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Another Duggar has written a tell-all, and it might be more scathing than Jinger’s

Another Duggar has written a tell-all memoir but this one might spill even more tea than Jinger Vuolo’s Becoming Free Indeed.

Read more for details on the book like when it comes out, and why it’s expected to shake the Duggars to their core…

The Duggar Family

The Duggar family has been featured on tv for several decades, both with their series 19 Kids and Counting and the spin off Counting On. Running for a combined 18 seasons, Jim Bob and Michelle’s brood has been in the spotlight for what feels like forever.

The conservative Christian family of 21 are homeschooled as children, and as long as they live in the “big house” they are required to follow modesty standards, fulfil their gender roles, and follow the teaching of the Institute of Basic Life Principles.

Once the “kids” are old enough to move out, however, all bets are off. Many have begun to rebel against their parents, and in certain instances, a few of them are fighting back.

Jinger Vuolo’s Becoming Free Indeed

Back in the 2000’s there was an online movement called “Free Jinger,” which had the goal of getting Jinger (Duggar) Vuolo away from the Duggar family’s strict confines. Jinger was considered the “rebel” back then, and fans wanted to see her blossom on her own.

Duggar, now Vuolo, essensially did “become free” when she married Jeremy – a man who, while still super Christian, “allowed” her to push back at some of the more archaic standards such as modesty and speaking her mind.

One way she did this was by writing a tell-all memoir. Becoming Free Indeed: My Story of Detangling Faith from Fear tells Jinger’s side of the story – while still making sure to paint their Christian religion in a good light. The book is more like a “tell-some”… and it definitely left fans wanting more.

Jill Duggar Dillard is ready to talk

The real Duggar tell-all is likely to be the newest memoir from the family – this time the person spilling the tea is a TRUE “rebel”- none other than Jill Dillard.

Interestingly enough, her book Counting the Cost is penned under the name “Jill Duggar”… and her husband Derick Dillard seems to be a co-signer, which is already leading fans to believe we are about to get down to the nitty gritty.

Jill and Derick have been very forthright in speaking out against her family and the IBLP, even participating in the upcoming docu-series Shiny, Happy People: Duggar Family Secrets.

Counting the Cost

Aside from the fact that Jill and Derick Dillard have always been the most outspoken about the family, there are a few other signs that this book might be explosive.

On the cover, for example, Jill is seen holding a photo of her entire family – a bold move that puts the Duggars at the forefront (Jinger is on her book cover solo.)


The description also paints the situation in a darker light, highlighting the “secrets” and “manipulation” Vuolo shied away from in her memoir. Jill even makes a point to say “for the first time…” in the notes… is this a knock at Jinger’s memoir?

For the first time, discover the unedited truth about the Duggars, the traditional Christian family that captivated the nation on TLC’s hit show 19 Kids and Counting. Jill Duggar and her husband Derick are finally ready to share their story, revealing the secrets, manipulation, and intimidation behind the show that remained hidden from their fans.

Jill and Derick knew a normal life wasn’t possible for them. As a star on the popular TLC reality show 19 Kids and Counting, Jill grew up in front of viewers who were fascinated by her family’s way of life. She was the responsible, second daughter of Jim Bob and Michelle’s nineteen kids; always with a baby on her hip and happy to wear the modest ankle-length dresses with throat-high necklines. She didn’t protest the strict model of patriarchy that her family followed, which declares that men are superior, that women are expected to be wives and mothers and are discouraged from attaining a higher education, and that parental authority over their children continues well into adulthood, even once they are married.

But as Jill got older, married Derick, and they embarked on their own lives, the red flags became too obvious to ignore.

For as long as they could, Jill and Derick tried to be obedient family members—they weren’t willing to rock the boat. But now they’re raising a family of their own, and they’re done with the secrets. Thanks to time, tears, therapy, and blessings from God, they have the strength to share their journey. Theirs is a remarkable story of the power of the truth and is a moving example of how to find healing through honesty.

Counting the Cost is set to be released in January 2024 and can be preordered here.

Ashley Marie is a writer for Starcasm and the personality behind Twitter’s @RealityByAshley. You can contact Ashley via Twitter or email at realitybyashley(at)gmail.com

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