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16 & PREGNANT Josh Rendon sentenced in attempted murder of police officer case

16 and Pregnant dad Joshua Rendon sentenced in attempted murder case

16 and Pregnant Season 1 dad Joshua Rendon has been sentenced after a 2021 police chase in a stolen car resulted in a dozen criminal charges, including attempted murder of a police officer.

The 12 initial criminal charged were dropped to 7 when the criminal case was officially filed. Here is a list of the 7 charges filed again Josh:

Attempted 1st Degree Murder of Peace Officer (F2)
Vehicular Eluding (F5)
Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft (F5)
Criminal Mischief (F5)
Driving Under Suspension
Criminal Possession of an ID Document (M1)
Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts (M1)

Josh would eventually strike a plea deal late last year that allowed him to avoid the attempted murder charge. Here is the list of charges that Josh pleaded guilty to:

Vehicular Eluding (F5)
Aggravated Motor Vehicle Theft (F5)
Criminal Mischief (F5)
Criminal Possession of an ID Document (M1)
Theft of Motor Vehicle Parts (M1)

The sentencing for the case was held on January 3. Josh received a five-year prison sentence for the vehicular eluding conviction, and four years each for the theft and criminal mischief charges. The two misdemeanor charges resulted in sentences of 60 days each.

Court records indicate that Josh was initially credited with 807 days for time served. However, there was a voided sentence entered for the vehicular eluding conviction on January 11. Another sentence was entered on February 6 that credited Josh with only 668 days of time served.

Online Colorado court records do not state whether or not the prison sentences were concurrent or consecutive, but Colorado Department of Corrections records seem to indicate they were consecutive.

The Colorado DOC website states that Josh’s estimated mandatory release date (the date the offender by law must be conditionally released from prison) is January 7, 2034. That is roughly 11 years after his sentence of 13+ total years with almost 2 years credit for time served.

The Colorado DOC website also indicates that Josh will be eligible for his first parole hearing in April of 2027 with an estimated parole eligibility date of July 7, 2027.

In addition to the prison sentence, Josh was also ordered to pay more than $26,000 in fines, fees and restitution.

Josh Rendon criminal history

Josh has an extensive criminal history that dates all the way back to September of 2011. Josh and his 16 and Pregnant co-star Ebony Jackson were both arrested, and Child Protective Services took their two-year-old daughter Jocelyn away, due to deplorable living conditions.

Here are some disturbing details from the police report:

During the search detectives located approximately 1 gram of synthetic marijuana along with several empty packages of synthetic marijuana. Paraphernalia in the form of a variety of smoking devices (pipes) and deplorable conditions in the house.

Every room inside the residence had human and dog feces on the floor, walls, and clothing. The house was full of flies and in some areas, maggots. Animal control was called to retrieve 3 dogs that had been inside the house.

Jacksonville, Arkansas police later released four photos taken inside the home.

Josh was eventually kicked out of the Air Force, and Ebony checked herself into rehab multiple times due to her drug addiction issues. Josh and Ebony had another child together in 2012, but split up the following year. They officially divorced in 2016.

Josh has lived in Colorado for some time, and has accumulated a lengthy rap sheet that includes arrests for drug possession, theft, and more.

Here’s a comment left by a local man on Josh’s Facebook wall just a few days after his arrest:

I’m a single father of 3 kids that lost my job due to the pandemic. All I had left was my truck and my tools and I started my own company. You came in my driveway and stole my truck…. my tools… my wallet… everything I needed to provide for my family. Your a piece of sh*t and I hope you rot in jail. I’ll never forgive you. Your careless action set my family back more then anyone could understand and karma is going to take wrath on your pathetic excuse of a soul. F*** you

Ebony Jackson Update

Ebony moved on from Josh and welcomed her third daughter with a new man in 2015.

Ebony has continued to have struggles, but they don’t appear to be legal ones. She was involved in a serious car accident in June of 2021. Here’s how she described it on Instagram:

Thank the lord we are safe after an extremely dangerous accident due to debris from a TRUCK!! We went airborne, flipped the car 4 times. Little one is good we have minor injuries by the grace of God. We crawled out of it after we landed upside down. We could of lost our lives but our car, and the lord above took care of us, the first responders of Hays kansas we thank you as well for being so kind and amazing. We are holding each other a little tighter this evening. #infiniti Thank you @infinitiusa

In addition to the car wreck, Ebony also suffers from depression and is epileptic. She returned to work last month for the first time in over a year after injuring herself during a seizure. “I fell down a flight of stairs when I had my seizure and ended up with a TBI from it and was unconscious for 4 days,” Ebony revealed on Instagram.

Ebony’s youngest daughter will be eight years old in June. It’s unclear what the custody situation is for her two older daughters that she had with Josh.

Asa Hawks is a writer and editor for Starcasm. You can contact Asa via Twitter, Facebook, or email at starcasmtips(at)yahoo.com

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