YouTube family vlogger coached son to cry more and appear more emotional and sad for thumbnail

Family vlogger Jordan Cheyenne forgot to edit out a scene from her vlog where she’s seen coaching her emotionally distraught son to appear “more sad” and repeat what she tells him. The son, who is genuinely upset of their dog’s Parvo diagnosis is already crying when his mother tells him to “look like he’s crying.” Genuinely crying ins’t enough for the vlog, so Jordan instructs her son how to pose to look more dramatic for the vlog and to create a more clickable thumbnail.

In the clip, Jordan Cheyenne pulls her young son, who is already in tears, to her chest and the pushes him away to look him in the eyes. She repeats “Look at me” several times before telling him “She’s going to be okay! Say Rosie is healthy.”

The child says “Rosie is healthy” through tears. “Look at me!” his mother commands.

“Rosie is healthy,” she continues in a direct, forceful tone of voice. “Rosie is beautiful. Rosie is strong. She is healthy. She will make it.”

She then turns to the camera and says “It’s crazy, no matter how much you know about positive mindset, the law of attraction, it doesn’t matter how much you’re educated on that. In the moment it’s still so hard to not feel sad.” She goes on to say that she has to go to be there for her son, but she wanted to give an update because so many of her viewers wanted to see her “big news.” She asks for prayers as she starts to tear up herself.

She then puts her palm up to the camera, which looks like a signal to herself to start editing out the next bits. She missed that signal, and kept the rest of what she recorded in.

She asks her son to “come closer,” and put his head on her chest. She then instructs him to “act like you’re crying.”

“I am crying” the child says, obviously startled by his mom’s implication that he’s not already in tears. She then opens her mouth and makes a pained expression to the camera, much like a tragedy mask. She tells the son to make that face.

She asks him to put his hand up to his face, but to “let them see your mouth.” The boy again protests that he’s “actually crying.”

At the 2:21 mark of this Def Noodles video you can see the clips in question.

After backlash from the comment section, Jordan Cheyenne took down the video and uploaded an apology video titled “I am immensely dissapointed [sic] in myself.”

In the apology video she explains that she was exhausted from emotional crying all day, and had asked her son to put his head on her shoulder to pose for the thumbnail. She says that this was “disgusting” of her to do and agrees that she should not have done it. She explained that she had forgotten to edit out the “bloopers,” and she guesses it was “the YouTuber” in her to get a thumbnail about what the video was about.

“We were both so sad and upset and in such a vulnerable state today,” she says. “I rewatched the footage and I cannot believe, I rewatched it and you guys are completely right. A hundred, million percent right, and I so hope you know that I’m genuine about that.”

The comments were off on her video, which she says is because she can’t emotionally reading them right now. She said that she just wanted to say that she’s sorry and explained that she’s always willing to forgive people who say they’re sorry.

She goes on to say that a lot of the DMs she’s been getting are “disgusting” and threatening messages she’s been getting is “not okay.”

Photos: YouTube

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