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Why is Brandi Maxiell back on Basketball Wives LA? Shaunie O’Neal reveals casting secrets

Why is Brandi Maxiell back on Basketball Wives LA 2

Why is Brandi Maxiell back on Basketball Wives LA? Fans of the VH1 smash, gearing up for Season 5, have been surprised to discover that Brandi is back with the rest of the cast, despite her dismissal by co-star (and executive producer) Shaunie O’Neal at the end of Season 4. What happened between the two women? And why did Shaunie change her mind?

Shaunie recently addressed these questions–and one other surprise-during a sit-down interview with VH1. According to her, VH1 pretty much “had” to step in and make the call regarding Brandi’s return; it wasn’t something Shaunie could have brought herself to do on her own.

“The personal part of me did not want to bring Brandi back,” Shaunie explained. “I had just kind of had it….You know how you just know [someone] is not your type of person? And, personally, I was like, ‘I don’t really want to work with her again.’

“VH1 had to step in on this one,” Shaunie explained, “’cause I was like, ‘No. I don’t wanna rock with her, I don’t care what y’all gotta do. Get us off that contract.’ But, after sitting down, I had to put on that professional hat,” Shaunie went on, rolling her eyes–and the professional side won out.

But Shaunie didn’t stop there! She revealed that there have been other cast members she wanted to get fired: “Honestly,” she said, “there have been other people where I was like, ‘I wanna fire you–right now! Like, I don’t even like you like that! I don’t like what you bring! And the energy!”

Want to know who Shaunie wishes she could’ve fired? (Hint: It was a certain Basketball Wives: Miami castmate…) Here’s the clip, courtesy of VH1, in which Shaunie addresses the “Why is Brandi Maxiell back on Basketball Wives LA?” issue:

Basketball Wives: LA Season 5 airs Sunday nights on VH1.

RELATED ARTICLE: Basketball Wives LA: Who are the wives married to?

(Photo credits: Why is Brandi Maxiell back on Basketball Wives LA via Instagram, VH1)

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