestly don’t know what their motive is ….
They literally all moved down from New Mexico to Arizona so they could gang up and take my daughter from me. They think their [sic] on some higher level or something. They are no better than me if I’m sober and they drink. If I can hangout with a stranger’s son who’s autistic and do great with him what makes you think I’d not be good around my own daughter that I’m dying to see????
I’m done with this rant but for those of you who didn’t know any of this maybe your eyes will open up to the fact that Chloe and her family are just pure toxic. Even on the show Chloe didn’t want me going to rehab because she wanted me to go to a high school dance with her Now her family is acting like they gave me a chance for support to fix myself but nope I had to do it all alone without my daughter for a whole year! That’s why I need to get partial custody of Ava asap because I don’t want her growing up around that crazy *ss family! I just want to continue to do good and share my positive life I have now with my daughter. All I care about is her. If any of you message me or comment any negative stuff having to do with me and how much I love my daughter I’m blocking you because there’s nothing I want more than to see her.
#Unexpected dad Max Schenzel got out of jail last month after serving more than 3 months, and he's already stirring things up on social media with his ex, Chloe Mendoza, and her mom, Jessica Bowman. Get a full recap of all the latest drama! #unexpectedtlc https://t.co/gdLWNgLO7D
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 25, 2021
Unexpected Season 4 mom Jenna Ronan: Um you don’t just go to jail for months for no reason… my child wouldn’t be around someone who’s in and out of jail either. She’s protecting her daughter.
Unexpected Season 3 and 4 mom Tyra Boisseau: The sad thing is his daughter is going to grow up and not be a little girl who can’t read or understand the things he’s posting. While he was away she was taking care of his kid. I can not imagine being in that position. That little girl will be attached to her momma talking about her and disrespecting her down will only make your daughter more against you. Once you’ve fully broken trust with someone you can’t just automatically change that. Respect the woman for taking care of your kid
MAX: If there’s no proof then you have no common ground to stand on. Thanks but it’s quite evil to accuse someone of abusing their kids
COMMENT: First off you’re the one who went to jail, not her. And at least she wasn’t the one who left their kid to party
MAX: Actually I went to parties with her while I was on probation so I could drive her from party to party while she drank so she wouldn’t drink and drive. We worked as a team until I relapsed a year ago and yeah I could’ve done better back then but it’s been a year of being sober now so why are u bringing up the past? I’ve done great for more than a year?
#Unexpected Chloe & Max continue feuding well after splitting up in the wake of Max's 2nd domestic assault arrest back in February. Chloe says Max kicked their daughter Ava in the back, broke her crib & smashed a TV. Max responds with his own allegations. https://t.co/0uobzacVN4
— Starcasm (@starcasm) September 3, 2020
COMMENT: If there was no abuse then how come there is not only a restraining order on chole but also your child. Being someone who’s seen the process of getting a restraining order they would need significant proof to prove you are a danger to them. And obviously they had enough proof to get a restraining order. Get off social media and work on yourself. You’re not fooling anyone but yourself.
COMMENT: That was my thought exactly. But hey, he’s “sober” now so we apparently just ignore the fact that he abused his child. She hasn’t seen him in how long? She doesn’t need him now in my opinion
MAX: I never abused my child . Did you not read my message? Lol I’m done with you people you literally have no life and I’m not wasting another second of mine trying to convince a ignorant “adult” stranger who believes anything they see on the internet lol.
COMMENT: Sir if there was no proof the judge wouldn’t have gave her a OFP, get outta here bro.
MAX: Not true . Anyone can get a order of protection and the only reason they granted it was because I was in jail when she got it.
COMMENT: I mean I don’t care about either of them but he’s right. On the show she did get mad he was going to go to rehab. Idk about the other stuff but he might have been clean earlier if he wasn’t pressured not to go
MAX: Exactly!
COMMENT: I think all of this just needs to stay offline. It’s so childish if either side is continuing to post.
MAX: I know it’s childish 100% sometimes you got to be childish when people accuse you or post about things you did that you never did to back the truth up. But yeah I’m done now ! The mature ones will see through the bs.
Less than a week after #Unexpected dad Max Schenzel shared a YouTube video insisting that he doesn't belong in jail because he is a good guy, he is back in jail facing some very serious charges — including assault on an officer! https://t.co/pqPvWN6LPf pic.twitter.com/LRiNy8mrpa
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 27, 2020
COMMENT: You can love your child to death but that does not mean you are fit to be a parent. and i just LOVE how he blames everything on chloe and her family but doesn’t blame himself for anything
COMMENT: Right!! He acts like he haven’t kicked her
MAX: I never touched my daughter in a abusive way. Ever. I love that little girl to death and would do anything to protect her. If u actually read the article above you would see that a complete stranger trusts me with her autistic son so…
COMMENT: Who’s gonna read all that
COMMENT: Lots of people
MAX: Lots of people will just go and comment and not take what I said into perspective either
COMMENT: Idk why every one acts like they know you guys off a season of a tv show. Chloes family looked toxic and no one really know the truth but you guys
MAX: Exactly my point! Thank you! like these people act like they know me and act like the things these gossip websites post are true! Like no it’s for comments and views that’s it! It’s to create drama and that’s the sole purpose!
#UNEXPECTED In a new YouTube Q&A, Max Schenzel insists "I don't belong in jail. I am a good guy." He also blames @Starcasm for Chloe's parents not liking him and says 99% of articles about him are not true. Watch the video, get a recap & read our response! https://t.co/NXIFHvjYO5 pic.twitter.com/EWe5eALomM
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 26, 2020
COMMENT: He needs to stop !!!!
MAX: Needs to stop what? Putting the truth in the public’s hands when all their feed with is lies about me? Nah I’m not gunna let people think I’m a evil person. I’ve done everything right for the past year .
COMMENT: He acts like a little kid pls he needs to stay in jail and get better! He wanted drugs more then his own daughter disgusting!
MAX: lol a little kid? Plus I didn’t want drugs more than my daughter … your literally a nobody . I’ve been sober for a year so how is your message relevant honey?
COMMENT: That’s now what Chloe said you hit your own child because you have anger issues. If I was Chloe I would of knocked tf out of you. You never hit your child EVER. Idk who raised you to be like that but they need to be better. And you just mad cause it’s the TRUTH it’s sad you don’t see it that way
MAX: I never hit my daughter or Chloe . Maybe u can’t read because your “momma” didn’t teach you lol but you weren’t there and no one cares what u think . I was raised by my dad who never laid a finger on me and taught me to never lay a finger on a woman. You don’t know how I was raised ! U don’t know anything but what u see on social media so don’t act like you do hun.
COMMENT: Ya I smell bullsh*t coming from this comment once a woman beater always a beater did you have a good time hitting Chloe too? . I mean you left a bruise on her arms so you proud of that?
MAX: I said what I had to say , now u can rant on for all I care lol have fun! I’m going to the gym!
MAX: You guys literally look at a post and believe it with 0 proof. I through my phone and it accidentally hit Chloe like she even wrote a letter to the judge and signed it saying I’ve never ever abused her. So go spread rumors somewhere else since your apparently still in highschool lol
COMMENT: Don’t be obviously f***ed on lives, don’t bad mouth the mother of your child, quit obsessing over strangers. You do this to yourself and it’s mad cringey. Workyour
. If you want people to see you differently you need to be different. End of story.
MAX: Obsessing over strangers? Be different? Lol so your saying be different as in don’t keep being sober after a year and by the way I’ve gone through my steps sir, keep in mind your being a hypocrite by commenting about me when u don’t even know me.
COMMENT: You’re right. We judge you based on what you show the public. which isn’t great. I said what I said. Don’t show insight into your life if you don’t like what ppl have to say. It’s simple.
MAX: U don’t know me. What’s mad cringey is you. Bye
#Unexpected Chloe Mendoza's boyfriend Max Schenzel was arrested for assault with injury again on Thursday. Plus, we have additional information about his December assault arrest after hitting Chloe in the face with a phone. https://t.co/5hKJeDioyn
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 21, 2020
COMMENT: Maybe a supervised visit would be his best bet to prove what he’s saying.
MAX: Exactly but guess what? I’ve been trying to get supervised visitation but the thing is… there’s no proof of any child abuse at all. I never once touched Ava ever. So I shouldn’t have to do supervised visitation!!!
COMMENT: I’m so sorry honestly. I want to always believe people change. And I understand overcoming addiction. I wish you and your situation well
MAX: I get it , it’s just aggravating that people are over here on social media acting like they know the situation just because They read some gossip page. Like NO. I’ve turned my life around for AVA.
COMMENT: He’s trying to prove his innocence so bad it’s kinda getting ridiculous in a way …. but if he’s actually trying he’s hardest to change and he’s actually sober … then maybe he should get visitation rights to see Ava … a daughter needs her dad
MAX: Exactly! She needs me just as much as I need her!
COMMENT: Idk ive had bad experiences with people who are on or did drugs you genuinely dont trust them or anything they say because they lie too much. so its hard to believe anything
MAX: First off I understand your circumstance. I get drug tested by probation every week and I’ve passed all my tests for a whole year now. If I wasn’t sober I’d be in jail. If I wasn’t sober earlier this year the judge wouldn’t have only gave me 6 months for my theft charge but because I turned my life around the judge cut me some slack.
#Unexpected dad Max Schenzel's probation officer has been his second biggest supporter over the past 14 months, but it appears that she (and possibly Chloe) have had enough of Max's antics. https://t.co/oIzjxPSQVr
— Starcasm (@starcasm) February 5, 2020
MAX: I’ve literally been sober for a whole year and if Chloe doesn’t believe it then she should unblock me and I would send her my drug test results from the past year lol. I don’t even think about drugs honestly the main reason I used was because of how bad and toxic Chloe and Is relationship was and how bad her family treated me. Not because of how it made me feel! It was a escape from the emotional abuse and drama!
COMMENT: What do you guys think about this?
MAX: I think it’s bs that she can go on social media and make up lies about me to make herself look justified for not letting me see my daughter but the truth is it’s her parents controlling her because from the jump she never made a decision on her own.
COMMENT: I truthfully don’t believe him at all. he’s been “sober” before and look where he ended up until january Ava is better off with out him! She needs consistently, and not someone that can fall off the deep end at the flip of a switch. Chloe is an amazing mom, at the end of the day that’s all ava needs to have a good life.
MAX: I relapsed a year ago because I wasn’t taking my sobriety seriously and made excuses for my mistakes. I am a year sober now and being single made it a lot easier to focus on myself. Now that I’m a year sober it’s a good time for me to create a healthy bond between my daughter and I.
Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com